Element: <oj-diagram>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: DiagramElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Node or Link Tap Select when selectionMode is enabled.
Press & Hold Display tooltip.
Display context menu on release.

Keyboard Information

Key Action
Tab Move focus to next element.
Shift + Tab Move focus to previous element.
+ Zoom in one level.
- Zoom out one level.
0 (zero) Zoom to fit.
Ctrl + Alt + 0 (zero) Zoom and center.
PageUp or PageDown Pan up / down.
Shift + PageUp or PageDown Pan left/right (RTL: Pan right/left).
LeftArrow or RightArrow When focus is on a node, move focus and selection to nearest node left/right.
UpArrow or DownArrow When focus is on a node, move focus and selection to nearest node up/down.
Ctrl + Shift + Space Open/Close an active container node
[ Move focus and selection to nearest node down in the container hierarchy
] Move focus and selection to nearest node up in the container hierarchy
Alt + < or Alt + > When focus is on a node, move focus and selection to nearest link left/right.
UpArrow or DownArrow When focus is on a link, navigate between links clockwise or counter clockwise.
LeftArrow or RightArrow When focus is on a link, move focus from a link to a start or end node.
Ctrl + Space Select focused node / link.
Ctrl + Space Multi-select node / link with focus.
Shift + <node or link navigation shortcut> Move focus and multi-select a node or a link.
Ctrl + <node or link navigation shortcut> Move focus to a node or a link but do not select.
F2 Toggles Actionable mode. Entering actionable mode enables keyboard action on elements inside the node/link, including navigating between focusable elements inside the node/link.
Esc Exit Actionable mode.