Element: <oj-toolbar>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: ToolbarElement

  • 14.0.0
  • 0.6.0
Applies a bottom border to the toolbar, or to the oj-toolbars element, in themes not having this border by default.
<oj-toolbar id="myToolbar" aria-label="Foo" aria-controls="bar" class="oj-toolbar-bottom-border">
  <oj-button ...></oj-button>
  <span role="separator" aria-orientation="vertical" class="oj-toolbar-separator"></span>
  <oj-button ...></oj-button>
Removes chrome (background and border) from the toolbar(s), in themes having this chrome by default.
<oj-toolbar id="myToolbar" aria-label="Foo" aria-controls="bar" class="oj-toolbar-no-chrome">
  <oj-button ...></oj-button>
  <span role="separator" aria-orientation="vertical" class="oj-toolbar-separator"></span>
  <oj-button ...></oj-button>
Separators should be placed around any buttonsets in the toolbar, and anywhere else in the toolbar that a separator is desirable.
For accessibility, additionally apply role and aria-orientation as shown.
<oj-toolbar id="myToolbar" aria-label="Foo" aria-controls="bar">
  <oj-button ...></oj-button>
  <span role="separator" aria-orientation="vertical" class="oj-toolbar-separator"></span>
  <oj-button ...></oj-button>
Applies a top border to the toolbar, or to the oj-toolbars element, in themes not having this border by default.
<oj-toolbar id="myToolbar" aria-label="Foo" aria-controls="bar" class="oj-toolbar-top-border">
  <oj-button ...></oj-button>
  <span role="separator" aria-orientation="vertical" class="oj-toolbar-separator"></span>
  <oj-button ...></oj-button>

CSS Variables

See JET CSS Variables for additional details.
Name Type Description
--oj-toolbar-button-margin <length> Horizontal margin around a button in a toolbar
--oj-toolbar-borderless-button-margin <length> Horizontal margin around a borderless button in a toolbar
--oj-toolbar-separator-margin <length> Horizontal margin around a separator in a toolbar