Using Oracle BI Presentation Services Administration Pages

You can use the Administration pages in Oracle BI Presentation Services to perform the tasks that are described in the following sections:

Understanding the Administration Pages

The main Oracle BI Presentation Services Administration page contains links that allow you to display other administration pages for performing various functions, including those related to users in Presentation Services.

You can obtain information about all these pages by clicking the Help button in the upper-right corner.


Use care if multiple users have access to the Administration pages, because they can overwrite each other's changes. Suppose User A and User B are both accessing and modifying the Manage Privileges page in Presentation Services Administration. If User A saves updates to privileges while User B is also editing them, then User B's changes are overwritten by those that User A saved.

Managing Presentation Services Privileges

This section contains the following topics about Presentation Services privileges:

What Are Presentation Services Privileges?

Presentation Services privileges control the rights that users have to access the features and functionality of Presentation Services. Privileges are granted or denied to specific application roles and individual users using a privilege assignment table.

Like permissions, privileges are either explicitly set or are inherited through role or group membership. Explicitly denying a privilege takes precedence over any granted, inherited privilege. For example, if a user is explicitly denied access to the privilege to edit column formulas, but is a member of an application role that has inherited the privilege, then the user can't edit column formulas.

Privileges are most commonly granted to the BIContentAuthor or BIConsumer roles. This allows users access to common features and functions of Presentation Services.

See Setting Presentation Services Privileges for Application Roles.

Presentation Services Privileges

You can manage privilege assignments:

  1. Click My Profile and Administration.
  2. Under Security click Manage Privileges.
Access to Oracle Analytics Server Actions

You must set the Action privileges that determine whether the Actions functionality is available to users, and specify which user types can create Actions.

The following list describes these privileges:

  • Create Navigate Actions

    The Create Navigate Actions privilege indicates whether the user can create a Navigate action type. Users who are denied this privilege don't have the user interface components that allow the creation of Navigate Actions. Users without the Create Navigate Actions privilege can add saved actions to analyses and dashboards, and execute an action from an analysis or dashboard that contains an action.

  • Create Invoke Actions

    The Create Invoke Actions privilege indicates whether the user can create an Invoke action type. The Invoke Actions options include Invoke a Web Service, and Invoke an HTTP Request. However, users who are denied this privilege can add saved actions to analyses and dashboards. And, users who are denied this privilege can execute an action from an analysis or dashboard that contains an action.

  • Save Actions Containing Embedded HTML

    The Save Actions Containing Embedded HTML privilege indicates whether users can embed HTML code in customized web service action results. You should use extreme care in assigning the Save Actions Containing Embedded HTML privilege, because users with this privilege can pose a security risk allowin users to run HTML code.

Access to Oracle BI for Microsoft Office Privilege

If your users have the Access to Oracle BI for Microsoft Office privilege, they can interact with Microsoft Office from Oracle Analytics Server.

When a user has the Access to Oracle BI for Microsoft Office privilege, then the Smart View for MS Office link is available from the Download Desktop Tools menu on the Oracle Analytics Server Home page.

The Access to Oracle BI for Microsoft Office privilege doesn't affect the display of the Copy link for analyses. The link is always available there.

Save Content with HTML Markup Privilege

By default, Presentation Services is secured against cross-site scripting (XSS).

Securing against XSS escapes input in fields in Presentation Services and renders it as plain text. For example, an unscrupulous user can use an HTML field to enter a script that steals data from a page.

By default, end users can't save content that's flagged as HTML. Only administrators who have the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege can save content that contains HTML code. Users that have the Save Content with HTML Markup privilege can save an image with the fmap prefix. If users try to save an image with the fmap prefix when they don't have this privilege assigned, then they see an error message. See EnableSavingContentWithHTML.

Users with this privilege can also save mission and vision statements in Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management.


The EnableSavingContentWithHTML element along with the Save Content With HTML Markup and Save Actions Containing Embedded HTML privileges determine whether the Contains HTML Markup option is available in properties dialogs when editing analyses.

As the BI Service Administrator, you can use the EnableSavingContentWithHTML element to enable all HTML editing and you can grant the related privileges to users. You set the EnableSavingContentWithHTML element to true in the instanceconfig.xml file, and you grant users the Save Content With HTML Markup and Save Actions Containing Embedded HTML privileges in the Manage Privileges page to enable the Contains HTML Markup option. See Default Presentation Services Privileges Assignments and Making Advanced Configuration Changes for Presentation Services.

For the location of the instanceconfig.xml file, see Configuration Files.

Managing Sessions in Presentation Services

Using the Session Management page in Presentation Services Administration, you can view information about active users and running analyses, cancel requests, and clear the cache.

  1. From the Home page in Presentation Services, select Administration.

  2. Click the Manage Sessions link.

    The Session Management screen is displayed with the following tables:

    • The Sessions table, which gives information about sessions that have been created for users who have logged in:

    • The Cursor Cache table, which shows the status of analyses:

To cancel all running requests:

  1. Click Cancel Running Requests.

  2. Click Finished.

Cancel one running analysis as shown below.

  • In the Cursor Cache table, identify the analysis and click the Cancel link in the Action column.

    The user receives a message indicating that the analysis was canceled by an administrator.

Use these steps to clear the web cache.

  1. In the Cursor Cache table, identify the analysis and click Close All Cursors.
  2. Click Finished.

Clear the cache entry associated with an analysis as described below.

  • In the Cursor Cache table, identify the analysis and click the Close link in the Action column.

View the query file for information about an analysis as described below.

  • In the Cursor Cache table, identify the analysis and click the View Log link.


    Query logging must be turned on for data to be saved in this log file.