Java Applet Embedded in HTML

This is the default configuration and gives the appearance that the Forms application (applet) is embedded in a web page.


This configuration is not recommended. Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) is the only common browser that supports this functionality and IE has been desupported by Microsoft. This functionality can also be accomplished using Microsoft Edge with "IE-mode" but IE-mode is only intended for transitional purposes.

This helps when the HTML content surrounding the Forms application contains related or integrated information. This can also be helpful when using the Forms JavaScript integration feature. Single sign-on and single sign-off are supported in this configuration.

To use this configuration, you require a Java Plug-in and a certified browser that supports the Java Plug-in.

Enter a URL in the browser, such as or

To implement this configuration, configure these parameters in the Forms Web Configuration page of Fusion Middleware Control.

Table -58 Parameters for Java Applet Embedded in HTML

Type Parameters
Non-WebUtil Enabled Forms
  • baseHTML=base.htm
  • baseHTMLjpi=basejpi.htm
WebUtil Enabled Forms
  • baseHTML=webutilbase.htm
  • baseHTMLjpi=webutiljpi.htm