24 Verifying the Version of the ADF Desktop Integration Add-in

ADF Desktop Integration verifies whether a new version of the add-in is available on the server each time that a business user establishes a session with the Fusion web application from the runtime integrated Excel workbook.

If a new version is available, ADF Desktop Integration displays the dialog shown in Figure 24-1. If a new version is not available, no dialog appears to the business users.

Figure 24-1 Add-in Version Check Dialog

Description of Figure 24-1 follows
Description of "Figure 24-1 Add-in Version Check Dialog"

If the business user clicks:

  • Install: ADF Desktop Integration initiates the download of the installer from the server to update the add-in to the matching server version

  • Skip: ADF Desktop Integration attempts to continue to function normally. The dialog appears the next time the business user starts a session with the integrated Excel workbook that connects to the Fusion web application unless the business user chooses a later reminder time from the Remind Me dropdown list, as shown in Figure 24-1.

Always using a add-in version that matches the server version is highly recommended to avoid unexpected behavior or errors. If business users skip the installation of a newer add-in version of ADF Desktop Integration, they can install at a later time by clicking the Check for updates link that appears in the About dialog of the integrated Excel workbook, as shown in Figure 24-2.

Figure 24-2 Check for Updates Link for Business Users

The surrounding text describes this graphic

For scenarios where you do not want business users to install a newer add-in version or they cannot because they do not have the required privileges to install software on their machines, the default behavior where ADF Desktop Integration displays an option to install a newer version can be disabled. When you disable the option to install a newer add-in version, the Add-in Version Check dialog appears and informs the business user of the mismatch, but does not present an option to install a newer version. Figure 24-3 shows this dialog. Furthermore, the About dialog shown in Figure 24-2 will no longer have a Check for updates link to start an install process. For information about how to disable the option to upgrade, see How to Disable the Install Option on the Client-Server Version Check Dialog.

Figure 24-3 Add-in Version Check Dialog without Install Option

The surrounding text describes this graphic

Note that:

  • ADF Desktop Integration performs the add-in version verification every time that the integrated Excel workbook establishes a session with the Fusion web application.

  • The version of ADF Desktop Integration running on the server can change at any time (for example, server upgrade), but ADF Desktop Integration only performs the add-in version verification when the user session is re-established.

  • Consider employing other mechanisms for situations where business users cannot install a version that matches the server version. For example, automatically push out software updates from a centrally-managed IT source to make sure that the matching version of the add-in software is installed.

How to Disable the Install Option on the Add-in Version Check Dialog

By default, ADF Desktop Integration displays an option to business users to install a newer add-in version from the Add-in Version check dialog. You can disable this option so that ADF Desktop Integration informs business users of the mismatch, as shown in Figure 24-3, but does not permit business users to install a newer add-in version. Disabling this option is not recommended. However, it may be useful in cases where business users do not have permission to install software.

Before you begin:

It may be helpful to have an understanding of how ADF Desktop Integration checks whether a new version of the add-in is available from the server. See Verifying the Client Version of ADF Desktop Integration.

To disable the install option on the Add-in Version Check dialog:

  1. Open the web.xml file of your Fusion web application.
  2. Add an initialization parameter to the adfdiRemote servlet to disable the option to install from the Add-in Version Check dialog, as described in Table 24-1.

    Table 24-1 Disabling the install option on the Add-in Version Check dialog

    Property Value


    Enter the name of the initialization parameter as follows:


    Note that the name is case-sensitive.


    Set the value of ClientUpgradePrompt.Enabled to False.

    Note that any value other than False will be interpreted as True.

  3. Save the web.xml file.

    The web.xml file of your Fusion web application will now have the ClientUpgradePrompt.Enabled entry:

  4. Restart your Fusion web application.