12 Securing Your Integrated Excel Workbook

Describes security related features in ADF Desktop Integration.

This chapter includes the following sections:

About Security In Your Integrated Excel Workbook

If you are using a Fusion web application that does not enforce authentication, the integrated Excel workbook verifies and creates a valid user session when it connects to the Fusion web application before downloading any data.

The session that is established is used for each and every data transfer between the integrated Excel workbook and Fusion web application. The session is also used for web pages displayed from the integrated Excel workbook.

In a Fusion web application that is enforcing authentication, the integrated Excel workbook ensures that a valid, authenticated user session is established before transferring data to or from the web application.

For both authenticated and non-authenticated Fusion web applications, ADF Desktop Integration relies on the establishment of cookie-based sessions. With no authentication mechanism in place, your Fusion web application is not completely safe. Hence, you should enable ADF Security in your Fusion web application before you deploy your web application with integrated Excel workbooks. For information about ADF Security, see Enabling ADF Security in a Fusion Web Application in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.

When you open the integrated Excel workbook, ADF Desktop Integration detects if the Fusion web application that the workbook runs against is a secure application and enforces authentication automatically. For authenticated web applications, the business user will always be prompted for credentials, even though the workbooks are downloaded from an authenticated web browser. Since the web browser and Excel are different operating system processes, they cannot share credentials (unless some form of Integrated Windows Authentication is used, such as Kerberos or NTLM). For information about Microsoft Kerberos, see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa378747%28v=vs.85%29.aspx.

Integrated Excel Workbook Security Use Cases and Examples

When you open the integrated Excel workbook of a secure Fusion web application, a connection confirmation dialog appears and prompts you to connect to the Fusion web application, as shown in Figure 12-1. Note that the connection confirmation dialog also appears when the Fusion web application is not secure.

Figure 12-1 Dialog to Verify Connection

Description of Figure 12-1 follows
Description of "Figure 12-1 Dialog to Verify Connection"

If you click Yes to connect, another dialog appears that prompts you to enter user credentials. The dialog that appears depends on how the Fusion web application is configured to enforce authentication. Figure 12-2, for example, shows the dialog that appears when the Fusion web application enforces form-based login using Oracle Access Management.

Figure 12-2 Form-Based Login Dialog

This image is described in the surrounding text

Additional Functionality for Integrated Excel Workbook in a Secure Fusion Web Application

After you have secured your integrated Excel workbook, you may find that you need to add additional functionality for your workbook. The following sections describe other functionality that you can use:

Authenticating the Excel Workbook User

The integration of an Excel workbook with a secure Fusion web application requires an authenticated web session established between the integrated Excel workbook and the server that hosts the Fusion web application. ADF Security determines the mechanism used to authenticate the user.

If the business user opens an Excel workbook without a valid authenticated session, a login mechanism is invoked to authenticate the business user.

What Happens at Runtime: How the Login Method Is Invoked

A modal dialog appears that contains a web browser control after the login method is invoked. The web browser control displays whatever login mechanism the Fusion web application uses. For example, if the Fusion web application uses HTTP Basic Authentication, the web browser control displays the dialog shown in Figure 12-3. If the end-user successfully logs in, a new session between the integrated Excel workbook and the Fusion web application is created.

Figure 12-3 Dialog That Appears When a Fusion Web Application Uses Basic Authentication

Description of Figure 12-3 follows
Description of "Figure 12-3 Dialog That Appears When a Fusion Web Application Uses Basic Authentication"

The business user enters user credentials and, assuming these are valid, an authenticated session is created.


If the Login method is invoked when a session has already been established, it first invokes the Logout action internally to terminate that session.

What Happens at Runtime: How the Web Application Session is Terminated

After the logout method is invoked, a dialog appears informing users that they have logged out of the current session. The user is automatically logged out when the workbook is closed, or when the Clear All Data option is selected from the runtime custom tab in Excel ribbon.

Figure 12-4 Dialog That Appears When a User Logs Out

This image is described in the surrounding text

After logging out, the business user may continue to work with data in the spreadsheet. When the business user next attempts to interact with the server (for example, invoke an Upload action), the business user will be prompted to log in again.

If two or more workbooks are open (in test or runtime mode) and running against the same Fusion web application, closing one workbook does not initiate the logout mechanism. The user continues to stay logged in and may continue to work on remaining open workbooks, and can open the closed workbook without being asked for credentials again. The user is logged out when all workbooks running against the same Fusion web application are closed.

Removing Personally Identifiable Information

Personally identifiable information may be stored in cookies on the system where you access the integrated Excel workbook. Depending on the embedded browser you are using, you can delete this data by either clearing the browser cookie cache or by deleting the local app data folder.

Before removing this information, first log out and close all integrated Excel workbooks to invalidate all active cookie-based web sessions.

If ADF Desktop Integration is using Internet Explorer for authentication, you can remove this information by clearing the browser cookie cache. Refer to your Microsoft Internet Explorer documentation for details.

If the add-in is using Microsoft WebView2 for authentication, you can remove the information by deleting the EBWebView folder. See Microsoft WebView2 Support for the location of this folder.

Refer to Embedded Browsers for information on how to determine which embedded browser the add-in uses.

What You May Need to Know About Securing an Integrated Excel Workbook

Describes additional steps to secure data in Excel workbooks that you have integrated with a Fusion web application.

  • Data security

    If you save an Excel workbook containing data downloaded from a Fusion web application to a location, such as a network directory, where other users can access the Excel workbook, the data stored in the Excel workbook is accessible to other users.

  • Security in Microsoft Excel

    You can enhance the security of an integrated Excel workbook using Excel's functionality to set a password on a workbook. It prevents unauthorized users from opening or modifying the workbook. For information about Excel security features, see Excel's documentation.

  • Integrated Excel workbooks can be configured to cache data, as described in Restore Server Data Context Between Sessions. Make sure that you do not cache sensitive data in the integrated Excel workbook.

  • If the Fusion web application is running on the https protocol, you may receive a certificate error while connecting from an integrated Excel workbook. You can either install the required certificate using Microsoft Certificate Manager or choose to continue to log in and connect to the web application.

  • Business users that download integrated Excel workbooks using Microsoft Internet Explorer may be prompted unexpectedly for credentials before the Excel application is visible, and then prompted again once the workbook opens. This may occur when the web application is configured to use certain authentication methods like Basic or Digest. The extra prompt is due to Excel making an OPTIONS request on the web directory containing the workbook.

    To avoid the extra login prompt, business users can choose to save the workbook locally instead of opening it directly from the browser.

  • For a non-authenticated Fusion web application, end-users will not be prompted to log in. However if the application uses the https protocol, then business users may briefly see a connection confirmation dialog appear when the first connection is established to the web application. Workbook developers can control the size of the dialog with the Workbook.Login.WindowSize property.

If you are an administrator, you should also see What You May Need to Know About Configuring Security in a Fusion Web Application.

Authorizing the Excel Workbook User

ADF Desktop Integration enforces view permission for integrated Excel worksheets through page definition authorization. At runtime, business users without proper permissions for a page definition (binding container) are prevented from interacting with the associated integrated Excel worksheet.

Any attempt to interact with an unauthorized binding container (for example, download or submit data) is aborted, the business user is informed of the authorization failure, and all ADF Desktop Integration activity on the worksheet is disabled. No further interaction with the ADF Desktop Integration-disabled worksheet is possible until a new user session is established. To allow business users to interact with the integrated Excel worksheet, assign them the roles that have been granted access to the page definition.

You may need to review the resource grants for all of the page definitions that are used with integrated Excel worksheets. For example, if your Fusion web application supports authorization, and you have a page definition myWorksheetPageDef.xml that has no resource grants and is used by one (or more) integrated Excel worksheets, then you need to assign business users the roles that have been granted access to the page definition. During early development, you may find it helpful to temporarily create resource grants for the worksheet page definitions that are granted to authenticated-role, or some other generic role, allowing you to run those worksheets while you fine tune your roles and resource associations.

For information about authorization, roles, and resource grants, see Enabling ADF Security in a Fusion Web Application in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.


ADF Desktop Integration only enforces authorization for resource grants that have the Web Page (page definition) resource type. Other resource types are not supported.

You can configure resources and grants from the Resource Grants page of the overview editor for the jazn-data.xml file. For information, see Defining ADF Security Policies in Developing Fusion Web Applications with Oracle Application Development Framework.

On an authorization failure, the business user receives an error message, such as the following, and ADF Desktop Integration in the worksheet is disabled:

ADFDI-05589 You are not authorized to use this worksheet for interacting with the web application.

What You May Need to Know About ADF Desktop Integration-Disabled Worksheet

The following limitations apply to an ADF Desktop Integration-disabled worksheet:

  • All worksheet-level ribbon commands and worksheet-level events are disabled.

  • If the authorization failure occurs during worksheet initialization, no form labels or table column headers are drawn on the worksheet.

  • If the authorization failure occurs for an initialized worksheet, worksheet components (such as ADF Input Text and ADF Table) are not affected and are left visually unchanged.

  • Business user can perform standard Excel interactions on the disabled worksheet. The user may alter the data in an ADF Table component in the worksheet, but the Changed column will not be updated.

  • There is no impact on workbook-level commands. Business users can continue to use the following commands: Login, Logout, About, Edit Options, and Clear All Data.

An ADF Desktop Integration-disabled worksheet is automatically enabled when the business user reopens the integrated Excel workbook and establishes a new session, provided the new session is authorized. Logging out, and then logging in again, also re-enables ADF Desktop Integration in a disabled integrated Excel worksheet.