Configuring and Managing Java Virtual Machines

When an Oracle Forms application calls out to Java on the server, a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is spawned and attached to its Runtime process the first time the call is made. This chapter provides information about java virtual machine pooling, JVM processes, multiple JVM controllers, JVM configuration and controllers.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Java Virtual Machine Pooling

JVM remains attached to the Runtime process, the first time Oracle Forms application calls out to Java on the server, for the remainder of the process's life, even though the process may never call out to Java again. Given that each Forms Runtime session creates its own JVM instance, the amount of resources consumed on the server can become significant.

In a JVM Pooling environment, Forms Runtime processes share JVMs. A single JVM is capable of handling multiple Forms sessions from different Runtime processes. The pooling environment helps in greatly reducing the memory footprint on the hosted machine by eliminating the need of attaching one JVM per Runtime process. This environment is configurable. Forms administrators can set various parameters and tune the environment based on their needs and requirements. A limit on the number of Runtime sessions managed by a single JVM process in the pool can also be set.

When using JVM pooling, a JVM Controller is created. This is a JVM with specific responsibilities. Besides accepting connections from Runtime processes, it is also responsible for creating new JVMs when necessary. A new JVM process (also referred to as a Child JVM) is created only when the Controller finds that the existing JVMs in the pool (including itself) are unable to accommodate further sessions from Runtime processes.

Oracle Forms JVM pooling works with applications that used the Forms Java Importer during development. The Java Importer allows developers to reference Java classes from PL/SQL at design time. At runtime, the Java classes are loaded and executed by the JVM(s) as needed. Forms JVM pooling also works with Forms' ability to call out to Oracle BI-Publisher and Oracle Reports. Enabling the JVM pooling feature is recommended if any applications being executed fall into one of the aforementioned cases.

For information on the Java Importer, see Oracle Form Builder Online Help.

Child JVM Processes

Since each Forms runtime process has its own thread within the JVM, there is concurrency. If the JVM reaches a specified number of concurrent requests, it will spawn a child JVM to share the load. Moreover, it's possible to have multiple JVM controllers, each of which may have multiple child JVMs.

For example, different Forms applications need to use different JVMs with different options or classpath. You can specify which JVM controller and Forms application is necessary in the named sections of the Forms configuration file (formsweb.cfg). Alternatively, this information can also be passed as a parameter in the URL for invoking the Forms Application. A form can be configured to use a specific JVM controller using the jvmcontroller parameter. The jvmcontroller parameter indicates to the Forms Runtime process which JVM controller to use. The parameters that need to be used during startup of the jvmcontroller have to be specified in the JVM controller's configuration file, jvmcontrollers.cfg, see Forms Configuration File Settings.

The following figure shows an example of what an environment might look like using JVM pooling. There are two JVM controllers: the first one is using only its in-process JVM, the second one is using three JVMs.

Figure -37 Multiple JVM Controllers with Child Processes

Description of Figure -37 follows
Description of "Figure -37 Multiple JVM Controllers with Child Processes"

Although it's not shown in Figure -37, each JVM controller has a unique name which is used in starting and stopping, or for referencing in the Forms configuration file.

Figure -37 is conceptual only in that it shows different Forms applications using different JVM controllers. However, the Forms runtime process does not communicate with the JVM controller, but directly with one of the available JVMs. Therefore, the first two clients in the diagram can only use the in-process JVM; the rest have three available JVMs to work with.

When the performance of a JVM degrades significantly, it probably means it is servicing too many requests. In that case, it is possible to have multiple child JVMs for the same JVM controller which get created dynamically as needed.

The JVM parameter maxsessions specifies how many Forms runtime processes are allowed to attach to a JVM before a new child JVM is created. When a child JVM is started, it inherits the same parameters as the JVM controller.

If any JVM has maxsessions connections, it does not take any request from new Forms runtime processes. When a new Forms runtime process first attempts to execute Java code, it attaches to a JVM that is available, that is, has fewer than maxsessions connections.

If a JVM reaches maxsessions connections, but another JVM has not, no new JVM is created. If all JVMs have simultaneously reached maxsessions connections, another child JVM is created, and so on.

The scope of a child JVM is within the context of a JVM controller namespace. For example, if you have two JVM controllers, ordersJVM and hrJVM, ordersJVM and its child JVMs do not affect – nor are affected by – hrJVM or its child JVMs.

Child JVM Example

Suppose the JVM controller called ordersJVM has maxsessions=50. Each Orders application that runs sends requests to ordersJVM. Each time a new Forms runtime process sends a request to ordersJVM, a new thread is created that communicates with the Forms runtime process. The JVM controller then returns to listening for new requests. As users end their sessions, the threads in the JVM are also terminated.

When the ordersJVM controller receives the 50th concurrent request (not necessarily the first 50 users because some of them may have quit before the later users started) it will spawn a child JVM. Since it inherits its parent's settings, maxsessions for this child JVM will also be 50. At this stage, the JVM controller has 50 connections, and the child JVM has none.

As new users start this Oracle Forms application and execute Java code, the Forms runtime process attaches to a JVM that is listening within the JVM controller namespace. Since the JVM controller has 50 connections, it is unavailable and the child JVM receives the request. Later, when the parent JVM controller has fewer connections because some users have quit their applications, it is available to receive new requests as long as it has not reached maxsessions connections.

While all this is going on, the hrJVM is operating independently. Overflow connections from ordersJVM will not connect to hrJVM, only to child JVMs of ordersJVM.

Child JVM Management

In Oracle Forms versions prior to 12, child JVM processes existed throughout the life of its parent Controller. This means that although many children processes may have been created during peak times, these same children are unable to be released when load has reduced. Starting in Forms 12, the Controller can now monitor usage and cleanup or remove unused processes when appropriate. This can help to prevent wasting valuable server resources and further improve performance. By default, this cleanup feature will not be enabled. To enable it, set the parameter autoremoval in the JVM Controller configuration. Valid values are listed in the following table.

Table -25 Child JVM Management

Value Description

OFF (default)

Auto-removal feature is disabled.

JVMs would not be removed automatically by JVM Controller. The pool size will continue to grow, but not shrink. Child JVMs will continue to live until terminated manually or terminated by the Controller upon its exit.


Auto-removal feature is enabled.

The frequency of removing Child JVMs is at its highest.

Assuming the JVM can accommodate a maximum of M sessions, in this configuration, the Controller will keep a buffer (spares) of M/2 for accommodating future session requests.

One advantage of this setting is that the pool would always have the least possible number of child JVMs to serve the current load plus a maximum of one spare for accommodating future requests. A disadvantage of this setting is that in an active environment (frequent session starts and stops) the frequency of JVMs exiting/creating would be higher. The Controller may become excessively busy managing the children.

If all sessions are closed, the pool size would shrink to 1 (i.e. JVM Controller).


Auto-removal feature is enabled.

The frequency of removing Child JVMs is lower than AGGRESSIVE.

Assuming the JVM can accommodate a maximum of M sessions, in this configuration, the Controller would keep a buffer (spares) of M for accommodating future session requests.

If all sessions are closed, the pool size would shrink to 1 (i.e. JVM Controller).


Auto-removal is enabled.

The frequency of removing Child JVMs is lower than the previous two options.

Assuming the JVM can accommodate a maximum of M sessions, in this configuration, the Controller would keep a buffer of 3*M/2 for accommodating future session requests.

If all sessions are closed, the pool size would shrink to 2 (the Controller and 1 child).

JVM Load Balancing

To allow connections to be more organized and uniform, a load distribution technique like Round Robin or Least Loaded First or both can be incorporated in the JVM Controller. This load balancing feature is optional and can be configured in the JVM controller configuration file. To use this feature, a set the parameter 'loadbalance' in the configuration file. It can be set with any of the following options:

  • Least Loaded First

  • Round Robin

  • Random

Valid values are described in the following table.

Table -26 JVM Load Balancing

Value Description

RANDOM (default)

In Random mode, the JVM Controller operates as it did in previous versions. All children created by the Controller are free to accept new connections. Assuming a JVM is available to receive a new connection, it will.


In Least Loaded First mode, the JVM Controller monitors and controls the connection accepting behavior of the children JVMs. Only one child JVM would be allowed to listen for new connection requests at a time. To schedule a child JVM, the JVM Controller would iterate though all the child JVMs in the pool and select a child JVM which is serving the least number of sessions. It would instruct the selected child JVM to listen for the next connection request. The scheduled child JVM would acknowledge back to the JVM Controllers after accepting the session request. The JVM Controller would initiate the load balancing sequence again and look for the next least loaded child JVM from the pool.


In Round Robin mode, the JVM Controller monitors and controls the connection accepting behavior of the children JVMs. To distribute the load, the Controller iterates through the list of JVMs and gives each a fair chance to accept new connection requests. Initially, the Controller would start with the first JVM in the list and instruct it to start accepting connection requests. The JVM Controller would receive the acknowledgment from currently schedule child JVM then move to the next available child available child and initiate the load balancing sequence again. The Controller will cycle through all available JVMs.

Multiple JVM Controllers

The JVM pooling architecture allows you to have multiple JVM controllers, each of which may have child JVMs.

You would use multiple JVM controllers if:

  • You want each application to have its own JVM controller so that it can be started and stopped independently of others.

  • Different applications require different settings. For example, you may not want to mix classpaths or JVM settings between different controllers.

  • You want to monitor resource usage of the JVM controllers from Fusion Middleware Control. If different JVM controllers are used by different applications and/or groups of users, you can determine how resources are being consumed by your Java Importer code.

  • You have multiple development, test, or production environments on the same computer.

  • You do not want different applications to share static data.

JVM Pooling Usage Examples

In this example, consider a Oracle Forms application that has a user interface button.

When a user presses the button, Oracle Forms takes the value from a field on the screen, and passes it to Java (using the Java Importer feature) to do some complex calculation which cannot be done in PL/SQL. The result is then returned and displayed in a field in the Form. One JVM process is running to execute this Forms session.

The following figure shows how this Oracle Forms session has its own in-process JVM because JVM pooling is not enabled. In the left side of the image, there are multiple clients running their own Forms session. In the center of the image, each client makes a call to its own Forms Runtime process, which contains its own JVM process.

Figure -38 Forms Runtime with no JVM Pooling

Description of Figure -38 follows
Description of "Figure -38 Forms Runtime with no JVM Pooling"

The following figure shows the Forms Runtime processes sharing a single JVM process when JVM pooling is enabled, as shown in the right side of the image.

Figure -39 Forms Runtime with JVM Pooling Enabled

Description of Figure -39 follows
Description of "Figure -39 Forms Runtime with JVM Pooling Enabled"

In this example as shown in the above figure, five clients working in the same application through their own runtime processes are using a pooled JVM process instead of each Forms Runtime process spawning its own JVM instance. This can be a significant savings in memory usage and system resources.

Design-time Considerations

This section describes some of the design-time considerations.

The following sections are included:

Re-importing Your Java Code

If you used the Java Importer feature of Oracle Forms prior to the availability of JVM Pooling, you will need to reimport your Java classes before using JVM pooling. When you originally imported your Java classes, PL/SQL wrappers for the Java classes were generated, which you can see in the Program Units that were created in your Form. However, the PL/SQL wrappers that are generated by the Java Importer to utilize JVM pooling are different.

From Oracle Forms Services 10g and later, the Java Importer generates the new PL/SQL wrappers. If you want to use the Java Importer, but do not wish to take advantage of JVM pooling, the in-process JVM will work with the new PL/SQL wrappers. It will also continue to work with the older-style PL/SQL wrappers.

About Sharing Static Variables Across Multiple JVMs

One advantage of JVM pooling is the ability to share data between instances of a class by using static variables. However, static variables will be shared between instances of the same class within a JVM, but not across JVMs. You will need to plan accordingly.

For example, suppose your loan class has a static variable called interestRate because all instances use the same interest rate in calculations. If you are using only one JVM, and one of the instances of your loan class changes interestRate, all of the other instances will be affected (which is what you want).

However, if the JVM controller has one or more child JVMs, there may be at least two JVMs. If interestRate changes in one JVM, the loan instances in the other JVMs won't see this new value, see Child JVM Processes. Prior to JVM pooling, if you changed interestRate it would not affect any other instances because each Oracle Forms Runtime process had its own in-process JVM.

If you rely on static variables to share information between instances of your class, ensure that no child JVM is spawned by setting maxsessions to 65535.

Configuring JVM using Fusion Middleware Control

You have to perform specific steps to configure JVM using Fusion Middleware Control.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Using Fusion Middleware Control, add a new configuration section or modify an existing section in formsweb.cfg to enable or disable use of JVM controller for applications.
  2. Ensure CLASSPATH is updated in default.env or in jvmcontrollers.cfg.
  3. Using Fusion Middleware Control, configure the JVM parameters.
  4. Start the JVM controller.
For information about:

Network Proxies and Java Calls Using JVM Controller

When JVM pooling is enabled and the JVM Controller runs Java, it may be necessary to set the 'jvmoptions' parameter in jvmcontrollers.cfg file. This parameter users can use to set the java properties related to network proxies. For applications calling Oracle Reports, Oracle BI-Publisher, or using Imported Java, and these calls require access through network proxy; use the appropriate parameters to configure the environment as appropriate for proxy in use

  • http.proxyHost

  • http.proxyPort

  • https.proxyHost

  • https.proxyPort

  • http.nonProxyHosts

For information about these properties, see in Java documentation.

Manage JVM Controllers from the Command Line

If you manage JVM controllers from the command line, you must know the options to start and stop them, as well as specify the environment.


Starting the JVM Controller on the command line is strongly discouraged. Controlling and configuring the JVM Controller from within Fusion Middleware Control is recommended. See Managing JVM Pooling from Fusion Middleware Control.

The recommended way to start the JVM Controller is to allow the application to initiate the startup. It will start when an associated application is run for the first time.

To start the controller automatically, add otherparams=jvmcontroller=<YOUR CONTROLLER NAME> to the URL used to start the application. This will start the controller if it is not already running.

If the controller is already running, this setting simply instructs the controller to add this session to the existing pool.

You can only access the JVM controllers on the same computer from which they are running.

The mechanics for controlling the JVM controller as described in this chapter are mostly relevant at the command line. It is easier to use Fusion Middleware Control with its user-friendly screens and online help. Fusion Middleware Control users are still urged to read through the following information, however, to understand what the different fields and options mean, and how the JVM controller works.

JVM Controller Command Examples

This section provides some sample JVM controller commands. For a detailed explanation on the example, see Startup Example.

You must set the environment variables in Table -27 before attempting to start the controller form the command line:

Table -27 Required Environment Variables

Environment Variable Value

The fully-qualified path that points to the Oracle Home containing the Oracle Forms installation. For example:



The fully-qualified path that points to the Forms Instance containing the configurations associated with the JVM Controller to be used. For example:



The name of the Forms instance that contains the configurations associated with the JVM Controller to be used. For example:



The fully-qualified path that points to the Domain containing the configurations associated with the JVM Controller to be used. For example:


Here are some sample JVM controller commands:

Table -28 Sample JVM Controller Commands

JVM Controller Command Description
dejvm -start jvmcontroller=hrJVM

Starts a JVM controller with ID hrJVM.

The controller name, hrJVM, is defined as a named section in the jvmcontrollers.cfg configuration file. Therefore, JVM options and classpath parameters are taken from the configuration file.

maxsessions is 50 as defined in the Default section, and other parameters take their default values.

dejvm -start jvmcontroller=myJVM

Starts a JVM controller with ID myJVM.

Since no option was specified, and there is no named section in the jvmcontrollers.cfg file, the JVM options parameter is "-Xms512m -Xmx1024m" and maxsessions=50 as set in the Default section.

The other parameters take on their default values. For instance, the CLASSPATH value is the system CLASSPATH.

dejvm -start jvmcontroller=hrJVM jvmoptions="-Xms128m -Xmx256m" maxsessions=75

Sets the classpath to /myJava/hrClasses as defined in the named section.

JVM options are "-Xms128m -Xmx256m" because the command line overrides the jvmcontrollers.cfg file. Similarly, maxsessions is 75.

All other parameters take on their default values.

dejvm -start jvmcontroller=myJVM maxsessions=100 classpath=/myJava/myClasses;/moreJava/moreClasses

The controller has jvmoptions="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m" as defined in the default section of the jvmcontrollers.cfg file. maxsessions is 100 which overrides the default section, and the classpath is /myJava/myClasses;/moreJava/moreClasses.

All other parameters take on their default values.

dejvm -stop jvmcontroller=hrJVM

Stops the hrJVM controller. It must already be started for you to issue this command successfully.

Command Restrictions

Keep these command restrictions in mind:

  • The commands are case sensitive.

  • You can only issue one command at a time to a JVM controller.

  • You can only issue a command to one JVM controller at a time.

The available commands for the JVM controller (or the dejvm process) are specified in Table -29. If you are using Enterprise Manager, there are screens that have an interface for issuing these commands. If you are using the command line, you may not be able to manage the JVM controller using the Enterprise Manager.

Start Command Parameters

The following table describes the JVM parameters used to start the JVM from the command line.

Table -29 JVM Parameters

Parameter Description


Enter a name for this JVM. This name must contain a legal Oracle identifier that starts with a letter and contains an alphanumeric character, '_', '$' or '#' . An Oracle identifier has a maximum length of 30 bytes.

Hint: You may want to enter a name based on the application that will be accessing it. You cannot change the name of this JVM controller later.


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent Oracle Forms sessions this JVM will serve before a new JVM is spawned. This value will override any set for the default JVM controller.


When you specify a classpath, it will override the system classpath or any classpath specified in your environment or any classpath set for the default JVM controller.


Enter any valid options to pass to the JVM. This value will override any set for the default JVM controller. Refer to the Oracle Java documentation for a list of valid JVM startup options.


Leave Log Directory blank to use the log location for the default JVM controller. If any other directory is set, the log file may not be accessible through Enterprise Manager.

Managing JVM Pooling from Fusion Middleware Control

Fusion Middleware Control provides a Web-based environment to manage all available JVM pooling options. It also lists all JVM controllers in your environment and allows you to (remotely) manage them.

For example, you can start and stop JVM controllers; add new ones; or reconfigure existing ones. In addition, Fusion Middleware Control also provides metric information such as resources (memory and CPU) that are consumed by JVM controllers, number of Forms connected, total JVMs, and so on.

While the Forms runtime process interacts directly with a JVM, the JVM controller manages the JVM, such as starting and stopping a JVM, or getting the state of one, and so on. For example, when an administrator stops the JVM controller, the JVM controller ensures that all child JVMs are terminated. You use Fusion Middleware Control to manage the JVM controller.

The JVM controller can be started in three ways:

  • From Fusion Middleware Control

  • When a Forms application that is bound to an existing JVM controller requests that the controller start up

  • From the command line

Fusion Middleware Control reads the JVM controller configuration file. The configuration contains name-value pairs, has a default section, and has named sections. The parameters contained in jvmcontrollers.cfg correspond to the start parameters of the JVM controller.


You cannot change the location or name of the JVM controllers configuration file.

When you start a JVM controller, it takes its settings from the configuration file. You may specify none, some, or all options in this file, both in the default section and in named sections.

Use the JVM Configuration and JVM Controller pages in Fusion Middleware Control to manage JVM pooling tasks:

Common Tasks in the JVM Configuration Page

This section describes the common tasks that you can do to edit configuration with the sections of a JVM configuration file and their parameters.

The following table describes the tasks you can do with the configuration sections within a JVM configuration file:

Table -30 Tasks for Working with Configuration Sections

Task Description Comment

Create Like

Creates a copy of a configuration section.

Use to create a configuration section based on the parameters of an existing configuration section.


Opens the Edit Description dialog.

Allows editing the text description of a configuration section.


Opens the Confirmation dialog when deleting a configuration section.

Irrevocably deletes a configuration section and its contents when you press Delete in the Confirmation dialog.


Opens the Create Section dialog.

Creates a new configuration section. You must supply a required name and an optional description for it.

The following table describes the tasks that you can do to modify the parameters within a named configuration section:

Table -31 Tasks for Working with Parameters in a Named Configuration Section

Task Description Comment


Allows you to revert back to the previous version of the configuration section.

Does not allow you to revert individual changes in a configuration section.


Applies and activates all changes made to parameters in a configuration section.

Once applied, you cannot revert changes to individual parameters.


Opens the Add Parameter dialog.

Add a parameter to a configuration section based on a mandatory name and an optional value and description.


Deletes a parameter.

Use Apply to save changes or Revert to discard them. Once applied, you cannot revert changes to individual parameters.

Managing JVM Configuration Sections

This section describes creating, editing, duplicating, and deleting named JVM configuration sections.

Accessing the JVM Configuration Page

To access the JVM configuration page:

  1. Start the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. From the Fusion Middleware Control main page, click the link to the Forms Services instance that you want to configure.

  3. From the Forms menu list, select the JVM Configuration menu item. The JVM Configuration page is displayed.

    Figure -40 JVM Configuration Page

    Description of Figure -40 follows
    Description of "Figure -40 JVM Configuration Page"
Creating a New Configuration Section

You can create new configuration sections in jvmcontrollers.cfg from the JVM Configuration page of Fusion Middleware Control. These configurations can be requested in the end-user's query string of the URL that is used to run a form.

To create a new configuration section:

  1. From the Fusion Middleware Control main page, click the link to the Forms Services instance that you want to configure.
  2. From the Forms menu list, select JVM Configuration.
  3. Click Create.

    The Create dialog appears.

  4. Enter a name and description for your new configuration section and click Create.

    The new configuration section is added.

Editing a Named Configuration Description

You can edit the description (comments) for a named configuration from the JVM Configuration page.

To edit a named configuration description:

  1. In the JVM Configuration region, select the row containing the named configuration for which you want to edit the description.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. The Edit Description dialog appears.
  4. Enter the description in the Comments field.
  5. Click Save.

    The Edit Description dialog box is dismissed, and your changes are saved and displayed.

Duplicating a Named Configuration

You can make a copy of a named configuration for backup purposes, or create new configuration sections from existing configuration sections.

To duplicate a named configuration:

  1. In the JVM Configuration region, select Create Like.
  2. In the Create Like dialog, from the Section to Duplicate menu, select the name of an existing configuration section you want to duplicate.
  3. In the New Section Name field, enter a name for the new configuration section. The name for the new configuration section must be unique.
  4. Click Create.

    A new section with exactly the same parameters, parameter values and comments of the section you are duplicating is created.

Deleting a Named Configuration

When you delete a named configuration section, you delete all the information within it. If you only want to delete specific parameters, see Managing Parameters.

To delete a named configuration:

  1. From the JVM Configuration region, select the row of the configuration section you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.

    The Confirmation dialog appears.

  3. Click Delete.

    The configuration section is deleted.

    Oracle Enterprise Manager returns to the JVM Configuration page and displays the remaining configurations.


You cannot delete the Default configuration section.

Managing Parameters

Use Fusion Middleware Control to manage parameters within a named configuration. You can add, edit, or delete parameters using Fusion Middleware Control.

To edit a parameter in a configuration section:

  1. From the JVM Configuration region, select the row of the configuration section that contains the parameter(s) you want to edit.

  2. Select the row of the parameter you want to edit. Enter the Value and Comments.

  3. Click Apply to save the changes or Revert to discard them.

To add a parameter to a configuration section:

  1. In Fusion Middleware Control, from the JVM Configuration region, select the configuration section row for which you want to add a parameter.

  2. Click Add to add a new parameter.

    The Add dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter the Name, Value and Comments for the parameter.

  4. Click Create to add the parameter.

  5. Click Apply to save the changes or Revert to discard them.

To delete a parameter in a configuration section:

  1. In Fusion Middleware Control, from the JVM Configuration region, select the configuration section from which you want to delete a parameter.
  2. Select the row that contains the parameter you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Apply to save the changes or Revert to discard them.

JVM Configuration Parameters and Default Values

The following table describes the JVM configuration parameters and their default values.

Table -32 List of JVM Configuration Parameters

Parameters Description Default Value


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent Oracle Forms sessions the default JVM will serve before a new JVM is spawned.



When you specify a classpath, it will override the system classpath or any classpath specified in your environment.



Enter any valid options to pass to the JVM. Refer to the Oracle Java documentation for a list of valid JVM startup parameters.



Leave Log Directory blank to use the log location for the default JVM controller. If any other directory is set, the log file cannot be viewed through Enterprise Manager.



Specifies whether logging is enabled or not.

Valid values: off, debug, warn, error, critical, info.



When enabled, autoremoval will allow the JVM Controller to monitor and manage child JVM and determine whether they are needed. As child JVM processes become unneeded the autoremoval feature will cleanly terminate those JVMs.



When enabled, loadbalance will allow the JVM Controller to monitor the status of each child JVM process. Based on the loadbalance setting selected, the JVM Controller will determine where to send requests for processing.


Starting and Stopping JVM Controllers with Fusion Middleware Control

Fusion Middleware Control is the recommended tool for managing Oracle Forms Services, such as starting, stopping, and restarting a JVM controller.

If a JVM controller is down, you can start it. If a JVM controller is already running, you can restart it without first having to manually stop it. Fusion Middleware Control does this step for you.


Ensure that users have stopped the forms sessions that are using the JVM controller before you stop or restart the JVM. Users may want to restart sessions when the JVM is restarted.

To access the JVM Controller page:

  1. Start the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

  2. From the Forms home page, select JVM Controllers. The JVM Controllers page is displayed.

To start a JVM controller that is not running:

  1. From the Forms menu, select JVM Controllers.

    The JVM Controllers page is displayed.

  2. Select the JVM controller that you want to start. A JVM that is not running is indicated by a red, down arrow.

  3. Click Start.

    When the JVM controller has started, a green, up arrow is displayed in the Status column.

To restart a running JVM controller:

  1. From the Forms menu, select JVM Controllers.

    The JVM Controllers page is displayed.

  2. Select the JVM controller to be restarted.

  3. Click Restart.

  4. Click Yes on the Confirmation dialog.

    The JVM Controller page reappears.

    When the JVM controller has restarted, a green, up arrow is displayed in the Status.

To stop a JVM Controller:

  1. From the Forms menu, select JVM Controllers.

    The JVM Controllers page is displayed.

  2. Select the running JVM controller that you want to stop, indicated by a green, up arrow.

  3. Click Stop.

  4. Click Yes on the Confirmation dialog.

    When the JVM controller has been stopped, a red, down arrow is displayed in the Status column.

To view additional details of a JVM Controller:

  1. From the Forms menu, select JVM Controllers.

    The JVM Controllers page is displayed.

  2. Click the plus symbol next to the JVM controller. The row is expanded to display additional details of the JVM controller.

Forms Configuration File Settings

This section describes the JVM pooling parameters that are used in the Forms configuration file (formsweb.cfg) to enable or disable use of JVM controller for applications. The parameter names are not case-sensitive. You can use Fusion Middleware Control to administer the Forms configuration file.

For information about modifying the parameters in formsweb.cfg, see Managing Parameters.

The following table describes the startup options that you specify in the formsweb.cfg file.

Table -33 Oracle Forms JVM Controller Startup Parameters

Parameter Description


Valid values: name of jvmcontroller. In addition, you can specify no JVM by leaving it blank.

Default value: none

Note: To specify this parameter in formsweb.cfg, you must first specify this parameter in otherparams in the form jvmcontroller=%jvmcontroller%, see Advanced Configuration Parameters.

This parameter can be set globally in the default section, or any application section can choose to override it. This tells the Forms runtime process which JVM controller to use. It corresponds to the jvmcontroller parameter for the dejvm executable.

If jvmcontroller does not have a value (jvmcontroller=), then the Forms runtime process will start its own in-process JVM, which means that the Java Importer uses pre-10g behavior.


Valid values: true, false

Default value: true

This parameter enables Oracle Forms to run the JVM controller if Forms is configured to use the JVM controller which is not already running.

Startup Example

This example shows an environment of multiple JVMs for multiple applications.

As shown in following table, formsweb.cfg is configured with four configuration sections.

Table -34 Multiple JVMs for Multiple Applications

Named Configuration Section JVM Configuration









If a user starts an ordersApp application, and the application executes Java code, the Forms runtime process will route the request to the JVM controller named commonJVM. Because the [ordersApp] application section does not specify which JVM controller to use, the Forms runtime process uses the global one. If the JVM controller is not started, it will be dynamically started. If a second user starts the same application, it too will attach to commonJVM.

When a user starts an hrApp application and it executes Java code, the Forms runtime process sends the request to the JVM controller named hrJVM because the [hrApp] application section overrides the global setting. If the JVM controller is not started, it will be dynamically started. When a second user starts the same application, it too will attach to hrJVM.

When a user starts a salesApp application and it executes Java code, the Forms runtime process starts an in-process JVM in the same way the Java Importer works without JVM pooling. When a second user starts the same application, the application will get their own in-process JVM, thus consuming more memory, as shown in following figure:

Figure -42 Multiple JVMs for multiple applications

Description of Figure -42 follows
Description of "Figure -42 Multiple JVMs for multiple applications"

JVM Controller Logging

When logging is enabled, the JVM controller logs specific information to the log file.

The information are logged:

  • The values of the JVM parameters (maxsessions, classpath, and so on);

  • When a JVM controller starts and stops;

  • When a child JVM is spawned;

  • When an Forms runtime process starts a new connection, along with its process ID

    This is useful for knowing which Forms runtime processes are connected to which JVM controller for diagnostics or administration;

  • When an Forms runtime process session ends and disconnects from the JVM.

The following section are included:

Specifying JVM Default Logging Properties

Use Fusion Middleware Control to manage the properties for JVM controller logging.

  1. In the JVM Configuration page, select the the JVM configuration section.
  2. For the logging parameter, enter a valid logging value, as described in Table -29.
  3. Click Apply.

Specifying the JVM Log Directory Location

You can specify the log file directory in the JVM controller. You can also specify the default JVM controller log file location for other JVM controllers to use.

To specify the log file directory location:

  1. Create a JVM controller.
  2. Add the Log Directory parameter.

    If you have duplicated a named configuration section that has Log Directory parameter defined in it, you can edit the existing parameter.

  3. Click Apply to save the changes.
The JVM Configuration page reappears.
For information about:

Accessing Log Files

When the log file exists, an icon is displayed in the Logfile column.

To access a log file:

  • Click the Log File link in the Logfile column that is available for that JVM controller.

    The Log File page appears and displays the log information.

Deleting a Log File for a JVM Controller

Use Fusion Middleware Control to delete log files.

To delete a log file for a JVM controller:

  1. From the JVM Controllers page, select the target JVM.
  2. Click Delete Logfile.

    The Delete Confirmation dialog appears.

  3. Click Delete.

    The logfile is deleted and the JVM Controllers page reappears.


If you delete a log file of a JVM that is running, the log file will be available again when the JVM is restarted. Logging is possible only when the JVM is restarted.

JVM Pooling Error Messages

You might encounter some problems when using JVM pooling.

PDE-JM001: Unable to communicate with the JVM Controller: <jvm_name>.

Cause: Failed to start the JVM controller or connect to an existing JVM controller.

Action: Notify your administrator.