JNLP Embedded in HTML

Embedded JNLP is very similar to embedded Applet, however the application is treated more like a Java Web Start application although embedded within a web page.


This configuration is not recommended. Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) is the only common browser that supports this functionality and IE has been desupported by Microsoft. This functionality can also be accomplished using Microsoft Edge with "IE-mode" but IE-mode is only intended for transitional purposes.
Similar to an embedded Applet, embedded JNLP supports JavaScript integration, single sign-on, single sign-off, and the ability to visually embed the form in a web page. Embedded JNLP has the added advantage of base-64 encoding the JNLP content (client side HTML source). This content includes most of the parameter and value pairs configured for the application. Because the base-64 encoded text is not human readable, it deters end-users from reading the parameters. Because much of the content is base-64 encoded, start up performance is slightly improved.


Base-64 encoding is not a security mechanism.; it is used by Java and helps to improve delivery performance from server to client.

For this configuration, you require a Java Plug-in and a certified browser that supports the Java Plug-in.

To use this configuration, either use the provided example configuration (named jnlp) or create your own.
To implement this configuration, configure these parameters in the Forms Web Configuration page of Fusion Middleware Control.

Table -59 Parameters for JNLP Embedded in HTML

Type Parameters
Non-WebUtil Enabled Forms
  • basejnlp=base.jnlp
  • baseHTMLjpi=basejpi_jnlp.htm
WebUtil Enabled Forms
  • basejnlp=webutil.jnlp
  • baseHTMLjpi=basejpi_jnlp.htm


When using Embedded JNLP, if the application uses custom jar files, for example jacob.jar, icons.jar, or example.jar add these to the extensions.jnlp file. The file is stored in the ORACLE_HOME\forms\java directory. Open this file in a text editor and add the needed entries based on the example included in the file. Each entry should be added on its own line.