Accept Enrichment Recommendations

When you edit a dataset in the transform editor, Oracle Analytics suggests recommendations for enriching your data.

You can upload or open an existing dataset to modify the data using enrichment recommendations. After making the changes to the dataset, you can create a workbook.

If an enrichment recommendation adds information to data such as enhancing a zip code attribute column with the state name, a new column is added to the dataset containing the name of the states associated with the zip codes. When you select a recommendation, the change is added to the Preparation Script and is applied when you save the dataset or apply the preparation script. If you delete or undo the change, the recommendation is displayed once again as an available option in the Recommendations panel.

Enrichment recommendations enable you to enhance your data without requiring data scientist expertise.
  1. On the Home page, open a dataset or workbook.
    • Hover over the dataset, click Actions, and then select Open. In the Data Diagram or Join Diagram, right-click a data source and click Open to display the transform editor.
    • Hover over the workbook that contains the dataset, click Actions, then select Open, then click Data. In the Data Diagram or Join Diagram, right-click a data source and click Open to display the transform editor.


    Oracle Analytics displays a Data Diagram for single-table datasets or a Join Diagram for multi-table datasets.
  2. Select a column to enrich, then in the Column Action Panel (Recommendations) click recommendations to add them as steps to the Preparation Script.


    Make sure that you've toggled the Toggle Column Action Panel option bottom right to display recommendations.
  3. Use the Preparation Script panel to review your data enrichments and make changes if required.
    For example, hover-over a step and click X to remove an enrichment.
  4. To save your data preparation changes and apply them to your data, click Save Dataset.


If the System Knowledge or Custom Knowledge has been updated and you have author privileges on the dataset, you can reprofile and refresh the results for the currently open dataset by clicking Refresh Profile Results on the toolbar (Refresh Profile Results icon). Oracle Analytics usually manages this refresh for you, so in most cases you won't need to use this option. Use Refresh Profile Results to reprofile the data if the System Knowledge has been updated, or the Custom Knowledge has been updated and you want to incorporate this in the currently open dataset. When new knowledge is available, the Refresh Profile Results icon displays an alert showing the number of updates available.