6 Using this Environment

Refer to this chapter for information about accessing the OCI instance, locating installed software, and using the Oracle Linux desktop.

Connecting to the Instance and Provisioning the Software

You can access the Oracle Forms for OCI images as follows:

  • Ensure that you specify an SSH key when you create an instance using the image. You need this SSH key to access the instance and launch the instance.
  • Connect to an instance as the opc user using the SSH command:

    ssh –i <private_key_file> opc@<public-ip-address>

    Where, private_key_file is the corresponding private key for the public key used during provisioning.

Upon first logon, the user/admin will be presented with a variety of questions where their answers will be needed to provision the software. After the software has been provisioned, the servers will be automatically started and ready to use.

For version, the software is installed and owned by the “opc” user. However, in the software is installed and owned by “oracle”. When using, be sure to administer the Fusion Middleware and Database (if installed) as the “oracle” user.

To access the oracle user login as opc user the use the “su” command to switch to the oracle user:

sudo su - oracle

A unique SSH certificate can also be configured in order to allow authorized users to connect directly as the oracle user and control their access to opc. Refer to the Cloud documentation for information about such a configuration.


Do not attempt to create a new “oracle” user as this user already exists. The configuration step necessary is to provide a unique certificate to the SSH authorized keys list.

See Connecting to a Linux Instance and Adding Users to an Instance in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.

Software Locations

Once provisioning has completed, all the software will be installed and owned by the oracle user. The Oracle Middleware and Database software can be found here:


Database software is installed only if you choose to have a local database during provisioning.
  • Database ORACLE_HOME: /u01/oracle/database/base/Oracle_Home

    Database connect string: orcl

  • Middleware ORACLE_HOME: /u01/oracle/middleware/Oracle_Home
  • Middleware DOMAIN_HOME: /u01/oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain
    • WebLogic Server repository (RCU) schema prefix: FRM
    • WebLogic Server Administrator user name: weblogic
  • JDK 8 HOME: /u01/oracle/jdk
  • FORMS_PATH in frmbld.sh and default.env includes: /home/oracle/oracle/formsmodules

Linux Desktop

For information on how to connect to the Linux desktop using VNC, refer to Connecting to the VNC Console in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.

The Oracle Linux desktop created with this instance includes a variety of useful desktop application launchers (shortcuts). Upon first attempt to use these launchers, a warning is displayed that suggests the launcher is "Untrusted". This warning is expected. Choose Trust and Launch to continue. This will permanently trust the launcher and display the appropriate desktop icon associated with the launcher.

Launchers added by this provisioning include the following:

  • Firefox
  • Forms Builder
  • Instance Controller
  • Terminal
  • ReadMe