Element: <oj-bind-slot>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


  • 4.1.0
  • ojcomposite



Slot Binding

The oj-bind-slot element is used inside a composite View as a placeholder for child DOM and is a declarative way to define a slot. Default markup can be defined if no child DOM is assigned to that particular slot by adding the markup as children of the slot. An oj-bind-slot element with a name attribute whose value is not the empty string is referred to as a named slot. A slot without a name attribute or one whose name value is the empty string is referred to as the default slot where any composite children without a slot attribute will be moved to.

Slot Properties

  • A default slot is a slot element whose slot name is the empty string or missing.
  • More than one node can be assigned to the same slot.
  • A slot can also have a slot attribute and be assigned to another slot.
  • A slot can have fallback content which are its child nodes that will be used in the DOM in its place if it has no assigned nodes.
  • A slot can also also have an index attribute to allow the slot's assigned nodes to be individually slotted (e.g. in conjunction with an oj-bind-for-each element).

Assignable Node Properties

  • Nodes with slot attributes will be assigned to the corresponding named slots (if present) and all other assignable nodes (Text or Element) will be assigned to the default slot (if present).
  • The slot attribute of a node is only applied once. If the View contains a composite and the node's assigned slot is a child of that composite, the slot attribute of the assigned slot is inherited for the slotting of that composite.
  • Nodes with slot attributes that reference slots not present in the View will not appear in the DOM.
  • If the View does not contain a default slot, nodes assigned to the default slot will not appear in the DOM.
  • Nodes that are not assigned to a slot will not appear in the DOM.

Example #1: Basic Usage

Note that the IDs are provided for sample purposes only.

Initial DOM

 <div id="A" slot="foo"></div>
 <div id="B" slot="bar"></div>
 <div id="C"></div>
 <div id="D" slot="foo"></div>
 <div id="E" slot="cat"></div>


<!-- component-a View -->
<div id="outerFoo">
 <oj-bind-slot name="foo"></oj-bind-slot>
<div id="outerBar">
 <oj-bind-slot name="bar"></oj-bind-slot>
<div id="outerBaz">
 <oj-bind-slot name="baz">
   <!-- Default Content -->
   <img id="F"></img>
   <div id="G"></div>
<div id="outerDefault">
   <!-- Default Content -->
   <div id="H"></div>

Final DOM

 <div id="outerFoo">
     <div id="A" slot="foo"></div>
     <div id="D" slot="foo"></div>
 <div id="outerBar">
     <div id="B" slot="bar"></div>
 <div id="outerBaz">
     <img id="F"></img>
     <div id="G"></div>
 <div id="outerDefault">
     <div id="C"></div>

Example #2: Slot Attribute Evaluation

When a node is assigned to a slot, its slot value is not used for subsequent slot assignments when child bindings are applied. Instead that slot's slot attribute, which by default is "", overrides the assigned node's slot attribute. No actual DOM changes will be made to the assigned node's slot attribute, but its evaluated slot value will be managed internally and used for applying subsequent child bindings.

Initial DOM

 <div id="A" slot="foo"></div>


<!-- component-a View -->
 <oj-bind-slot name="foo"></oj-bind-slot>

<!-- component-b View -->
<div id="outerFoo">
 <oj-bind-slot name="foo"></oj-bind-slot>
<div id="outerDefault">

When applying bindings for the component-a View, the oj-bind-slot binding will replace slot foo with div A. Slot foo's slot attribute ("") overrides div A's ("foo") so that the evaluated slot value ("") will be used when applying subsequent child bindings.

<!-- DOM -->
 <!-- Start component-a View -->
   <!-- Evaluated slot value is "" -->
   <div id="A" slot="foo"></div>
 <!-- End component-a View -->

When applying bindings for the component-b View, the oj-bind-slot binding will replace component-b's default slot with div A since it's evaluated slot value is "".

<!-- DOM -->
 <!-- Start component-a View -->
   <!-- Start component-b View -->
   <div id="outerFoo">
   <div id="outerDefault">
     <div id="A" slot="foo"></div>
   <!-- End component-b View -->
 <!-- End component-a View -->

Deferred Slots

As a performance enhancement, the composite can participate in deferred slot rendering by conditionally rendering a slot element inside a conditional oj-bind-if element and document that certain slots will be lazily rendered. This gives the application the opportunity to wrap their slot content in an oj-defer element and have the bindings for that deferred content be delayed. oj.Components.subtreeHidden/Shown will automatically be called on the slot contents when they are added or removed from a slot. Note that due to a current limitation, the slot element should be wrapped in an HTML element (e.g. <div> or <span>), when it is a child of an oj-bind-if element or a knockout if binding on a comment node. It is not required to wrap when the slot element is a child of a knockout if binding on an HTML element.

Initial DOM

 <oj-defer slot="front">
 <oj-defer slot="back">


<oj-bind-if test="isFront">
    <oj-bind-slot class="card-component-front">
<oj-bind-if test="!isFront">
    <oj-bind-slot class="card-component-back">



interface BindSlotElement

Typescript Import Format
//To typecheck the element APIs, import as below.
import { BindSlotElement } from "ojs/ojcomposite";

//For the transpiled javascript to load the element's module, import as below
import "ojs/ojcomposite";

For additional information visit:


JET components that allow child content support slots. Please see the slots section of the JET component overview doc for more information on allowed slot content and slot types.


The oj-bind-slot default slot is used to specify fallback content which will be used in the DOM if the slot has no assigned nodes. As with assigned nodes, the fallback content will inherit the slot attribute of the oj-bind-slot itself.


index :number

An index value allowing the slot children to be individually slotted. This is useful when the composite needs to add additional DOM around slotted children.

name :string

The name of the slot.