Upgrading to the Latest Release of Oracle Analytics Server

This topic describes how to upgrade from Oracle Business Intelligence or the previous release of Oracle Analytics Server to the latest release of Oracle Analytics Server. The upgrade operations are performed on the existing domain.


  1. Before you upgrade, if you have applied the latest Critical Patch Update (CPU) to Oracle Fusion Middleware in your existing Oracle Analytics Server installation, you must apply the same latest Critical Patch Update (CPU) to the new Oracle Analytics Server 2024 installation.
  2. If you are applying the latest Critical Patch Updates (CPUs) to the Oracle Analytics Server 2024 installation, you must apply the patch 35515979 to the Oracle Analytics Server 2024 installation. Otherwise, the upgrade will fail.

Installing the Product Distributions

Before you begin your upgrade, download Oracle Fusion Middleware infrastructure and Oracle Analytics Server distributions on the target system and install them by using Oracle Universal Installer.


When Infrastructure is required for the upgrade, you must install the Oracle Fusion Middleware distribution first before you install other Fusion Middleware products.

Detailed instructions to install and configure Oracle Analytics Server is available in the Installing and Configuring Oracle Analytics Server guide.

To install the Oracle Analytics Server distributions:

  1. Prepare to install and configure Oracle Analytics Server. See Preparing to Install and Configure Oracle Analytics Server.
  2. Review the Critical Patch Update (CPU) advise for Oracle Analytics Server and apply the required patches. See Doc ID 2832967.2 and Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins.
  3. Install Oracle Analytics Server. See Installing the Oracle Analytics Server Software.

Running a Pre-Upgrade Readiness Check

To identify potential issues with the upgrade, Oracle recommends that you run a readiness check before you start the upgrade process. Be aware that the readiness check may not be able to discover all potential issues with your upgrade. An upgrade may still fail, even if the readiness check reports success.

About Running a Pre-Upgrade Readiness Check

You can run the Upgrade Assistant in -readiness mode to detect issues before you perform the actual upgrade. You can run the readiness check in GUI mode using the Upgrade Assistant or in silent mode using a response file.

The Upgrade Assistant readiness check performs a read-only, pre-upgrade review of your Fusion Middleware schemas and WebLogic domain configurations that are at a supported starting point. The review is a read-only operation.

The readiness check generates a formatted, time-stamped readiness report so you can address potential issues before you attempt the actual upgrade. If no issues are detected, you can begin the upgrade process. Oracle recommends that you read this report thoroughly before performing an upgrade.

You can run the readiness check while your existing Oracle Fusion Middleware domain is online (while other users are actively using it) or offline.

You can run the readiness check any number of times before performing any actual upgrade. However, do not run the readiness check after an upgrade has been performed, as the report results may differ from the result of pre-upgrade readiness checks.


To prevent performance from being affected, Oracle recommends that you run the readiness check during off-peak hours.

Starting the Upgrade Assistant in Readiness Mode

Use the -readiness parameter to start the Upgrade Assistant in readiness mode.

To perform a readiness check on your pre-upgrade environment with the Upgrade Assistant:
  1. Go to the oracle_common/upgrade/bin directory:
    • (Linux) ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/bin
    • (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\upgrade\bin
  2. Start the Upgrade Assistant.
    • (Linux) ./ua -readiness
    • (Windows) ua.bat -readiness
Upgrade Assistant Parameters

When you start the Upgrade Assistant from the command line, you can specify additional parameters.

Table 2-3 Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Parameters

Parameter Required or Optional Description


Required for readiness checks

Note: Readiness checks cannot be performed on standalone installations (those not managed by the WebLogic Server).

Performs the upgrade readiness check without performing an actual upgrade.

Schemas and configurations are checked.

Do not use this parameter if you have specified the -examine parameter.



Identifies the number of threads available for concurrent schema upgrades or readiness checks of the schemas.

The value must be a positive integer in the range 1 to 8. The default is 4.


Required for silent upgrades or silent readiness checks

Runs the Upgrade Assistant using inputs saved to a response file generated from the data that is entered when the Upgrade Assistant is run in GUI mode. Using this parameter runs the Upgrade Assistant in silent mode (without displaying Upgrade Assistant screens).



Performs the examine phase but does not perform an actual upgrade.

Do not specify this parameter if you have specified the -readiness parameter.

-logLevel attribute


Sets the logging level, specifying one of the following attributes:






The default logging level is NOTIFICATION.

Consider setting the -logLevel TRACE attribute to so that more information is logged. This is useful when troubleshooting a failed upgrade. The Upgrade Assistant's log files can become very large if -logLevel TRACE is used.

-logDir location


Sets the default location of upgrade log files and temporary files. You must specify an existing, writable directory where the Upgrade Assistant creates log files and temporary files.

The default locations are:







Displays all of the command-line options.

Performing a Readiness Check with the Upgrade Assistant

Navigate through the screens in the Upgrade Assistant to complete the pre-upgrade readiness check.

Readiness checks are performed only on schemas or component configurations that are at a supported upgrade starting point.
To complete the readiness check:
  1. On the Welcome screen, review information about the readiness check. Click Next.
  2. On the Readiness Check Type screen, select the readiness check that you want to perform:
    • Individually Selected Schemas allows you to select individual schemas for review before upgrade. The readiness check reports whether a schema is supported for an upgrade or where an upgrade is needed.

      When you select this option, the screen name changes to Selected Schemas.

    • Domain Based allows the Upgrade Assistant to discover and select all upgrade-eligible schemas or component configurations in the domain specified in the Domain Directory field.

      When you select this option, the screen name changes to Schemas and Configuration.

      Leave the default selection if you want the Upgrade Assistant to check all schemas and component configurations at the same time, or select a specific option:
      • Include checks for all schemas to discover and review all components that have a schema available to upgrade.

      • Include checks for all configurations to review component configurations for a managed WebLogic Server domain.

    Click Next.

  3. If you selected Individually Selected Schemas: On the Available Components screen, select the components that have a schema available to upgrade for which you want to perform a readiness check.
    If you selected Domain Based: On the Component List screen, review the list of components that are present in your domain for which you want to perform a readiness check.
    If you select a component that has dependent components, those components are automatically selected. For example, if you select Oracle Platform Security Services, Oracle Audit Services is automatically selected.

    Depending on the components you select, additional screens may display. For example, you may need to:

    • Specify the domain directory.

    • Specify schema credentials to connect to the selected schema: Database Type, DBA User Name, and DBA Password. Then click Connect.


      Oracle database is the default database type. Make sure that you select the correct database type before you continue. If you discover that you selected the wrong database type, do not go back to this screen to change it to the correct type. Instead, close the Upgrade Assistant and restart the readiness check with the correct database type selected to ensure that the correct database type is applied to all schemas.
    • Select the Schema User Name option and specify the Schema Password.


      The Upgrade Assistant automatically enables default credentials. If you are unable to connect, make sure that you manually enter the credentials for your schema before you continue.
    Click Next to start the readiness check.
  4. On the Readiness Summary screen, review the summary of the readiness checks that will be performed based on your selections.
    If you want to save your selections to a response file to run the Upgrade Assistant again later in response (or silent) mode, click Save Response File and provide the location and name of the response file. A silent upgrade performs exactly the same function that the Upgrade Assistant performs, but you do not have to manually enter the data again.
    For a detailed report, click View Log.
    Click Next.
  5. On the Readiness Check screen, review the status of the readiness check. The process can take several minutes.
    If you are checking multiple components, the progress of each component displays in its own progress bar in parallel.
    When the readiness check is complete, click Continue.
  6. On the End of Readiness screen, review the results of the readiness check (Readiness Success or Readiness Failure):
    • If the readiness check is successful, click View Readiness Report to review the complete report. Oracle recommends that you review the Readiness Report before you perform the actual upgrade even when the readiness check is successful. Use the Find option to search for a particular word or phrase within the report. The report also indicates where the completed Readiness Check Report file is located.

    • If the readiness check encounters an issue or error, click View Log to review the log file, identify and correct the issues, and then restart the readiness check. The log file is managed by the command-line options you set.

Understanding the Readiness Report

After performing a readiness check for your domain, review the report to determine whether you need to take any action for a successful upgrade.

The format of the name of the readiness report file is:


Where, timestamp indicates the date and time of when the readiness check was run.

A readiness report contains the following information:

Table 2-4 Readiness Report Elements

Report Information Description Required Action
Overall Readiness Status: SUCCESS or FAILURE The top of the report indicates whether the readiness check passed or completed with one or more errors. If the report completed with one or more errors, search for FAIL and correct the failing issues before attempting to upgrade. You can re-run the readiness check as many times as necessary before an upgrade.


The date and time that the report was generated.

No action required.

Log file location


The directory location of the generated log file.

No action required.

Domain Directory Displays the domain location No action required.

Readiness report location


The directory location of the generated readiness report.

No action required.

Names of components that were checked

The names and versions of the components included in the check and status.

If your domain includes components that cannot be upgraded to this release, such as SOA Core Extension, do not attempt an upgrade.

Names of schemas that were checked

The names and current versions of the schemas included in the check and status.

Review the version numbers of your schemas. If your domain includes schemas that cannot be upgraded to this release, do not attempt an upgrade.

Individual Object Test Status: FAIL

The readiness check test detected an issue with a specific object.

Do not upgrade until all failed issues have been resolved.

Individual Object Test Status: PASS

The readiness check test detected no issues for the specific object.

If your readiness check report shows only the PASS status, you can upgrade your environment. Note, however, that the Readiness Check cannot detect issues with externals such as hardware or connectivity during an upgrade. You should always monitor the progress of your upgrade.

Completed Readiness Check of <Object> Status: FAILURE The readiness check detected one or more errors that must be resolved for a particular object such as a schema, an index, or datatype. Do not upgrade until all failed issues have been resolved.
Completed Readiness Check of <Object> Status: SUCCESS The readiness check test detected no issues. No action required.

Stopping Servers and Processes

Before you run the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade your schemas and configurations, you must shut down all of the pre-upgrade processes and servers, including the Administration Server and any managed servers.


The procedure in this section describe how to stop servers and processes using the WLST command-line utility or a script. You can also use the Fusion Middleware Control and the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. See Starting and Stopping Administration and Managed Servers and Node Manager.
To stop your Fusion Middleware environment:
  1. Change to the following directory:
    • (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin
    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bitools\bin
  2. To stop the Oracle BI instance and servers, enter the following command:
    • (Linux) stop.sh
    • (Windows) stop.cmd


    When prompted to enter the password, specify the Node Manager password that you entered while configuring the Oracle BI domain.

Upgrading Product Schemas

After stopping servers and processes, use the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade supported product schemas to the current release of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

The Upgrade Assistant allows you to upgrade individually selected schemas or all schemas associated with a domain. The option you select determines which Upgrade Assistant screens you will use.

Starting the Upgrade Assistant

Run the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade product schemas, domain component configurations, or standalone system components to Oracle Analytics Server.

To start the Upgrade Assistant:


Before you start the Upgrade Assistant, make sure that the JVM character encoding is set to UTF-8 for the platform on which the Upgrade Assistant is running. If the character encoding is not set to UTF-8, then you will not be able to download files containing Unicode characters in their names. This can cause the upgrade to fail.

  1. Go to the oracle_common/upgrade/bin directory:
    • (Linux) ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/bin
    • (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\upgrade\bin
  2. Start the Upgrade Assistant:
    • (Linux) ./ua
    • (Windows) ua.bat
Upgrade Assistant Parameters

When you start the Upgrade Assistant from the command line, you can specify additional parameters.

Table 2-5 Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Parameters

Parameter Required or Optional Description


Required for readiness checks

Note: Readiness checks cannot be performed on standalone installations (those not managed by the WebLogic Server).

Performs the upgrade readiness check without performing an actual upgrade.

Schemas and configurations are checked.

Do not use this parameter if you have specified the -examine parameter.



Identifies the number of threads available for concurrent schema upgrades or readiness checks of the schemas.

The value must be a positive integer in the range 1 to 8. The default is 4.


Required for silent upgrades or silent readiness checks

Runs the Upgrade Assistant using inputs saved to a response file generated from the data that is entered when the Upgrade Assistant is run in GUI mode. Using this parameter runs the Upgrade Assistant in silent mode (without displaying Upgrade Assistant screens).



Performs the examine phase but does not perform an actual upgrade.

Do not specify this parameter if you have specified the -readiness parameter.

-logLevel attribute


Sets the logging level, specifying one of the following attributes:






The default logging level is NOTIFICATION.

Consider setting the -logLevel TRACE attribute to so that more information is logged. This is useful when troubleshooting a failed upgrade. The Upgrade Assistant's log files can become very large if -logLevel TRACE is used.

-logDir location


Sets the default location of upgrade log files and temporary files. You must specify an existing, writable directory where the Upgrade Assistant creates log files and temporary files.

The default locations are:







Displays all of the command-line options.

Upgrading Product Schemas Using the Upgrade Assistant

Navigate through the screens in the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the product schemas.

If you are using DB2 in your existing BI instance, then perform the following before starting the upgrade process:

  1. Sign in to the WebLogic Console.
  2. Go to Datasources under Services and select wlsservices_datasource.
  3. Change the user for data source 'wlsservices_datasource' from <PREFIX>_WLS_RUNTIME to <PREFIX>_WLS.

    For example: Change the user from L1_WLS_RUNTIME to L1_WLS.

You can now proceed with the upgrade process.

To upgrade product schemas with the Upgrade Assistant:
  1. On the Welcome screen, review an introduction to the Upgrade Assistant and information about important pre-upgrade tasks. Click Next.


    For more information about any Upgrade Assistant screen, click Help on the screen.
  2. On the Selected Schemas screen, select option:
    • All Schemas Used by a Domain to allow the Upgrade Assistant to discover and select all components that have a schema available to upgrade in the domain specified in the Domain Directory field. This is also known as a domain assisted schema upgrade. Additionally, the Upgrade Assistant pre-populates connection information on the schema input screens.


      Oracle recommends that you select All Schemas Used by a Domain for most upgrades to ensure all of the required schemas are included in the upgrade.
    • Individually Selected Schemas if the domain uses the Oracle ATP (Autonomous Transaction Processing) database.

    Click Next.

  3. If you selected All Schemas Used by a Domain: On the Component List screen you will see two lists of schemas. The first list shows the components whose schemas are present in the domain and will be upgraded. The second list shows the list of missing schemas that may need to be created. If none of the required schemas are missing, you will only see the first list. Review both lists and click Next.
    The Upgrade Assistant will attempt to create any missing schemas using the schema credentials used to create the existing domain schemas. You do not need to launch the Repository Creation Utility.
    If you want to exclude some components or schemas from the list, navigate back to the All Schemas screen and select Individually Selected Schemas. This option allows you to select only those schemas you want included in the upgrade.
  4. If you selected Individually Selected Schemas to upgrade the schema for the Oracle ATP database, perform these steps:
    1. Select all the components including Oracle Business Intelligence.
    2. In the schema details screen, input the full TNS connect string in the database connection string field, enter other details, and then click Next to proceed.
  5. On the Prerequisites screen, acknowledge that the prerequisites have been met by selecting all the check boxes. Click Next.


    The Upgrade Assistant does not verify whether the prerequisites have been met.
  6. On the BIPLATFORM Schema [BIEE_PLATFORM] screen, the system automatically populates data in the other fields from the existing 12c schema.
    Enter the database administrator account: DBA username and password for the database containing the BIEE_PLATFORM schema and click Connect.
    When you see the message “Connection to database successfully completed”, click Next.
  7. On the IAU Schema [BIEE_IAU] screen, the system automatically populates data in the other fields from the existing 12c schema.
    Enter the database administrator account: DBA username and password for the database containing the BIEE_IAU schema and click Connect.
    When you see the message “Connection to database successfully completed”, click Next.
  8. On the OPSS Schema [BIEE_OPSS] screen, the system automatically populates data in the other fields from the existing 12c schema.
    Enter the database administrator account: DBA username and password for the database containing the BIEE_OPSS schema and click Connect.
    When you see the message “Connection to database successfully completed”, click Next.
  9. On the MDS Schema [BIEE_MDS] screen, the system automatically populates data in the other fields from the existing 12c schema.
    Enter the database administrator account: DBA username and password for the database containing the BIEE_MDS schema and click Connect.
    When you see the message “Connection to database successfully completed”, click Next.
  10. On the STB Schema [BIEE_STB] screen, the system automatically populates data in the other fields from the existing 12c schema.
    Enter the database administrator account: DBA username and password for the database containing the BIEE_STB schema and click Connect.
    When you see the message “Connection to database successfully completed”, click Next.
  11. On the WLS Schema [BIEE_WLS_RUNTIME] screen, the system automatically populates data in the other fields from the existing 12c schema.
    Enter the database administrator account: DBA username and password for the database containing the BIEE_WLS_RUNTIME schema and click Connect.
    When you see the message “Connection to database successfully completed”, click Next.
  12. On the Examine screen, review the status of the Upgrade Assistant as it examines each schema, verifying that the schema is ready for upgrade. If the status is Examine finished, click Next.
    If the examine phase fails, Oracle recommends that you cancel the upgrade by clicking No in the Examination Failure dialog. Click View Log to see what caused the error.


    • If you resolve any issues detected during the examine phase without proceeding with the upgrade, you can start the Upgrade Assistant again without restoring from backup. However, if you proceed by clicking Yes in the Examination Failure dialog box, you need to restore your pre-upgrade environment from backup before starting the Upgrade Assistant again.

    • Canceling the examination process has no effect on the schemas or configuration data; the only consequence is that the information the Upgrade Assistant has collected must be collected again in a future upgrade session.

  13. On the Upgrade Summary screen, review the summary of the schemas that will be upgraded and/or created.
    Verify that the correct Source and Target Versions are listed for each schema you intend to upgrade.
    If you want to save these options to a response file to run the Upgrade Assistant again later in response (or silent) mode, click Save Response File and provide the location and name of the response file. A silent upgrade performs exactly the same function that the Upgrade Assistant performs, but you do not have to manually enter the data again.
    Click Next .
  14. On the Upgrade Progress screen, monitor the status of the upgrade.


    Allow the Upgrade Assistant enough time to perform the upgrade. Do not cancel the upgrade operation unless absolutely necessary. Doing so may result in an unstable environment.
    If any schema isn't upgraded successfully, refer to the Upgrade Assistant log files for more information.


    The progress bar on this screen displays the progress of the current upgrade procedure. It does not indicate the time remaining for the upgrade.

    Click Next.

  15. If the upgrade is successful: On the Upgrade Success screen, click Close to complete the upgrade and close the wizard.

    If the upgrade fails: On the Upgrade Failure screen, click View Log to view and troubleshoot the errors. The logs are available at NEW_ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/logs.


    If the upgrade fails, you must restore your pre-upgrade environment from backup, fix the issues, then restart the Upgrade Assistant.

Verifying the Schema Upgrade

After completing all the upgrade steps, verify that the upgrade was successful by checking that the schema version in schema_version_registry has been properly updated.

If you are using an Oracle database, connect to the database as a user having Oracle DBA privileges, and run the following from SQL*Plus to get the current version numbers:


In the query result:

  • Check that the number in the VERSION column matches the latest version number for that schema.


    However, that not all schema versions will be updated. Some schemas do not require an upgrade to this release and will retain their pre-upgrade version number.

  • The STATUS field will be either UPGRADING or UPGRADED during the schema patching operation, and will become VALID when the operation is completed.

  • If the status appears as INVALID, the schema update failed. You should examine the logs files to determine the reason for the failure.

  • Synonym objects owned by IAU_APPEND and IAU_VIEWER will appear as INVALID, but that does not indicate a failure.

    They become invalid because the target object changes after the creation of the synonym. The synonyms objects will become valid when they are accessed. You can safely ignore these INVALID objects.

Backing Up the mapViewerConfig.xml File

The mapViewerConfig.xml file is overwritten by the reconfiguration templates when you run the Reconfiguration Wizard. Therefore, you must back up the mapViewerConfig.xml file before reconfiguring your existing domain.

To back up the mapViewerConfig.xml file:
  1. Change directory to the location of the mapViewerConfig.xml file:
    • (Linux) cd EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/mapviewer/conf
    • (Windows) cd EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\mapviewer\conf
  2. Check the file size of the mapViewerConfig.xml file: is present in the following location on your system. Use the list command: ls -ltr to check its file size.
    • (Linux) ls -ltr
    • (Windows) dir
  3. Copy the mapViewerConfig.xml file as shown:
    • (Linux) cp mapViewerConfig.xml mapViewerConfig_original.xml
    • (Windows) copy "mapViewerConfig.xml" "mapViewerConfig_original.xml"

About Reconfiguring the Domain

Run the Reconfiguration Wizard to reconfigure your domain component configurations to Oracle Analytics Server.

When you reconfigure a WebLogic Server domain, the following items are automatically updated, depending on the applications in the domain:

  • WebLogic Server core infrastructure

  • Domain version


Before you begin the domain reconfiguration, note the following limitations:

  • The Reconfiguration Wizard does not update any of your own applications that are included in the domain.

  • Transforming a non-dynamic cluster domain to a dynamic cluster domain during the upgrade process is not supported.

    The dynamic cluster feature is available when running the Reconfiguration Wizard, but Oracle only supports upgrading a non-dynamic cluster upgrade and then adding dynamic clusters. You cannot add dynamic cluster during the upgrade process.

  • If the installation that you’re upgrading does not use Oracle Access Management (OAM), then you must edit two files to prevent the Reconfiguration Wizard from attempting to update the nonexistent OAM Infrastructure schema, which causes the upgrade to fail.

    Comment out the lines in your $DOMAIN/init-info/domain-info.xml that are similar to this example:

    <!--extention-template-ref name="Oracle Identity Navigator" 
    <!--install-comp-ref name="oracle.idm.oinav" version="" 

    and similarly comment out the lines in $DOMAIN/config/config.xml that are similar to this example:

Specifically, when you reconfigure a domain, the following occurs:
  • The domain version number in the config.xml file for the domain is updated to the Administration Server's installed WebLogic Server version.

  • Reconfiguration templates for all installed Oracle products are automatically selected and applied to the domain. These templates define any reconfiguration tasks that are required to make the WebLogic domain compatible with the current WebLogic Server version.

  • Start scripts are updated.

    If you want to preserve your modified start scripts, be sure to back them up before starting the Reconfiguration Wizard.


When the domain reconfiguration process starts, you can’t undo the changes that it makes. Before running the Reconfiguration Wizard, ensure that you have backed up the domain as covered in the pre-upgrade checklist. If an error or other interruption occurs while running the Reconfiguration Wizard, you must restore the domain by copying the files and directories from the backup location to the original domain directory. This is the only way to ensure that the domain has been returned to its original state before reconfiguration.

Follow these instructions to reconfigure the existing domain using the Reconfiguration Wizard. See Reconfiguring WebLogic Domains in Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server.

Backing Up the Domain

Before running the Reconfiguration Wizard, create a backup copy of the domain directory.

To create a backup of the domain directory:

  1. Copy the source domain to a separate location to preserve the contents.
    • (Linux) cp -rf mydomain mydomain_backup
    • (Windows) cp mydomain /domains/mydomain_backup
  2. Before updating the domain on each remote Managed Server, create a backup copy of the domain directory on each remote machine.
  3. Verify that the backed up versions of the domain are complete.
If domain reconfiguration fails for any reason, you must copy all files and directories from the backup directory into the original domain directory to ensure that the domain is returned entirely to its original state before reconfiguration.

Starting the Reconfiguration Wizard


Shut down the administration server and all collocated managed servers before starting the reconfiguration process. See Stopping Servers and Processes.

To start the Reconfiguration Wizard in graphical mode:

  1. Sign in to the system on which the domain resides.
  2. Open the command shell (on Linux operating systems) or open a command prompt window (on Windows operating systems).
  3. Edition Based Database Users Only: If your schemas are configured with EBR database, a default edition name must be manually supplied before you run the Reconfiguration Wizard.
    Run the following SQL command to set the default edition:


    where edition_name is the child edition name.

  4. Go to the oracle_common/common/bin directory:
    • (Linux) NEW_ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
    • (Windows) NEW_ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\commom\bin
  5. Start the Reconfiguration Wizard with the following logging options:
    • (Linux) ./reconfig.sh -log=log_file -log_priority=ALL
    • (Windows) reconfig.cmd -log=log_file -log_priority=ALL

    where log_file is the absolute path of the log file you'd like to create for the domain reconfiguration session. This can be helpful if you need to troubleshoot the reconfiguration process.

    The parameter -log_priority=ALL ensures that logs are logged in fine mode.

    When you run this command, the following error message might appear to indicate that the default cache directory is not valid:

    *sys-package-mgr*: can't create package cache dir

    You can change the cache directory by setting the environment variable CONFIG_JVM_ARGS. For example:


    In this section, NEW_ORACLE_HOME refers to the new Oracle Home.

Reconfiguring the Oracle BI Domain with the Reconfiguration Wizard

Navigate through the screens in the Reconfiguration Wizard to reconfigure your existing domain.

To reconfigure the domain:
  1. On the Select Domain screen, specify the location of the domain you want to upgrade or click Browse to navigate and select the domain directory. Click Next.
  2. On the Reconfiguration Setup Progress screen, view the progress of the setup process. When complete, click Next.
    During this process:
    • The reconfiguration templates for your installed products, including Fusion Middleware products, are automatically applied. This updates various domain configuration files such as config.xmlconfig-groups.xml, and security.xml (among others).

    • Schemas, scripts, and other such files that support your Fusion Middleware products are updated.

    • The domain upgrade is validated.

  3. On the Domain Mode and JDK screen, select the JDK to use in the domain or click Browse to navigate to the JDK you want to use. The supported JDK version for 12c ( is 1.8.0_221 and later. Click Next.


    You cannot change the Domain Mode at this stage.
    For a list of JDKs that are supported for a specific platform, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations.
  4. On the Database Configuration Type screen, select RCU Data to connect to the Server Table (_STB) schema.
    Enter the database connection details using the RCU service table (_STB) schema credentials and click Get RCU Configuration.
    The Reconfiguration Wizard uses this connection to automatically configure the data sources required for components in your domain.


    By default Oracle’s Driver (Thin) for Service connections; Versions: Any is the selected driver. If you specified an instance name in your connection details — instead of the service name — you must select Oracle’s Driver (Thin) for pooled instance connections; Versions: Any If you do not change the driver type, then the connection will fail.

    For any existing 12c ( datasource, the reconfiguration will preserve the existing values. For new datasources where the schema was created for 12c ( by the RCU, the default connection data will be retrieved from the _STB schema. If no connection data for a given schema is found in the _STB schema, then the default connection data is used.

    If the check is successful, click Next. If the check fails, reenter the connection details correctly and try again


    If you are upgrading from 12c (, and your database has _OPSS or _IAU 12c ( database schemas, you must manually enter database connection details for those schemas. These schemas were not required in 12c and had to be created manually. Users could assign any name to these schemas, therefore the Reconfiguration Wizard does not recognize them. When providing connection information for _IAU, use the IAU_APPEND user information.

  5. On the JDBC Data Sources screen, configure the JDBC data sources defined in your domain source.
    The JDBC data sources associated with the products for which you are creating the domain are listed in the lower half of the screen. A JDBC data source contains a pool of database connections that are created when the data source instance is created, deployed or targeted, or at server startup. Applications look up a data source on the JNDI tree, and then request a connection. When the applications no longer need the connections, they return the connections to the connection pool in the data source.
    From the Data Source Name drop-down list, select the data source(s) for which you want to specify the settings. The values that you specify are displayed in the appropriate columns in the data source list, for the selected data source.
    For Oracle RAC Configuration for data sources, you can select one of the three options:
    • Convert to GridLink
    • Convert to RAC multi data source
    • Don’t convert

    For more information about each option, click Help.

    After specifying the details, click Next.
    If you do not select any data sources on the JDBC Data Sources screen, the following warning displays:
    Missing Driver
    Click Ok to proceed without verification, click Cancel to return to the JDBC Data Sources page.
    In this case, if you click Ok, the data sources are not verified.
  6. On the JDBC Data Sources Test screen, select the check box for the data source connection you configured on the JDBC Data Sources screen and click Test Selected Connections to test the data source connection.

    To test the database connections, the database to which you are connecting must be running. If you do not want to test the connections at this time, do not select any data sources. Click Next to continue.

  7. On the JDBC Component Schema Test screen, select all the component schemas and click Test Selected Connections to test the connection for each schema. The result of the test is indicated in the Status column.
    When the check is complete, click Next.
  8. On the Advanced Configuration screen, you can select all categories for which you want to perform advanced configuration. For each category you select, the appropriate configuration screen is displayed to allow you to perform advanced configuration.

    The categories that are listed on the Advanced Configuration screen depend on the resources defined in the templates you selected for the domain.

    For this upgrade, select none of the options and click Next.
  9. On the Configuration Summary screen, review the detailed configuration settings of the domain before continuing.
    You can limit the items that are displayed in the right-most panel by selecting a filter option from the View drop-down list.
    To change the configuration, click Back to return to the appropriate screen. To reconfigure the domain, click Reconfig.


    The location of the domain does not change when you reconfigure it.
  10. The Reconfiguration Progress screen displays the progress of the reconfiguration process.
    During this process:
    • Domain information is extracted, saved, and updated.

    • Schemas, scripts, and other such files that support your Fusion Middleware products are updated.

    When the progress bar shows 100%, click Next.
  11. The End of Configuration screen indicates whether the reconfiguration process completed successfully or failed. It also displays the location of the domain that was reconfigured as well as the Administration Server URL (including the listen port). If the reconfiguration is successful, it displays Oracle WebLogic Server Reconfiguration Succeeded.
    If the reconfiguration process did not complete successfully, an error message is displayed indicates the reason. Take appropriate action to resolve the issue. If you cannot resolve the issue, contact My Oracle Support.
    Note the Domain Location and the Admin Server URL for further operations.

Restoring the mapViewerConfig.xml File

The mapViewerConfig.xml file is overwritten when you run the Reconfiguration Wizard on your domain. You can confirm that the mapViewerConfig.xml file is overwritten by checking its file size. You must restore the original file that you backed up before upgrading your domain with the Upgrade Assistant.

To restore the original mapViewerConfig.xml file:
  1. Change to the following directory:
    • (Linux) cd EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/mapviewer/conf
    • (Windows) cd EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\mapviewer\conf
  2. Enter the following command to list the files within this directory and check the file size of themapViewerConfig.xml file:
    • (Linux) ls -ltr
    • (Windows) dir


    The change in the file size implies that the mapViewerConfig.xml file is overwritten by the reconfiguration template.
  3. Restore the original file by renaming the mapViewerConfig_original.xml to mapViewerConfig.xml.
  4. Enter the following command to list the files again and check the file size of the mapViewerConfig.xml file:
    • (Linux) ls -ltr
    • (Windows) dir
    The file size of the mapViewerConfig.xml file should now match with the file size you obtained while backing up the mapViewerConfig.xml file.

Upgrading Domain Component Configurations

Use the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the domain component configurations inside the domain to match the updated domain configuration.

Starting the Upgrade Assistant

Run the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade product schemas, domain component configurations, or standalone system components to Oracle Analytics Server.

To start the Upgrade Assistant:


Before you start the Upgrade Assistant, make sure that the JVM character encoding is set to UTF-8 for the platform on which the Upgrade Assistant is running. If the character encoding is not set to UTF-8, then you will not be able to download files containing Unicode characters in their names. This can cause the upgrade to fail.

  1. Go to the oracle_common/upgrade/bin directory:
    • (Linux) ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/bin
    • (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\upgrade\bin
  2. Start the Upgrade Assistant:
    • (Linux) ./ua
    • (Windows) ua.bat
Upgrade Assistant Parameters

When you start the Upgrade Assistant from the command line, you can specify additional parameters.

Table 2-6 Upgrade Assistant Command-Line Parameters

Parameter Required or Optional Description


Required for readiness checks

Note: Readiness checks cannot be performed on standalone installations (those not managed by the WebLogic Server).

Performs the upgrade readiness check without performing an actual upgrade.

Schemas and configurations are checked.

Do not use this parameter if you have specified the -examine parameter.



Identifies the number of threads available for concurrent schema upgrades or readiness checks of the schemas.

The value must be a positive integer in the range 1 to 8. The default is 4.


Required for silent upgrades or silent readiness checks

Runs the Upgrade Assistant using inputs saved to a response file generated from the data that is entered when the Upgrade Assistant is run in GUI mode. Using this parameter runs the Upgrade Assistant in silent mode (without displaying Upgrade Assistant screens).



Performs the examine phase but does not perform an actual upgrade.

Do not specify this parameter if you have specified the -readiness parameter.

-logLevel attribute


Sets the logging level, specifying one of the following attributes:






The default logging level is NOTIFICATION.

Consider setting the -logLevel TRACE attribute to so that more information is logged. This is useful when troubleshooting a failed upgrade. The Upgrade Assistant's log files can become very large if -logLevel TRACE is used.

-logDir location


Sets the default location of upgrade log files and temporary files. You must specify an existing, writable directory where the Upgrade Assistant creates log files and temporary files.

The default locations are:







Displays all of the command-line options.

Upgrading Domain Components Using the Upgrade Assistant

Navigate through the screens in the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade component configurations in the WebLogic domain.

After running the Reconfiguration Wizard to reconfigure the WebLogic domain to Oracle Analytics server, you must run the Upgrade Assistant to upgrade the domain component configurations to match the updated domain configuration.

  1. On the Welcome screen, review an introduction to the Upgrade Assistant and information about important pre-upgrade tasks. Click Next.


    For more information about any Upgrade Assistant screen, click Help on the screen.
  2. On the next screen:
    • Select All Configurations Used By a Domain. The screen name changes to WebLogic Components.

    • In the Domain Directory field, enter the WebLogic domain directory path.

    Click Next.

  3. On the Component List screen, verify that the list includes all the components for which you want to upgrade configurations and click Next.
    If you do not see the components you want to upgrade, click Back to go to the previous screen and specify a different domain.
  4. On the Prerequisites screen, acknowledge that the prerequisites have been met by selecting all the check boxes. Click Next.


    The Upgrade Assistant does not verify whether the prerequisites have been met.
  5. On the MapViewer Configuration screen, select the file version for upgrade, and click Next.
  6. On the BAR backup location screen, provide a location outside domain and oracle_home to store the metadata backup, and then click Next.
  7. On the Examine screen, review the status of the Upgrade Assistant as it examines each component, verifying that the component configuration is ready for upgrade. If the status is Examine finished, click Next.
    If the examine phase fails, Oracle recommends that you cancel the upgrade by clicking No in the Examination Failure dialog. Click View Log to see what caused the error and refer to Troubleshooting Your Upgrade in Upgrading with the Upgrade Assistant for information on resolving common upgrade errors.


    • If you resolve any issues detected during the examine phase without proceeding with the upgrade, you can start the Upgrade Assistant again without restoring from backup. However, if you proceed by clicking Yes in the Examination Failure dialog box, you need to restore your pre-upgrade environment from backup before starting the Upgrade Assistant again.

    • Canceling the examination process has no effect on the configuration data; the only consequence is that the information the Upgrade Assistant has collected must be collected again in a future upgrade session.

  8. On the Upgrade Summary screen, review the summary of the options you have selected for component configuration upgrade.
    The response file collects and stores all the information that you have entered, and enables you to perform a silent upgrade at a later time. The silent upgrade performs exactly the same function that the Upgrade Assistant performs, but you do not have to manually enter the data again. If you want to save these options to a response file, click Save Response File and provide the location and name of the response file.
    Click Upgrade to start the upgrade process.
  9. On the Upgrade Progress screen, monitor the status of the upgrade.


    Allow the Upgrade Assistant enough time to perform the upgrade. Do not cancel the upgrade operation unless absolutely necessary. Doing so may result in an unstable environment.
    If any components are not upgraded successfully, refer to the Upgrade Assistant log files for more information.


    The progress bar on this screen displays the progress of the current upgrade procedure. It does not indicate the time remaining for the upgrade.

    Click Next.

  10. If the upgrade is successful: On the Upgrade Success screen, click Close to complete the upgrade and close the wizard. The Post-Upgrade Actions window describes the manual tasks you must perform to make components functional in the new installation. This window appears only if a component has post-upgrade steps.
    If the upgrade fails: On the Upgrade Failure screen, click View Log to view and troubleshoot the errors. The logs are available at ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/upgrade/logs.


    If the upgrade fails you must restore your pre-upgrade environment from backup, fix the issues, then restart the Upgrade Assistant.

Verifying the Domain-Specific-Component Configurations Upgrade

To verify that the domain-specific-component configurations upgrade was successful, sign in to the Administration console and the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control and verify that the version numbers for each component is the latest.

To sign in to the Administration Console, go to: http://administration_server_host:administration_server_port/console

To sign in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console, go to: http://administration_server_host:administration_server_port/em


After upgrade, make sure you run the administration tools from the new Oracle home directory and not from the previous Oracle home directory.

During the upgrade process, some OWSM documents, including policy sets and predefined documents such as policies and assertion templates, may need to be upgraded. If a policy set or a predefined document is upgraded, its version number is incremented by 1.

If you created the FMW user to run the Upgrade Assistant, ensure that you delete the account after verifying your upgrade was successful.

Starting Servers and Processes

After a successful upgrade, restart all processes and servers, including the Administration Server and any Managed Servers.


The procedure in this section describe how to start servers and processes using the WLST command-line utility or a script. You can also use the Fusion Middleware Control and the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. See Starting and Stopping Administration and Managed Servers and Node Manager
To start your Fusion Middleware environment:
  1. Change to the following directory:
    • (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin
    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bitools\bin
  2. To start the Oracle BI instance and servers, enter the following command:
    • (Linux) start.sh
    • (Windows) start.cmd


    When prompted to enter the password, specify the Node Manager password that you entered while configuring the Oracle BI domain.