A ADF Desktop Integration Component Properties and Actions

Lists and describes the properties of ADF Desktop Integration components. It also describes the actions that certain components expose.

This appendix includes the following sections:

Frequently Used Properties in the ADF Desktop Integration

Lists alphabetically properties in ­ADF Desktop Integration that many components reference.

Table A-1 Frequently Used Properties in ADF Desktop Integration

Name Type EL Description



For information about action sets, see Action Set Properties.




Use this field to enter a comment about the component's use in the worksheet. Comments you enter have no effect on the behavior of the workbook. They are the equivalent of code comments.




ADF Desktop Integration generates this string to uniquely identify each instance of an ADF component in an integrated Excel workbook.




Specify an EL expression that is evaluated at runtime. For information about EL expressions in ADF Desktop Integration, see ADF Desktop Integration EL Expressions. For information about using labels, see Using Labels in an Integrated Excel Workbook.



This property defines the upper-left corner of the Oracle ADF component in the integrated Excel workbook.




Set this property to True so that ADF Desktop Integration ignores changes a user makes to a cell that references a component which uses this property. The cells can also be locked if this setting is used in combination with automatic worksheet protection, as described in Using Worksheet Protection.

To avoid end user confusion, apply styles to the cells where you set ReadOnly to True that provide a visual clue to users that they cannot modify the cell's contents. For information about applying styles, see Working with Styles.




Specifies the style in the current Excel workbook to apply when the Oracle ADF component is rendered. For information, see Working with Styles.




Specify the hint message about the content or function of the ADF form component, or table column, to appear when the mouse hovers the component, or the column.

For information, see Displaying Tooltips in ADF Desktop Integration Components.




This property typically references an EL binding value expression that gets evaluated during the invocation of the ADF Table component's Download and RowDownSync actions or a worksheet's DownSync action. The resulting data value gets displayed in the worksheet at runtime.

Many label-type properties are optional and default to empty. At runtime, if the value of such properties is empty, ADF Desktop Integration provides a default, localized value. If you want the value of the property to appear as empty, set its value to a single space character, or provide an EL expression that evaluates to an empty string.

ADF Input Text Component Properties

Lists alphabetically the properties of the ADF Input Text component.

Table A-2 ADF Input Text Component Properties

Name Description


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


Specifies the action set invoked when a user double-clicks the cell. For information about action sets, see Action Set Properties .


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.

ADF Output Text Component Properties

Lists alphabetically the properties of the ADF Output Text component.

Table A-3 ADF Output Text Component Properties

Name Description


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


Specifies the action set invoked when a user double-clicks the cell. For information about action sets, see Action Set Properties .


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.

ADF Label Component Properties

The ADF Label component displays a static string value at runtime. ADF Desktop Integration generates the value when the EL expression that the Label property references is evaluated.

For information about using labels, see Using Labels in an Integrated Excel Workbook.

Table A-4 lists alphabetically the properties that the ADF Label component references.

Table A-4 ADF Label Component Properties

Name Description


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.

ADF List of Values Component Properties

Lists the properties of the ADF List of Values component.

For information about creating lists of values in your integrated Excel workbook, see Working with Lists of Values .

Table A-5 ADF List of Values Component Properties

Name Type EL Description


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


List binding


Select the list binding whose value at runtime determines the choices available in the dependent list of values at runtime.

The list binding that you select can be a model-driven list.

For information about dependent list of values, see Creating Dependent Lists of Values in an Integrated Excel Workbook.


List binding


Select the list binding that defines the values available in the list of values. The list binding that you select can be a model-driven list.




For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.




For information about this property, see Table A-1.

ADF Image Component Properties

Lists the properties of the ADF Image component which displays an image at runtime.

For information about adding an ADF Image component, see Inserting an ADF Image Component.

Table A-6 ADF Label Component Properties

Name Description


Enter the absolute, or relative, URL of the image file.


Enter the EL expression that resolves to the alternate text of the image component.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.

ADF Input Date Component Properties

Lists alphabetically the properties of the ADF Input Date component.

For information about the ADF Input Date component, see Inserting an ADF Input Date Component.

Table A-7 ADF Input Date Component Properties

Name Description


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


Specify an EL expression that resolves to a date-time value at runtime. For information about ADF Input Date component, see Inserting an ADF Input Date Component.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.

ModelDrivenColumnComponent Subcomponent Properties

Describes the properties that you configure for the ModelDrivenColumnComponent subcomponent.

The ModelDrivenColumnComponent subcomponent does not appear in the components palette of the ADF Desktop Integration task pane. Instead, you configure properties for this subcomponent when you specify ModelDrivenColumnComponent as the subcomponent to invoke for the ADF Table component's UpdateComponent or InsertComponent table column properties described in ADF Table Component Column Properties.

The column subcomponent type is determined at runtime by the column's attribute Control Type hint specified on the server. For example, if there is a model-driven list associated with the attribute, then the column uses a dropdown list containing the model-driven list items at runtime. See Adding a ModelDrivenColumnComponent Subcomponent to Your ADF Table Component.

Table A-8 ModelDrivenColumnComponent Subcomponent Properties

Name Type EL Description


Specifies the action set invoked when a user double-clicks the cell. For information about action sets, see Action Set Properties .




Set the ReadOnly property to False if you do want users to edit the values in the column, set to True otherwise. The default value is False.

If you create the ADF Table component by double-clicking a tree binding in the Bindings palette, the property's value is set to an EL expression in the following format that evaluates to True or False at runtime:


For example, #{bindings.Customers.hints.Address.readOnly}

For information about this property, see Table A-1.




For information about this property, see Table A-1.

TreeNodeList Subcomponent Properties

Describes the properties that you configure for the TreeNodeList subcomponent.


The ModelDrivenColumnComponent subcomponent also renders dropdown menus for tree binding attributes that have a model-driven list. Consider using a ModelDrivenColumnComponent subcomponent rather than a TreeNodeList subcomponent. See ModelDrivenColumnComponent Subcomponent Properties.

The TreeNodeList is an ADF Table subcomponent that renders dropdown menus in columns of the ADF Table component at runtime. It provides the same functionality to end users as the ADF List of Values component. For information about creating lists of values in your integrated Excel workbook, see Working with Lists of Values .

The TreeNodeList subcomponent does not appear in the components palette of the ADF Desktop Integration task pane. Instead, you configure properties for this subcomponent when you specify TreeNodeList as the subcomponent to invoke for the ADF Table component's UpdateComponent or InsertComponent table column properties described in ADF Table Component Column Properties.

Table A-9 TreeNodeList Subcomponent Properties

Name Type EL Description


Tree binding attribute or List binding


Specify the tree binding attribute or list binding that serves as the parent list of values in a dependent list of values.

Note that the tree binding attribute you specify must be associated with a model-driven list.

For information about dependent list of values, see Creating Dependent Lists of Values in an Integrated Excel Workbook.


Tree binding attribute


Specify the tree binding attribute associated with a model-driven list that defines the values available in the runtime dropdown menu to appear in the ADF Table component's column.




Always set this property's value to True because it is obsolete when used with this subcomponent. For read-only columns, consider using the ModelDrivenColumnComponent subcomponent or the OutputText component.

ADF Table Component Properties and Actions

The ADF Table component uses the properties and component actions listed here.

ADF Table Component Properties

Table A-10 lists alphabetically the properties the ADF Table component uses.

Table A-10 ADF Table Component Properties

Name Type EL Description


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


This group of properties enables you to configure batch options for the ADF Table component. For information about how you use these properties, see Batch Processing in an ADF Table Component.




Specifies how many rows to process before an ADF Table component action (Upload or DeleteFlaggedRows) invokes CommitBatchActionID. Any value other than a positive integer results in all rows being processed in a single batch. The default value is 100 rows.

A value for this property is required.


Action binding


Specify an action binding to invoke when the number of rows specified by BatchSize have been processed. The action binding is expected to be a commit-type action.




Set this property to True to process rows in batches where each batch contains the number of rows specified by BatchSize. If set to False, all rows are processed in a single batch.


Action binding


Specify an action binding to invoke at the beginning of each batch. For example, this property might be used for an operation like "start transaction", if required by a particular database.

A value for this property is optional.




Set to True to display the Upload Options dialog when uploading data from ADF Table component.

See What You May Need to Know About Upload Options.


An array of columns. For information about the properties that each column in the array supports, see ADF Table Component Column Properties.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


Controls whether and how the columns in the entire table are resized.

See Configuring an ADF Table Component to Resize Columns Based on Data at Runtime.


This group of properties allows you specify which actions are enabled and can be invoked.




When True, end users can insert new data from non-integrated Excel workbooks directly into the row under the ADF Table component or edit the row under the ADF Table component to convert it to a row in the ADF Table component. See How to Insert or Paste Rows in an ADF Table Component . True is the default value.

Set to False for ADF Table components that do not support row inserts or that need to have a calculated row under the table.


Method action binding


Specify a method action binding to invoke when an end user triggers a row refresh by editing a cell in a column that has its TriggersRowRefresh property set to True. You must also set the ADF Table component’s RowActions.AutoRefreshRowEnabled property to True to enable this functionality.

By default, no value is set for this property.

See Configuring Automatic Row Refresh in an ADF Table Component.




When True, end users can trigger a row refresh by editing a cell in a column that has its TriggersRowRefresh property set to True. The default value for this property is False.

See Configuring Automatic Row Refresh in an ADF Table Component.


Action binding


Specify an action binding to invoke for each row flagged for deletion.

A value for this property is optional.




Set to True to allow a user to delete existing rows. False is the default value.

A value for this property is required.


Action binding


Specify an action binding to invoke if failures occur during the processing of rows.

A value for this property is optional.


Action binding


Specify an action binding to invoke for each row inserted using the ADF Table component Upload action. The action binding is invoked after the attributes are set. Use of this property is suitable with a custom action where a variable iterator is employed along with the main iterator.

A value for this property is optional.


Action binding


Specify an action binding to invoke for each row inserted using the Upload component action. The action binding specified is invoked before the attributes are set.

A value for this property is optional.




Set to True to allow the end user insert new rows in the ADF Table component. False is the default value.

If you set this property to True, you must specify a value for RowActions.InsertBeforeRowActionID.

Typically, a Fusion web application uses the CreateInsert action binding to create and insert a new row. In this scenario, you specify the CreateInsert action binding as the value for InsertBeforeRowActionID.

For information about inserting rows in an ADF Table component, see Inserting Data in an ADF Table Component.




Set to True to allow the end user to reinsert changed rows regardless of whether they have been previously uploaded. False is the default value.

The property is ignored if InsertRowEnabled is set to False.


Action binding


When configured, this action is invoked to create a temporary row during row-level action set execution for insert rows.

See Using Row-Level Action Sets in a Table Column.


Action binding


Specify an action binding to invoke for each row updated.

A value for this property is optional.




Set to True to allow a user update an existing row. True is the default value.

A value for this property is required.


Set values for the CachedAttributes property when you want to cache data in an integrated Excel workbook across multiple sessions with the Fusion web application.

Set a value for the ChangeIndicatorAttributeID property to determine whether a row has been modified by another user since you downloaded it from the Fusion web application.




Specify values for the properties in this array to determine the attributes for which data is cached. Each CachedTreeAttribute element in this array supports the following properties:

  • Value

    Select the tree binding attribute for which data is to be cached.

  • Annotation

    For information about this property, see Table A-1.

The table RowDownSync action caches the row attribute values for the configured RowData.CachedAttributes. The table RowUpSync,Upload, and UploadAllOrNothing actions send any cached row attribute values to the Fusion web application.

Note: A cached attribute value will override any edits the end user makes to the same attribute binding exposed in a column component. Therefore, you should not configure the same attribute in CachedAttributes and in a table column component.

Cached attributes are not included in copy-paste operations that users perform with rows in an ADF Table component.

For information about using the RowData.CachedAttributes array to cache data in an ADF Table component, see Adding a Model-Driven List Picker to an ADF Table Component and How to Add a Custom Popup Picker Dialog to an ADF Table Column.


Attribute Binding


Specify an EL expression that evaluates to a row-specific tree attribute binding value. The attribute value is used to determine if a row has been modified by another user since the row was last downloaded to your integrated Excel workbook.

See Handling Data Conflicts When Uploading Data from a Workbook.


This group of properties allows you configure the number of rows that the ADF Table component or ADF Read-only Table component download and display.

See Limiting the Number of Rows Your Table-Type Component Downloads .




Set to True to limit the number of rows downloaded to the value specified by RowLimit.MaxRows. True is the default value.

A value for this property is required.




Specify an EL expression that evaluates to the maximum number of rows to download. The component evaluates the EL expression when it invokes its Download action. The default value is 500. If MaxRows is not a positive integer, the component attempts to download as many rows as possible. An invalid expression such as "ABC" is interpreted as -1 (negative integer). As a result, the component attempts to download as many rows as possible.

Note that setting the value of MaxRows to 0 results in a message where the user is asked if they want to download the first 0 rows. To avoid this, set MaxRows to a positive integer other than 0.




(Optional) Write an EL expression to generate a message to display to the end user if the number of rows available to download exceeds the number specified by RowLimit.MaxRows. This expression is evaluated each time the Table's Download action is invoked. The maximum number of rows that a Excel 2007, or a higher version, worksheet can contain is approximately 1 million. If this property is left blank, ADF Desktop Integration displays a message similar to "Too many rows available. Do you want to download the first {0} rows?" that is translated for the current culture settings.

You can specify a string key from a custom resource bundle to use, instead of the default value. If desired, you may supply a custom message to replace the default one. Any custom message must contain {0}. {0} will be replaced by the MaxRows value.

For information about resource bundles, see Using Resource Bundles in an Integrated Excel Workbook.




Specify a tree binding from the current worksheet's page definition file. You must specify a value for this property so that row downloads and uploads function properly. For information about the page definition requirements for an integrated Excel workbook, see Table 4-1.


Attribute binding


Specify an EL expression that evaluates to a unique row-specific tree attribute binding value. The value of this attribute is cached in the integrated Excel workbook during the ADF Table component's Download action. ADF Desktop Integration uses this value to ensure that the tree binding's iterator is positioned correctly before setting or getting data for a given ADF Table component row.

Note that this value is required only when the underlying tree binding iterator does not expose a key attribute.

This value is optional when either of the following conditions is true:

  • Rows in the tree binding iterator expose row keys, in which case row key values are used to position the tree binding iterator.


    Row keys are available whenever the tree is bound to a view object that exposes either single-attribute or multi-attribute keys.
  • The ADF Table component is configured to be insert-only (RowActions.InsertRowEnabled is set to True and RowActions.UpdateRowEnabled is set False).

ADF Table Component Column Properties

Table A-11 describes the properties that a column in the TableColumn array can use.

Table A-11 ADF Table Component Column Properties

Name Type EL Description


For information about this property, see Table A-1.




Write an EL expression that resolves to an Excel style name that is applied to each cell in the column.




For information about this property, see Table A-1.




Set to True to make a column dynamic. False is the default value. For information about dynamic columns, see Adding a Dynamic Column to Your ADF Table Component.




Write an EL expression that, when evaluated at runtime, displays a label in the column header.


Configure the GroupHeader properties to group together columns that render in an ADF Table component by displaying an extra table header row above the ADF Table component's regular table header row at runtime. See Grouping Columns Together in an ADF Table Component.




Set to start or end to specify a column as the start or end column in a grouped header. Write an EL expression that evaluates to start or end if you want to create a grouped header for dynamic columns.




Write an EL expression that, when evaluated at runtime, displays a label in the grouped header.




Write an EL expression that resolves to an Excel style name that is applied to each cell in the grouped header.


For information about the tooltip property, see Table A-1.




Write an EL expression that resolves to an Excel style name that is applied to each cell in the column header.




Assign a name to the column to identify it and its purpose. The value that you assign for this property has no functional impact. However, you must specify a value and the value that you specify must be unique within the list of columns. It serves to help you keep track of columns in the ADF Table component. The following IDs are reserved to the default columns in the ADF Table component:

  • _ADF_ChangedColumn

  • _ADF_FlagColumn

  • _ADF_RowKeyColumn

  • _ADF_StatusColumn

For information about these columns, see Special Columns in the ADF Table Component .


ADF component


Specifies the properties of the component that represents the binding for insert operations. This component can be one of the following:

When InsertUsesUpdate is set to True, the ADF Table component ignores the value of the InsertComponent property. Typically, you will rarely use the InsertComponent property.




Set to True if insert and update operations use the same component type. When True, the ADF Table component ignores the values of the InsertComponent property and reads the value of the UpdateComponent property.

The default value is True.


Specifies how ADF Desktop Integration changes the column width at runtime when the ResizeColumns action is invoked.

See Configuring an ADF Table Component to Resize Columns Based on Data at Runtime.




Set to True or write an EL expression that resolves to True so that an end user editing a row cell in this column automatically triggers a row refresh. You must also set the ADF Table component’s RowActions.AutoRefreshRowEnabled property to True to enable this functionality.

By default, no value is set for this property. This equals False.

See Configuring Automatic Row Refresh in an ADF Table Component.


ADF component


Specifies the properties of the component that represents the binding for update and download operations. This component can be one of the following:




Write an EL expression that resolves to True or False. If True, the column appears in the ADF Table component. If False, the column does not appear. True is the default value.

If you make a column dynamic, the ADF Table component ignores the value of the Visible property. For information about dynamic columns, see Adding a Dynamic Column to Your ADF Table Component.




Specify the width of the column in number of characters. You can specify an EL expression that evaluates to a number or a literal numerical value to determine the width of the column. The value can be a fractional value using a decimal point. A character is the unit of the width. The value is used when ResizeMode is SpecifiedWidth.

See Configuring an ADF Table Component to Resize Columns Based on Data at Runtime.

ADF Table Component Actions

Table A-12 describes the component actions available for use with the ADF Table component.

Table A-12 ADF Table Component Actions

Component Action Description


Clears the values of cached attributes for the current row of the ADF Table component. Only a DoubleClickActionSet in an ADF Table component's column should invoke this action.


Invokes a specified action on each of a set of flagged rows in the ADF Table component and then removes these rows from the ADF Table component.

The Actions' Options.AbortOnFailure property lets you determine if the DeleteFlaggedRow component action continues execution after it encounters an error.

See Deleting ADF Table Component Rows in the Fusion Web Application.


Displays error details for the current row in the ADF Table component if error details are available. This action should only be invoked from a column's action set in an ADF Table component. By default, the _ADF_StatusColumn described in Special Columns in the ADF Table Component is configured with an action set that invokes this action.


Displays a list of errors that occurred during batch processing. This action is deprecated. It is no longer necessary. All relevant error messages can be viewed using the Status Viewer described in Using the Status Viewer to Report Error Messages to End Users.


Download the rows corresponding to the current state of TreeID. For information about TreeID, see ADF Table Component Properties.


Downloads the flagged rows from the tree binding specified by TreeID. For information about TreeID, see Table A-10.

This action applies to the downloaded rows only, and inserted rows are ignored. See Handling Data Conflicts When Uploading Data from a Workbook.


This action is obsolete. See What You May Need to Know About DownloadForInsert Action.


Sets the flag for all rows.

Invoke this action to set a flag character in all rows of the _ADF_FlagColumn column. The flag character has the following properties:

Character Code 25CF, Unicode(hex)

It appears as a solid circle.

For information about the _ADF_FlagColumn column, see Special Columns in the ADF Table Component .


This action performs the following actions:

  • Removes all rows of data from the ADF Table component

  • Clears the values of cached attributes from rows in the ADF Table component

  • Creates the placeholder row

  • Recalculates how many dynamic columns to render in the ADF Table component

  • Redraws column headers

If the ADF Table component contains pending changes that have not been saved in the integrated Excel workbook, a dialog appears to the end user that allows cancellation of invocation of this action.


Specify this component action to mark all rows in the table as changed in _ADF_ChangeColumn.


Specify this component action to clear all flags from the _ADF_ChangedColumn column.


Resizes the table columns depending on the values of the Table.ResizeColumnsMode and Column.ResizeMode properties.

See Configuring an ADF Table Component to Resize Columns Based on Data at Runtime.


Synchronizes data from the row in the ADF Table component's iterator in the Fusion web application that corresponds to the current worksheet row to the worksheet. As this action acts upon the current worksheet row, only a DoubleClickActionSet associated with a column in the ADF Table component should invoke this action.

The ADF Table component does not evaluate or apply the value of a column's Visible property when invoking RowDownSync. The ADF Table component evaluates and applies the value of a column's CellStyleName property when invoking RowDownSync. For information about column properties, see ADF Table Component Column Properties.


Synchronizes any pending changes in the current worksheet row that the ADF Table component references to the Fusion web application. RowUpSync acts upon the current worksheet row so only a DoubleClickActionSet associated with a column in the ADF Table component should invoke this action. The DoubleClickActionSet that invokes RowUpSync also changes the position of the ADF Table component's iterator on the Fusion web application to the current worksheet row (assuming it exists in the Fusion web application).

See Using Row-Level Action Sets in a Table Column..


It is a variant of RowUpSync that tolerates failures. Like RowUpSync, RowUpSyncNoFail is only intended for use in a row-level action set. See How to Synchronize Changes from ADF Table Component Using RowUpSyncNoFail.


Removes flags from cells in the _ADF_FlagColumn column.

For information about the _ADF_FlagColumn, see Special Columns in the ADF Table Component .


Uploads to the Fusion web application all rows marked as changed for this table.

See Uploading Changes from an ADF Table Component .

For information about resolving data conflict between the Excel workbook and the Fusion web application, see Handling Data Conflicts When Uploading Data from a Workbook.


Uploads to the Fusion web application all rows marked as changed for this table. Commits successful rows only if none of the rows fail.

For information about UploadAllOrNothing action, see Uploading Changes from an ADF Table Component Using an UploadAllOrNothing Action.

ADF Read-only Table Component Properties and Actions

Describes the TreeID and other properties that the ADF Read-only Table component supports, including the properties that a column in the ReadOnlyColumn array can use.

The ADF Read-only Table component exposes one action, Download. This action downloads the current rows in the table identified by the ADF Read-only Table property, TreeID.

For information about the ADF Read-only Table component, see Creating an ADF Read-Only Table Component.

Table A-13 ADF Read-only Table Component Properties

Name Type EL Description


For information about this property, see Table A-1.




References an array of read-only columns. For information about the properties that a column in this array can support, see Table A-14.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this property, see Table A-1.


For information about this group of properties, see Table A-10.


Tree binding


References a tree binding ID from the page definition file associated with the current worksheet if the ADF Read-only Table component was created by inserting a tree binding into the worksheet.

Table A-14 lists alphabetically the properties that a column in the ReadOnlyColumn array can use.

Table A-14 ADF Read-only Table Component Column Properties

Name Type EL Description


For information about this property, see Table A-1.




Write an EL expression that resolves to an Excel style name that is applied to each cell in the column.




Write an EL expression that resolves to a label for the column header.




Write an EL expression that resolves to an Excel style name that is applied to each cell in the column header.




Assign a name to the column to identify it and its purpose. The value that you assign for this property has no functional impact. However, you must specify a value and the value that you specify must be unique within the list of columns. It serves to help you keep track of columns in the ADF Read-only Table component.


ADF Component

For information about the properties that this component supports, see ADF Output Text Component Properties .

Action Set Properties

Lists alphabetically the properties that you can configure for an action set.

For information about action sets, see Using Action Sets.

Table A-15 Action Set Properties

Name Type EL Description


This group of properties specifies options for invoking local and remote actions.




When set to True, the remaining actions in the array are not invoked if an action fails. If False, all actions are invoked regardless of the success or failure of previous actions. The default value is True.


Action binding


Specify the action binding to invoke if an action set does not complete successfully. For example, you could specify an action binding that rolls back changes made during the unsuccessful invocation of the action set.


Boolean N

Set to True so that the associated ActionSet does not block the user from using other Excel features while the user waits for the ActionSet to complete. The default value is False. For information, see How to Allow End Users to Continue Working in Excel While an ActionSet Executes.


Action binding


Specify an action binding to invoke if an action set completes successfully.

A value for this property is optional.




Specifies an ordered array of actions. An action can be one of the following:


This group of properties determines if and how an alert-style dialog appears to the user to indicate that the action set is complete. The dialog that appears contains one button that allows the user to acknowledge the message and dismiss the dialog. For information about how to display an alert message, see How to Provide an Alert After the Invocation of an Action Set.

Many properties in this group make use of EL expressions to retrieve string values from resource bundles. For information about using EL expressions, see Using Resource Bundles in an Integrated Excel Workbook.




Set to True to display an alert message to end users that notifies them when an action set operation completes successfully or includes one or more failures.

For information, see How to Provide an Alert After the Invocation of an Action Set.




(Optional) Specify an EL expression that evaluates to a message to appear in the dialog if errors occur during execution of the action set.




(Optional) Specify an EL expression that evaluates to a message to appear in the OK button of the dialog.




(Optional) Specify an EL expression that evaluates to a message to appear in the dialog if no errors occur during the execution of the action set.




(Optional) Specify an EL expression that evaluates to a message to appear in the title area of the dialog.


For information about Annotation, see Table A-1.




(Optional) Specify an EL expression that evaluates to a message to appear to the end user if the action set fails. A default message appears if you do not specify an EL expression.

For information, see How to Configure Error Handling for an Action Set.


This group of properties determines if and how a status message appears during the execution of an action set. For information about how to display a status message, see How to Display a Progress Bar while an Action Set Executes.

Many properties in this group make use of EL expressions that reference string keys defined in resource bundles. For information, see Using Resource Bundles in an Integrated Excel Workbook.




If True, a Cancel button is displayed in the status dialog box.

For information, see How to Display a Progress Bar while an Action Set Executes.




If True (default), a status window appears during the execution of the action set. If False, no status window appears.




Specify an EL expression to evaluate and display in the status window while the action set runs.




Specify an EL expression to evaluate and display in the title area of the status window while the action set runs.




Choose the visual appearance of progress bars. The valid values are Automatic, BothBarsAlways, MainBarOnly, DetailBarOnly, and MainMessageOnly.




Specify an optional EL expression or literal value that evaluates to a status message to appear as the associated action progresses.

Confirmation Action Properties

Table A-16 lists alphabetically the properties that the Confirmation action in the array of Actions of an action set supports. For information about the other properties the array of Actions and action sets use, see Table A-15.

For information, see How to Invoke a Confirmation Action in an Action Set.

Table A-16 Confirmation Action Properties

Name Type EL Description


(Optional) For information about Annotation, see Table A-1.




(Optional) An EL expression that is evaluated and displayed in the Cancel button at runtime. By default, no value is specified.




(Optional) An EL expression that is evaluated and displayed in the OK button at runtime. By default, no value is specified.




(Optional) An EL expression that is evaluated and displayed in the main area of the confirmation dialog at runtime. By default, no value is specified.




(Optional) An EL expression that is evaluated and displayed in the title area of the confirmation dialog at runtime. By default, no value is specified.

Dialog Action Properties

Table A-17 describes the properties that the Dialog action in the array of Actions of an action set supports. For information about the other properties the array of Actions and action sets use, see Table A-15.

For information about how to use the properties in Table A-17 to invoke a web page from a Fusion web application, see Displaying Web Pages from a Fusion Web Application.

Table A-17 Dialog Action Properties

Name Type EL Description




For information about this property, see Table A-1.




Specify the web page that the action invokes. Relative and absolute URLs are valid values.




Set to True (default) to run the web page specified by the Dialog.Page property in the same data control frame as the Excel worksheet. If you specify an absolute URL, ADF Desktop Integration ignores the value of the Dialog.ShareFrame property.




Specifies how the web page the action invokes is rendered. Select:

  • Popup to render the web page in a modal dialog within an embedded web browser.

  • TaskPane to render the web page in runtime task pane.




Write an EL expression that resolves to the title of the Dialog at runtime or write a literal string.




Specify the initial size in pixels of the dialog that appears to the user. Valid values range from 0 to 2147483647. Values will be revised upwards or downwards as appropriate at runtime if the specified values are too large or too small. The default value for Height is 625 and 600 for Width.

Workbook Actions and Properties

Describes the actions that a workbook can invoke.

For information about configuring ribbon commands to invoke these actions, see How to Define a Workbook Ribbon Command for the Runtime Ribbon Tab.

Table A-18 Workbook Actions

Action Description


When invoked, this action creates a new session between the integrated Excel workbook and the Fusion web application.

If invoked when a session has already been established, it first invokes the Logout action internally to free that session. For a workbook running against a web application that is enforcing authentication, the Login action prompts the end user to provide valid user credentials.

See About Security In Your Integrated Excel Workbook.


When invoked, ADF Desktop Integration sends a request to the Fusion web application to invalidate the session between the integrated Excel workbook and the Fusion web application. After invoking this action, the end user must be authenticated the next time the Excel workbook accesses the Fusion web application.


When invoked, this action clears all data entered by the user from cells that reference Oracle ADF bindings. Tables, such as those created by the ADF Table component, will be truncated so that they only display header rows with labels cleared. Values in cells that reference the Input Text or Output Text components are cleared. Column headers and labels are cleared as well. References to all resource bundles that the integrated Excel workbook uses are cleared. Worksheets that do not contain bindings or reference a page definition file remain unchanged. A dialog prompts the end user to confirm invocation of this action. Once the end user confirms invocation, ADF Desktop Integration runs the following events after invocation of the action:

  • Invokes the integrated Excel workbook's Logout action

  • Terminates the runtime session and clears all data from the integrated Excel workbook and all caches

  • Reinitializes the integrated Excel workbook and invokes the workbook's Login action

Invocation of the ClearAllData action does not change data hosted by the Fusion web application.


When invoked, this action launches a dialog that shows the current value of the WebAppRoot property and allows the end user to enter a new value.

If the end user chooses to change the value of WebAppRoot, a confirmation dialog appears after the end user clicks OK. Once the change is confirmed, the following events occur:

  • Workbook ClearAllData action is invoked

  • Workbook Logout action is invoked

  • All data referenced by bindings in the workbook is removed

  • References to WebAppRoot are updated in the Excel workbook's configuration

  • Workbook Login action is invoked to authenticate the user with the Fusion web application that is specified as the value for WebAppRoot


When invoked, this action launches a dialog called About that displays information defined in the BrandingItems workbook property and other information such as the versions of supporting software. The dialog also allows end users to generate a diagnostic report and, if logged in, check for an upgrade of the ADF Desktop Integration add-in. See Generating an ADF Desktop Integration Diagnostic Report and How to Upgrade ADF Desktop Integration On a Local System.


When invoked, this action shows or hides a Status Viewer in Excel's task pane to display status information to end users. The ribbon command that end users click to invoke this action shows and hides the Status Viewer. See Using the Status Viewer to Report Error Messages to End Users.

Table A-19 lists alphabetically the ADF Desktop Integration properties that an Excel workbook can use.

Table A-19 Workbook Properties

Name Type EL Description




Specify the absolute path to the directory that is the root for the JDeveloper application workspace (.jws) where you developed the desktop integration project. The path must be less than the Windows maximum path length of 260 characters.

For example, the value of this property in a workbook integrated with the Summit sample application for ADF Desktop Integration could be something similar to the following:


­ADF Desktop Integration may prompt you to specify a value for this property the first time that you open an integrated Excel workbook.

See How to Configure a New Integrated Excel Workbook.




Set to True to display the Status Viewer automatically if an error occurs. Set to False to require end users to click the Status Viewer ribbon command in the Excel ribbon to display the Status Viewer. The default value is True.

See Using the Status Viewer to Report Error Messages to End Users.




An array of name-value pairs of literal string or EL resources expressions (for example, #{res['myAppName']}).

For information about branding your integrated Excel workbook, see Branding Your Integrated Excel Workbook.




Ensures that workbooks created with a different release of ADF Desktop Integration version that did not include a particular feature do not change their behavior in another release.

For information about compatibility properties, see ADF Desktop Integration Compatibility Properties.




Specify whether the workbook is customizable. If True, the published workbook will obtain its metadata from the server, which can be customized at runtime.

For information about enabling customization, see Customizing Workbook Integration Metadata at Runtime.




Specify the initial size in pixels of the login dialog that appears to the user. Valid values range from 0 to screen width or height. Values will be revised upwards or downwards as appropriate at runtime if the specified values are too large or too small. The default value for Height is 625 and Width is 600.




An array of workbook parameters that you configure to pass the parameters from a page in a Fusion web application to an integrated Excel workbook. You can define multiple workbook parameters in the Fusion web application's page. Each workbook parameter (parameter that matches a URL argument) that you define in a page must be specified in a Parameter property of this array, otherwise it is ignored.

Each element in the array supports the following properties:

  • Annotation

    For information about this property, see Table A-1.

  • Parameter

    You specify the name of the workbook parameter you defined in the page of the Fusion web application from which the end user downloads the integrated Excel workbook.

For information about using this property, see Passing Parameter Values from a Fusion Web Application Page to a Workbook.




Specify the name of a JDeveloper project in the current JDeveloper workspace. ADF Desktop Integration attempts to load the .jpr file that corresponds to the project that you specify. An error appears if the .jpr file is not available or is not in the expected format.

When you open an integrated Excel workbook for the first time in design mode, ADF Desktop Integration searches for a .jpr file in the parent folder hierarchy. If it finds a .jpr file, it sets the value of Project to the name of the project that corresponds to the .jpr file.

ADF Desktop Integration loads the names of the available projects from the application_name.jws file specified by ApplicationHomeFolder.




Specify the path to the ADF Desktop Integration remote servlet. This path must be relative to the value specified for WebAppRoot. Note that the value you specify for RemoteServletPath must match the value that is specified in the web application's deployment descriptor file (web.xml). The default value for this property is:





Specifies an array of resource bundles to register with the workbook. Each element in the array supports the following properties:

  • Alias

    Specify a string value that is unique within Workbook.Resources. EL expressions use this string to reference the resource bundle.

  • Annotation

    For information about this property, see Table A-1.

  • Class

    Specify a fully qualified class name, but do not include the file extension. The class name that you specify is expected to be a Java resource bundle class that the Fusion web application you integrate your workbook with uses.

    For example, the EditCustomers-DT.xlsx workbook in the Summit sample application for ADF Desktop Integration references the following resource bundle:


See Using Resource Bundles in an Integrated Excel Workbook.

Runtime Ribbon Tab



This group of properties defines whether and how a ribbon tab appears in Excel at runtime. The following entries in this table describe the properties in the Runtime Ribbon Tab group. For information about the ribbon tab and its commands, see Configuring the Runtime Ribbon Tab.

Runtime Ribbon Tab.Annotation



For information about this property, see Frequently Used Properties in the ADF Desktop Integration.

Runtime Ribbon Tab.Visible



If True, the ribbon tab appears at runtime. The ribbon tab does not appear if you set Enabled to False. True is the default value.

Runtime Ribbon Tab.Title



Specify an EL expression that evaluates to the title that appears for the ribbon tab in the title area. Excel imposes a maximum limit of 1024 characters for ribbon tab titles. Ensure that the runtime value of the EL expression you specify does not exceed 1024 characters as ADF Desktop Integration truncates the value so that Excel does not generate an error message.

If you choose to assign a key tip character using the & character, consider avoiding the letter K for the Runtime Ribbon Tab.Title. Excel does not allow the letter K to be used here when the workbook is running in the ar_SA culture.

Runtime Ribbon Tab.Workbook Commands



Each element in this array corresponds to a workbook command at runtime. Each element in the array uses the following properties:

  • Annotation

    For information about this property, see Table A-1.

  • Label

    For information about this property, see Table A-1.

    If you want the & character to appear in the command label, you must specify &&. Excel interprets a single & character as a special character, and assigns the next character after & as the keyboard accelerator for the workbook command at runtime.

  • Method

    Specify the workbook action that the workbook ribbon command invokes. For information about workbook actions, see Table A-18.




A fully qualified URL to the Fusion web application's root.




Specify the path to the directory that contains the web pages that you intend to use with your integrated Excel workbooks. The value that you specify for the path must be relative to the value of ApplicationHomeFolder and must be less than the Windows maximum path length of 260 characters.




A unique identifier for the integrated Excel workbook. ADF Desktop Integration generates the unique identifier when you open the workbook for the first time in design mode.

The value cannot be modified. However, ADF Desktop Integration can generate a new value if you use the Reset WorkbookID link in the Edit Workbook Properties dialog.

The value of this property is used during tamper check, as described in Checking the Integrity of an Integrated Excel Workbook's Metadata.

Worksheet Actions and Properties

Describes the worksheet-level actions that action sets can invoke and the ADF Desktop Integration properties that an Excel worksheet can use.

Action sets, as described in Using Action Sets, can invoke the following worksheet-level actions:

  • UpSync

    Synchronizes any pending changes from the ADF Input Text and ADF List of Values components in the worksheet to the Fusion web application.

  • DownSync

    Downloads data values from the Fusion web application to the ADF Input Text, ADF Output Text, and ADF List of Values components in the worksheet.

  • DisplayWorksheetErrors

    Displays a list of error messages from the most recent action set invocation.


    This action is deprecated. It is no longer necessary. All relevant error messages are available via the Status Viewer, as described in Using the Status Viewer to Report Error Messages to End Users.

When you configure a ribbon command to invoke an action binding or method action binding, the action set to invoke when a user clicks the ribbon command at runtime is populated as follows by default:

  1. UpSync

  2. Action or method action binding that you specify for the ribbon command

  3. DownSync

If the first action that you invoke on a worksheet with an empty form is the UpSync worksheet action, you may encounter errors. For this reason, ensure that the first action invoked is the DownSync worksheet action. You can configure the ribbon command's action set or one of the worksheet events (Startup or Activate) described in Table A-20 to invoke the DownSync worksheet action first.

For information about configuring ribbon commands, see Configuring the Runtime Ribbon Tab.

Table A-20 describes the ADF Desktop Integration properties that an Excel worksheet can use.

Table A-20 Worksheet Properties

Name Type EL Description




For information about this property, see Table A-1.




Specifies whether custom attribute properties defined in a view object on the server are supported in EL expressions.

The default value of this property is False.

See Using ADF Desktop Integration EL-based Properties with Custom Attribute Properties.




Each element in this array specifies an action set to invoke if the associated worksheet event occurs. For information about action sets, see Action Set Properties. For information about worksheet events, see the entry in this table for Events.n.Event.

The following entries in this table prefaced by Events.n describe the properties that an element in this array supports where n refers to a specific element in the array.




For information about the properties of action sets, see Action Set Properties .




The default value of this property is False.

When set to True, the workbook stores information about whether the worksheet invoked the action set for this event and, if so, prevents the worksheet from invoking the action set a second time. Note that if the workbook is not saved, this information is lost. This means that the worksheet can invoke the event again the next time that the workbook opens.




For information about the annotation property, see Table A-1.




The worksheet supports the following events that you can configure to invoke an action set:

  • Startup

    Excel workbook opens and the worksheet is activated for the first time.

  • Shutdown

    Excel workbook closes or Excel application exits.

  • Activate

    User navigates to the current worksheet.

  • Deactivate

    User navigates away from the current worksheet or Shutdown event triggered.

Note that the worksheet events complete execution even if the action sets that they invoke fail.

For information about worksheet events and action sets, see How to Invoke an Action Set from a Worksheet Event.




The worksheet provides two options:

  • Off

    Worksheet protection is not used at runtime.

  • Automatic

    Worksheet protection is enabled automatically at runtime.

The default value for this property is Off.




Specify a password to prevent end-users from turning off sheet protection at runtime. The maximum password length allowed by Excel is 255 characters.

Ribbon Commands



Specify one or more actions that appear as worksheet ribbon commands at runtime. Each command is an element in the WorksheetMenuItem array. Entries in this array support the following properties:

  • Annotation

  • Image

    Specifies the image to display as the worksheet-level ribbon command at runtime. ADF Desktop Integration provides the images that you can use.

  • Label

  • SelectActionSet

For information about the Annotation and Label properties, see Table A-1. For information about the SelectActionSet property, see Action Set Properties .

If you want the & character to appear in the command label, you must specify &&. Excel interprets a single & character as a special character, and assigns the next character after & as the keyboard accelerator for the worksheet command at runtime.

See How to Configure a Worksheet Ribbon Command for the Runtime Ribbon Tab.

Page Definition



Specify the page definition file to associate with the worksheet. The fully qualified path to the page definition file must be less than the Windows maximum path length of 260 characters. For information about page definition files, see Working with Page Definition Files for an Integrated Excel Workbook.




An array of parameters defined in this worksheet's page definition file and bound here to workbook parameters. Each element in the array supports the following properties:

  • Annotation

    For information about this property, see Table A-1.

  • Parameter

    Specify the ID of a parameter element that you added to the page definition file associated with the worksheet.

  • Value

    Write an EL expression that references the value of the Parameter property you specified for the workbook parameter (workbook Parameters.Parameter property).

For information about using this property, see Passing Parameter Values from a Fusion Web Application Page to a Workbook.


Set values for the CachedAttributes property when you want to cache data in an integrated Excel workbook across a multiple sessions with the Fusion web application.

Set a value for the ChangeIndicatorAttributeID property to determine if a row has been modified by another user since you downloaded it from the Fusion web application.

See Using an Integrated Excel Workbook Across Multiple Web Sessions.




Specify values for the properties in this array to determine the attributes for which data is cached. Each CachedAttribute element in this array supports the following properties:

  • AttributeID

    This property references the attribute binding for which data is to be cached. Do not specify an attribute binding for AttributeID and as an editable field in a form (for example, in an ADF Input Text component) in the same worksheet.

  • Annotation

    For information about this property, see Table A-1.




Specify the row-specific attribute of the tree binding used to determine if a row has been modified by another user since the row was last downloaded by to your integrated Excel workbook.

See Handling Data Conflicts When Uploading Data from a Workbook.


This group of properties references the attribute bindings that uniquely identify the row displayed in the current worksheet so that you can reestablish server data context across multiple sessions.

See Restore Server Data Context Between Sessions.




Add elements to the CacheDataContexts array for cases where there is more than one iterator defined in the binding container whose server-side context must be reestablished. The CacheDataContexts array supports the following properties to store the worksheet's cached data context:

  • RestoreDataContextActionID

    References an action binding to invoke.

  • CachedServerContexts

    An array that identifies the attribute binding values to cache and set before the action binding specified by RestoreDataContextActionID is invoked. Each element in the CachedServerContext array supports the CachedAttributeID and RestoredAttributeID properties. CachedAttributeID identifies the attribute binding value to cache in the worksheet. RestoredAttributeID is an optional property for which you specify a value when the destination attribute binding value is different from the source attribute binding value. If you do not specify a value for RestoredAttributeID, the value of CachedAttributeID is used as the destination attribute binding value and its value is set before invoking the action set.

  • Annotation

    For information about this property, see Frequently Used Properties in the ADF Desktop Integration.




Specifies an attribute binding that uniquely identifies the row displayed in the current worksheet. This property is used at runtime to determine whether the server context has been reestablished properly for non-table type components in the worksheet.




The default value of this property is False.

When set to True, the workbook sends initialization parameters for this worksheet when reestablishing context across multiple sessions.




Specify the ADFmAction binding to be invoked before the binding container metadata is retrieved.

A value for this property is optional.

If two, or more, worksheets are using the same page definition, the action binding specified for the last worksheet will be invoked. Hence, create a page definition for each worksheet and do not specify a page definition to multiple worksheets.

See Using Explicit Worksheet Setup Action.




Specifies an EL expression that resolves to a string and sets the name of the worksheet. At design time, the EL expression can be of any length and can include the following special characters:

[ ] \ / * ?

At runtime, the evaluated string can display a maximum of 31 characters and ignores the above special characters. If the length of the evaluated string exceeds 31 characters, the extra characters are truncated and are not displayed.

Note that the Title property does not support binding parts in the EL expression. The expected usage is a resource-type expression.

Ensure that the EL expressions you write for the Title property generate unique values for each worksheet at runtime and contain fewer than 31 characters.

ADF Desktop Integration Compatibility Properties

Various ADF Desktop Integration features have been added in different releases of the product. The compatibility properties ensure that workbooks created with ADF Desktop Integration versions that did not include a given feature do not change their behavior.

Table A-21 lists the ADF Desktop Integration compatibility properties. Integrated Excel workbook developers may want to review these properties and the associated feature to determine whether to enable them. To access these properties in your integrated Excel workbook, click Workbook Properties in the Workbook group of the Oracle ADF tab to display the Edit Workbook Properties and expand the Behavior and Compatibility properties.

Table A-21 ADF Desktop Integration Compatibility Properties

Name Type EL Description




Specifies whether ADF Desktop Integration performs data entry validation.

See Providing Data Entry Validation for an Integrated Excel Workbook.




Specifies whether ADF Desktop Integration rejects Excel cell error values that integrated Excel workbooks send to the Fusion web application. The default value is True.

See Providing Data Entry Validation for an Integrated Excel Workbook.




Specifies whether the date picker can be used in model-driven columns.

See Inserting an ADF Input Date Component and Adding a ModelDrivenColumnComponent Subcomponent to Your ADF Table Component.




Specifies whether model-driven columns can leverage existing Model layer metadata and provide a Search and Select user interface in a picker dialog.

See Adding a Model-Driven List Picker to an ADF Table Component.




Specifies whether row-level action sets can manage the server-side model state.

See Using Row-Level Action Sets in a Table Column.




The default value (True) enables enhanced error reporting for the ADF Table component Upload and DeleteFlaggedRows actions.