3 Steps to Convert Forms 6i FMTs to the latest Oracle Forms FMBs

Because some properties are obsolete in the latest Forms version, you cannot directly convert Forms 6i FMTs and MMTs to current FMBs and MMBs using Form Builder.

The following section is included:

Converting a Forms 6i FMT to a Current Forms FMB

You should perform specific steps to convert 6i FMT or MMT to a current FMB or MMB.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Use the Forms 6i Builder or Compiler to convert the Forms 6i FMT or MMT to a Forms 6i FMB or MMB.

  2. Use the new Form Builder to convert/upgrade the Forms 6i FMB or MMB source files. Open the Forms 6i source files in the Form Builder, save them, then recompile them; or use the new Form Compiler.