2 Understand the Web App Workflow

Developing virtual DOM apps with Oracle JET is designed to be simple and efficient using the development environment of your choice and a starter template to ease the development process.

Oracle JET supports creating web apps from a command-line interface:

  • Before you can create your first Oracle JET web app using the CLI, you must install the prerequisite packages if you haven’t already done so. For details, see Install Oracle JET Tooling.

  • Then, use the Oracle JET command-line interface package (ojet-cli) to scaffold a web app using a basic starter template that creates a pre-configured app that you can modify as needed.

  • After you have scaffolded the app, use the ojet-cli to build the app, serve it in a local web browser, and create a package ready for deployment.

You must not use more than one version of Oracle JET to add components to the same HTML document of your web app. Oracle JET does not support running multiple versions of Oracle JET components in the same web page.

Scaffold a Web App

Scaffolding is the process you use in the Oracle JET command-line interface (CLI) to create an app that is pre-configured with a content area, a header and a footer layout. After scaffolding, you can modify the app as needed.

The following image shows an app generated by the starter template. It includes responsive styling that adjusts the display when the screen size changes.

Image described in surrounding text

Before you can create your first Oracle JET web app using the CLI, you must also install the prerequisite packages if you haven’t already done so. For details, see Install Oracle JET Tooling.

To scaffold an Oracle JET web app:
  1. At a command prompt, enter ojet create with optional arguments to create the Oracle JET app and scaffolding.
    ojet create [directory]


    You can enter ojet help at a terminal prompt to get additional help with the Oracle JET CLI.

    For example, the following command creates a web app in the my-First-JET-VDOM-app directory using the basic template:

    ojet create my-First-JET-VDOM-app --template=basic --vdom

    To scaffold the web app that will use the globally-installed @oracle/oraclejet-tooling rather than install it locally in the app directory, enter the following command:

    ojet create my-web-app --use-global-tooling --vdom
  2. Wait for confirmation.

    The scaffolding will take some time to complete. When successful, the console displays:

    Oracle JET: Your app is ready! Change to your new app directory my-First-JET-VDOM-app and try ojet build and serve...
  3. In your development environment, update the code for your app.

About the Virtual DOM App Layout

Oracle JET Tooling creates an app for you with the necessary source files and directory structure.

The new application will have a directory structure similar to the one shown in the following image.

Virtual DOM App File Structure

The application folders contain the application and configuration files that you will modify as needed for your own application.

Directory or File Description


Contains the Node.js modules used by the tooling.


Contains template hook scripts that you can modify to define new build and serve steps for your application. See Customize the Web App Tooling Workflow


Site root for your application. Contains the application files that you can modify as needed for your own application and should be committed to source control. The starter template includes an app component that imports footer, header, and content components to help you get started.


Defines rules for application folders to ignore when using a GIT repository to check in application source. Users who do not use a GIT repository can use ojet strip to avoid checking in content that Oracle JET always regenerates. Note this file must not be deleted since the ojet strip command depends on it.


Contains the default source and staging file paths that you can modify if you need to change your application's file structure.


Defines npm dependencies and project metadata.

Whether you are developing a virtual DOM app or a VComponent-based web component, you'll write your code in the files under the src directory. The Oracle JET Tooling creates a corresponding web and dist directory when you build and/or serve the app, or publish a JET Pack with web components.

||| Contents of virtual DOM app directory prior to build or serve
|   oraclejetconfig.json
|   package-lock.json
|   package.json
|   path_mapping.json
|   tsconfig.json
|   +---config
|   \---hooks
    |   index.html
    |   index.ts
    |   main.js
    |   |   app.tsx
    |   |   footer.tsx
    |   |   header.tsx
    |   \---content
    |           index.tsx
        |   app.css

Oracle JET virtual DOM architecture uses modules to organize VComponents and the Oracle JET Tooling manages the modules in a project.

Custom element-based VComponents must reside in a directory with a name that matches the name of the component. That is, the oj-hello-world custom component must reside in a directory named oj-hello-world. By default, the name of the directory where you store all components in your virtual DOM app is components, but you can change it to a different value by editing the value of components in the oraclejetconfig.json file in your virtual DOM app's root directory.

  "paths": {
    "source": {
      "components": "changeToYourPreferredValue",

Each custom element-based VComponent requires an accompanying loader.ts module file, as illustrated by the following example for a custom element-based VComponent named oj-hello-world. Oracle JET Tooling includes this file as Oracle Visual Builder, the Oracle Component Exchange, and the Oracle JET Tooling itself require it.

|   index.html
|   |   app.tsx
|   |   footer.tsx
|   |   header.tsx
|   |
|   +---content
|   |       index.tsx
|   |
|   \---oj-hello-world
|       |   loader.ts
|       |   oj-hello-world-styles.css
|       |   oj-hello-world.tsx
|       |   README.md
|       |
|       +---resources
|       |   \---nls
|       |           oj-hello-world-strings.ts
|       |

The Oracle JET Tooling can manage components individually but we recommend that you manage components in a pack (also known as a JET Pack) if you intend to create more than one component.

About the Binding Provider for Virtual DOM Apps

Oracle JET's default binding provider is Knockout. The binding provider that you use affects how Oracle JET custom elements render.

If the default binding provider (data-oj-binding-provider="knockout") is used, all Oracle JET custom elements, such as oj-list-view, wait on the apply bindings traversal to complete before rendering. When Oracle JET custom elements are used in a Preact environment (virtual DOM app), you must use the preact binding provider (data-oj-binding-provider="preact").

VComponent-based web components implicitly set the binding provider to preact on behalf of their child components. As a result, Oracle JET custom elements inside of a VComponent use the preact binding provider. However, for virtual DOM apps, you, the app developer, must configure the binding provider manually (data-oj-binding-provider="preact") somewhere in the DOM above where you add Oracle JET custom elements. The following code snippet shows three examples of how you can set the binding provider to preact.

// Update the entry in the appRootDir/src/index.html file of your virtual DOM app
<body class="oj-web-applayout-body" data-oj-binding-provider="preact">

// Set the data-oj-binding-provider="preact" on a parent element to a collection
// of JET custom elements
    <div id="preact-content-goes-here" data-oj-binding-provider="preact">
     <oj-button . . .>	
   	  <oj-list-view . . .>

// Set the data-oj-binding-provider="preact" on an individual JET custom element
<oj-list-view data-oj-binding-provider="preact"...>


The index.html file that the Oracle JET Tooling generates when you create a virtual DOM app is a regular HTML document with no active binding provider. For this reason, its use of <body ... data-oj-binding-provider="none"> is appropriate. Note too that the <app-root> element that the Oracle JET Tooling also generates in the index.html file is a VComponent-based web component and it, like other VComponent-based web components, sets the binding provider to preact on behalf of any child components that it references.

For more information about the binding provider, see the Binding Providers section in the Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) API Reference for Oracle JET.

Add Progressive Web App Support to Web Apps

Add Progressive Web App (PWA) support to your JET web app if you want to give users a native-like mobile app experience on the device where they access your JET web app.

Using the ojet add pwa command, you add both a service worker script and a web manifest to your JET web app. You can customize these artifacts to determine how your JET web app behaves when accessed as a PWA.

To add PWA support to your web app:
  1. At a terminal prompt, in your app's top level directory, enter the following command to add PWA support to your JET web app:
    ojet add pwa

When you run the command, Oracle JET tooling makes the following changes to your JET web app:

  • Adds the following two files to the app’s src folder:
    • manifest.json

      This file tells the browser about the PWA support in your JET web app, and how it should behave when installed on a user's desktop or mobile device. Use this file to specify the app name to appear on a user’s device, plus device-specific icons. For information about the properties that you can specify in this file, see Add a web app manifest.

    • sw.js

      This is the service worker script that the browser runs in the background. Use this file to specify any additional resources from your JET app that you want to cache on a user’s device if the PWA service worker is installed. By default, JET specifies the following resources to cache:

      const resourcesToCache = [
  • Registers the manifest file and the service worker script in the JET web app's ./src/index.html file:
    <html lang="en-us">
      <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">
    <script type="text/javascript">
      if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
        navigator.serviceWorker.register('sw.js').then(function(registration) { 
          // Registration was successful 
          console.log('myPWAapp ServiceWorker registration successful with scope: ', registration.scope); 
        }).catch(function(err) {
        // registration failed 
          console.log('myPWAapp ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err);

With these changes, a user on a mobile device, such as an Android phone, can initially access your JET web app through its URL using the Chrome browser, add it to the Home screen of the device, and subsequently launch it like any other app on the phone. Note that browser and platform support for PWA is not uniform. To ensure an optimal experience, test your PWA-enabled JET web app on your users' target platforms (Android, iOS, and so on) and the browsers (Chrome, Safari, and so on).

PWA-enabled JET web apps and service workers require HTTPS. The production environment where you deploy your PWA-enabled JET web app will serve the app over HTTPS. If, during development, you want to serve your JET web app to a HTTPS-enabled server, see Serve a Web App to a HTTPS Server Using a Self-signed Certificate.

Build a Web App

Use the Oracle JET command-line interface (CLI) to build a development version of your web app before serving it to a browser. This step is optional.

Change to the app’s root directory and use the ojet build command to build your app.

ojet build [--cssvars=enabled|disabled 


You can enter ojet help at a terminal prompt to get help for specific Oracle JET CLI options.
The command will take some time to complete. If it’s successful, you’ll see the following message:

The command will also create a web folder in your app’s root to contain the built content.


You can also use the ojet build command with the --release option to build a release-ready version of your app. For information, see Package and Deploy Apps.

Serve a Web App

Use ojet serve to run your web app in a local web server for testing and debugging. By default, the Oracle JET live reload option is enabled which lets you make changes to your app code that are immediately reflected in the browser.

To run your web app from a terminal prompt:
  1. At a terminal prompt, change to the app’s root directory and use the ojet serve command with optional arguments to launch the app.
    ojet serve [--server-port=server-port-number --livereload-port=live-reload-port-number
                --theme=themename --themes=theme1,theme2,...
    For example, the following command launches your app in the default web browser with live reload enabled.
    ojet serve
  2. Make any desired code change in the src folder, and the browser will update automatically to reflect the change unless you set the --no-livereload flag.

    While the app is running, the terminal window remains open, and the watch task waits for any changes to the app. For example, if you change the content in src/components/oj-hello-world/oj-hello-world-styles.css , the watch task will reflect the change in the terminal as shown below on a Windows desktop.

    Watcher: sourceFiles is ready.
    Watcher: sass is ready.
    Watcher: themes is ready.
    Changed: C:\jet\vdomUA-app\src\components\oj-hello-world\oj-hello-world-styles.css
    Running before_watch hook.
    Running after_watch hook.
    Page reloaded resume watching.
  3. To terminate the process, close the app and press Ctrl+C at the terminal prompt. You may need to enter Ctrl+C a few times before the process terminates.

To get additional help for the supported ojet serve options, enter ojet serve --help at a terminal prompt.

About ojet serve Command Options and Express Middleware Functions

Use ojet serve to run your web app in a local web server for testing and debugging.

The following table describes the available ojet serve options and provides examples for their use.

Oracle JET tooling uses Express, a Node.js web app framework, to set up and host the web app when you run ojet serve. If the ready-to-use ojet serve options do not meet your requirements, you can add Express configuration options or write Express middleware functions in Oracle JET’s before_serve.js hook point. For an example that demonstrates how to add Express configuration options, see Serve a Web App to a HTTPS Server Using a Self-signed Certificate.

The before_serve hook point provides options to determine whether to replace the existing middleware or instead prepend and append a middleware function to the existing middleware. Typically, you’ll prepend a middleware function (preMiddleware) that you write if you want live reload to continue to work after you serve your web app. Live reload is the first middleware that Oracle JET tooling uses. You must use the next function as an argument to any middleware function that you write if you want subsequent middleware functions, such as live reload, to be invoked by the Express instance. In summary, use one of the following arguments to determine when your Express middleware function executes:

  • preMiddleware: Execute before the default Oracle JET tooling middleware. The default Oracle JET tooling middleware consists of connect-livereload, serve-static, and serve-index, and executes in that order.
  • postMiddleware: Execute after the default Oracle JET tooling middleware.
  • middleware: Replaces the default Oracle JET tooling middleware. Use if you need strict control of the order in which middleware runs. Note that you will need to redefine all the default middleware that was previously added by Oracle JET tooling.
Option Description


Server port number. If not specified, defaults to 8000.


Live reload port number. If not specified, defaults to 35729.


Enable the live reload feature. Live reload is enabled by default (--livereload=true).

Use --livereload=false or --no-livereload to disable the live reload feature.

Disabling live reload can be helpful if you’re working in an IDE and want to use that IDE’s mechanism for loading updated apps.

You can also configure the interval at which the live reload feature polls the Oracle JET project for updates by configuring a value for the watchInterval property in the oraclejetconfig.json file. The default value is 1000 milliseconds.


Build the app before you serve it. By default, an app is built before you serve it (--build=true).

Use --build=false or --no-build to suppress the build if you’ve already built the app and just want to serve it.


Theme to use for the app. The theme defaults to redwood.


Themes to use for the app, separated by commas.

If you don’t specify the --theme flag as described above, Oracle JET will use the first element that you specify in --themes as the default theme. Otherwise Oracle JET will serve the app with the theme specified in --theme.


Serves the app, as if to a browser, but does not launch a browser. Use this option in cloud-based development environments so that you can attach your browser to the app served by the development machine.

Serve a Web App to a HTTPS Server Using a Self-signed Certificate

You can customize the JET CLI tooling to serve your web app to a HTTPS server instead of the default HTTP server that the Oracle JET ojet serve command uses.

Do this if, for example, you want to approximate your development environment more closely to a production environment where your web app will eventually be deployed. Requests to your web app when it is deployed to a production environment will be served from an SSL-enabled HTTP server (HTTPS).

To implement this behavior, you’ll need to install a certificate in your web app directory. You’ll also need to configure the before_serve.js hook to do the following:

  • Create an instance of Express to host the served web app.

  • Set up HTTPS on the Express instance that you’ve created. You specify the HTTPS protocol, identify the location of the self-signed certificate that you placed in the app directory, and specify a password.
  • Pass the modified Express instance and the SSL-enabled server to the JET tooling so that ojet serve uses your middleware configuration rather than the ready-to-use middleware configuration provided by the Oracle JET tooling.
  • To ensure that live reloads works when your web app is served to the HTTPS server, you’ll also create an instance of the live reload server and configure it to use SSL.

If you can’t use a certificate issued by a certificate authority, you can create your own certificate (a self-signed certificate). Tools such as OpenSSL, Keychain Access on Mac, and the Java Development Kit’s keytool utility can be used to perform this task for you. For example, using the Git Bash shell that comes with Git for Windows, you can run the following command to create a self-signed certificate with the OpenSSL tool:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes

Once you've obtained the self-signed certificate that you want to use, install it in your app's directory. For example, place the two files generated by the previous command in your app’s root directory:


Once you have installed the self-signed certificates in your app, you configure the script for the before_serve hook point. To do this, open the AppRootDir/scripts/hooks/before_serve.js with your editor and configure it as described by the comments in the following example configuration.

'use strict';

module.exports = function (configObj) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    console.log("Running before_serve hook.");

    // Create an instance of Express, the Node.js web app framework that Oracle 
    // JET tooling uses to host the web apps that you serve using ojet serve
    const express = require("express");

    // Set up HTTPS 
    const fs = require("fs");
    const https = require("https");
    // Specify the self-signed certificates. In our example, these files exist 
    // in the root directory of our project.
    const key = fs.readFileSync("./key.pem");
    const cert = fs.readFileSync("./cert.pem");
    // If the self-signed certificate that you created or use requires a 
    // password, specify it here:
    const passphrase = "1234";

    const app = express();

    // Pass the modified Express instance and the SSL-enabled server to the Oracle JET tooling
    configObj['express'] = app;
    configObj['urlPrefix'] = 'https';
    configObj['server'] = https.createServer({
      key: key,
      cert: cert,
      passphrase: passphrase
    }, app);

    // Enable the Oracle JET live reload option using its default port number so that
    // any changes you make to app code are immediately reflected in the browser after you
    // serve it
    const tinylr = require("tiny-lr");
    const lrPort = "35729";

    // Configure the live reload server to also use SSL
    configObj["liveReloadServer"] = tinylr({ lrPort, key, cert, passphrase });


Once you have completed these configuration steps, run the series of commands (ojet build and ojet serve, for example) that you typically run to build and serve your web app. As the certificate that you are using is a self-signed certificate rather than a certificate issued by a certificate authority, the browser that you use to access the web app displays a warning the first time that you access the web app. Acknowledge the warning and click the options that allow you to access your web app. On Google Chrome, for example, you click Advanced and Proceed to localhost (unsafe) if your web app is being served to https://localhost:8000/.

Once your web app opens in the browser, you'll see that the HTTPS protocol is used and an indicator that the connection is not secure, because you are not using a certificate from a certificate authority. You can also view the certificate information to confirm that it is the self-signed certificate that you created. In Google Chrome, click Not secure and Certificate to view the certificate information.

Description of httpsserver.png follows
Description of the illustration httpsserver.png

The before_serve hook point is one of a series of script hook points that you can use to customize the tooling workflow for Oracle JET apps. See Customize the Web App Tooling Workflow.

Customize the Web App Tooling Workflow

Hook points that Oracle JET tooling defines let you customize the behavior of the JET build and serve processes when you want to define new steps to execute during the tooling workflow using script code that you write.

When you create an app, Oracle JET tooling generates script templates in the /scripts/hooks app subfolder. To customize the Oracle JET tooling workflow you can edit the generated templates with the script code that you want the tooling to execute for specific hook points during the build and serve processes. If you do not create a custom hook point script, Oracle JET tooling ignores the script templates and follows the default workflow for the build and serve processes.

To customize the workflow for the build or serve processes, you edit the generated script template file named for a specific hook point. For example, to trigger a script at the start of the tooling's build process, you would edit the before_build.js script named for the hook point triggered before the build begins. That hook point is named before_build.

Therefore, customization of the build and serve processes that you enforce on Oracle JET tooling workflow requires that you know the following details before you can write a customization script.

  • The Oracle JET build or serve mode that you want to customize:

    • Debug — The default mode when you build or serve your app, which produces the source code in the built app.

    • Release — The mode when you build the app with the --release option, which produces minified and bundled code in a release-ready app.

  • The appropriate hook point to trigger the customization.

  • The location of the default hook script template to customize.

About the Script Hook Points for Web Apps

The Oracle JET hooks system defines various script trigger points, also called hook points, that allow you to customize the create, build, serve, package and restore workflow across the various command-line interface processes. Customization relies on script files and the script code that you want to trigger for a particular hook point.

The following table identifies the hook points and the workflow customizations they support in the Oracle JET tooling create, build, serve, and restore processes. Unless noted, hook points for the build and serve processes support both debug and release mode.

Hook Point Supported Tooling Process Description



This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_app_create.js immediately after the tooling concludes the create app process.



This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_app_restore.js immediately after the tooling concludes the restore app process.



This hook point triggers the script with the default name before_build.js immediately before the tooling initiates the build process.


build (release mode only)

This hook point triggers the script with the default name before_release_build.js before the minification step and the requirejs bundling step occur.


build / serve

This hook point triggers the script with the default name before_app_typescript.js after the build process or serve process steps occur and before the app is transpiled. Use the hook to update, add or remove TypeScript compiler options defined by your app's tsconfig.json compiler configuration file. The hook system passes your reference to the modified tsconfig object to the TypeScript compiler. A script for this hook point can only be used with a TypeScript app.


build / serve

This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_app_typescript.js after the build process or serve process steps occur and immediately after the before_app_typescript hook point executes. This hook provides an entry point for apps that require further processing, such as compiling generated .jsx output using babel. A script for this hook point can only be used with a TypeScript app.


build / serve

This hook point triggers the script with the default name before_component_typescript.js after the build process or serve process steps occur and before the component is transpiled. Use the hook to update, add or remove TypeScript compiler options defined by your app's tsconfig.json compiler configuration file. The hook system passes your reference to the modified tsconfig object to the TypeScript compiler. A script for this hook point can only be used with a TypeScript app.


build / serve

This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_component_typescript.js after the build process or serve process steps occur and immediately after the before_component_typescript hook point executes. This hook provides an entry point for apps that require further processing, such as compiling generated .jsx output using babel. A script for this hook point can only be used with a TypeScript app.


build / serve (release mode only)

This hook point triggers the script with the default name before_optimize.js before the release mode build/serve process minifies the content.


build / serve

This hook point triggers the script with the default name before_component_optimize.js before the build/serve process minifies the content. A script for this hook point can be used to modify the build process specifically for a project that defines a Web Component.



This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_build.js immediately after the tooling concludes the build process.



This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_component_create.js immediately after the tooling concludes the create Web Component process. A script for this hook point can be used to modify the build process specifically for a project that defines a Web Component.


build (debug mode only)

This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_component_build.js immediately after the tooling concludes the Web Component build process. A script for this hook point can be used to modify the build process specifically for a project that defines a Web Component.



This hook point triggers the script with the default name before_serve.js before the web serve process connects to and watches the app.



This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_serve.js after all build process steps complete and the tooling serves the app.



This hook point triggers the script with the default name before_watch.js after the tooling serves the app and before the tooling starts watching for app changes.



This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_watch.js after the tooling starts the watch and after the tooling detects a change to the app.

after_component_package package This hook point triggers the script with the default name after_component_package.js immediately after the tooling concludes the component package process.
before_component_package package This hook point triggers the script with the default name before_component_package.js immediately before the tooling initiates the component package process.

Change the Hooks Subfolder Location

When you create an app, Oracle JET tooling generates script templates in the /scripts/hooks app subfolder. Your development effort may require you to relocate hook scripts to a common location, for example to support team development.

By default, the hooks system locates the scripts in the hooks subfolder using a generated JSON file (hooks.json) that specifies the script paths. When the tooling reaches the hook point, it executes the corresponding script which it locates using the hooks.json file. If you relocate hook script(s) to a common location, you must edit the hooks.json file to specify the new location for the hook scripts that you relocated, as illustrated by the following example.

    "description": "OJET-CLI hooks configuration file",
    "hooks": {
        "after_app_create": "scripts/hooks/after_app_create.js",
        "after_serve": "http://example.com/cdn/common/scripts/hooks/after_serve.js "

Create a Hook Script for Web Apps

You can create a hook point script to define a new command-line interface process step for your web app. To create a hook script, you edit the hook script template associated with a specific hook point in the tooling build and serve workflow.

The Oracle JET hooks system defines various script trigger points, also called hook points, that allow you to customize the build and serve workflow across the various build and serve modes. Customization relies on script files and the script code that you want to trigger for a particular hook point. Note that the generated script templates that you modify with your script code are named for their corresponding hook point.

To customize the workflow for the build or serve processes, you edit the generated script template file named for a specific hook point. For example, to trigger a script at the start of the tooling's build process, you would edit the before_build.js script named for the hook point triggered before the build begins. That hook point is named before_build.

A basic example illustrates a simple customization using the before_optimize hook, which allows you to control the RequireJS properties shown in bold to modify the app's bundling configuration.

  baseUrl: "web/js",
  name: "main-temp",
  paths: {
  // injector:mainReleasePaths
  // endinjector
  out: "web/main.js"

A script for this hook point might add one line to the before_optimize script template, as shown below. When you build the app with this customization script file in the default location, the tooling triggers the script before calling requirejs.out() and changes the out property setting to a custom directory path. The result is that the app-generated main.js is created in the named directory instead of the default web/js/main.js location.

module.exports = function (configObj) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    console.log("Running before_optimize hook.");
    configObj.requirejs.out = 'myweb/js/main.js';

You can retrieve more information about the definition of configObj that is passed into many script hook points as a parameter by making the following modification in one of the build-related hook points and then running ojet build. For example, the before_build.js hook point can be modified as follows:

module.exports = function (configObj) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  	console.log("Running before_build hook.", configObj);

The console from where you run the ojet build command then displays the available options that you can customize in configObj.

Cleaning staging path.
Running before_build hook {
  buildType: 'dev',
  opts: {
    stagingPath: 'web',
    injectPaths: {
      startTag: '// injector:mainReleasePaths',
. . . 

Elsewhere, read examples that illustrate how to use the configObj to customize a hook point to, for example, add Express configuration options or write Express middleware functions in the before_serve.js hook point if the ready-to-use ojet serve options do not meet your requirements. See Serve a Web App to a HTTPS Server Using a Self-signed Certificate.


If you want to change app path mappings, it is recommended to always edit the path_mappings.json file. An exception might be when you want app runtime path mappings to be different from the mappings used by the bundling process, then you might use a before_optimize hook script to change the requirejs.config paths property.

The following example illustrates a more complex build customization using the after_build hook. This hook script adds a customize task after the build finishes.

'use strict’;

const fs = require('fs');
const archiver = require('archiver');

module.exports = function (configObj) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
   console.log("Running after_build hook.");

    //Set up the archive
    const output = fs.createWriteStream('my-archive.war');
    const archive = archiver('zip');

    //Callbacks for the archiver
    output.on('close', () => {
      console.log('Files were successfully archived.');
    archive.on('warning', (error) => {
    archive.on('error', (error) => {
    //Archive the web folder and close the file
    archive.directory('web', false);

In this example, assume the script templates reside in the default folder generated when you created the app. The goal is to package the app into a ZIP file. Because packaging occurs after the app build process completes, this script is triggered for the after_build hook point. For this hook point, the modified script template after_build.js will contain the script code to ZIP the app, and because the .js file resides in the default location, no hooks system configuration changes are required.


Oracle JET tooling reports when hook points are executed in the message log for the build and serve process. You can examine the log in the console to understand the tooling workflow and determine exactly when the tooling triggers a hook point script.

Pass Arguments to a Hook Script for Web Apps

You can pass extra values to a hook script from the command-line interface when you build or serve the web app. The hook script that you create can use these values to perform some workflow action, such as creating an archive file from the contents of the web folder.

You can add the --user-options flag to the command-line interface for Oracle JET to define user input for the hook system when you build or serve the web app. The --user-options flag can be appended to the build or serve commands and takes as arguments one or more space-separated, string values:
ojet build --user-options="some string1" "some string2" "some stringx"
For example, you might write a hook script that archives a copy of the build output after the build finishes. The developer might pass the user-defined parameter archive-file set to the archive file name by using the --user-options flag on the Oracle JET command line.
ojet build web --user-options="archive-file=deploy.zip"
If the flag is appended and the appropriate input is passed, the hook script code may write a ZIP file to the /deploy directory in the root of the project. The following example illustrates this build customization using the after_build hook. The script code parses the user input for the value of the user defined archive-file flag with a promise to archive the app after the build finishes by calling the NodeJS function fs.createWriteStream(). This hook script is an example of taking user input from the command-line interface and processing it to achieve a build workflow customization.
'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const archiver = require('archiver');
const path = require('path');

module.exports = function (configObj) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    console.log("Running after_build hook.");

    //Check to see if the user set the flag 
    //In this case we're only expecting one possible user defined
    //argument so the parsing can be simple
    const options = configObj.userOptions;
    if (options){
      const userArgs = options.split('=');
      if (userArgs.length > 1 && userArgs[0] === 'archive-file'){
        const deployRoot = 'deploy';
        const outputArchive = path.join(deployRoot,userArgs[1]);

        //Ensure the output folder exists
        if (!fs.existsSync(deployRoot)) {

        //Set up the archive
        const output = fs.createWriteStream(outputArchive);
        const archive = archiver('zip');

        //callbacks for the archiver
        output.on('close', () => {
          console.log(`Archive file ${outputArchive} successfully created.`);

        archive.on('error', (error) => {
          console.error(`Error creating archive ${outputArchive}`);

        //Archive the web folder and close the file
        archive.directory('web', false);
      else {
        //Unexpected input - fail with information message
        reject(`Unexpected flags in user-options: ${options}`);
    else {
  	//nothing to do

Use Webpack in Oracle JET App Development

You can use Webpack to manage your Oracle JET app, as well as the build and serve tasks.

If you decide to use Webpack, Oracle JET passes responsibility to Webpack to build and serve the source files of your Oracle JET project. Before you decide to use Webpack, note that it is not possible to use Webpack with Oracle JET apps that need to build, package or publish web components.

If you decide to use Webpack in your Oracle JET app, you can specify it as a command-line argument when you scaffold the project, as demonstrated by the following example command:

ojet create <app-name> --template=basic --vdom --webpack

To build and serve the app with Webpack, simply run ojet build and ojet serve respectively. You cannot use the ojet serve --release command. To run a release build from your local development environment, use the ojet build --release command, and then use a static server of your choice (for example, http-server) from the /web folder.

To add Webpack to an existing Oracle JET app, run the following command from the root directory of your Oracle JET project:

ojet add webpack

The files and directories in an Oracle JET project that uses Webpack differ to a project an app generated without specifying the --webpack argument. The following table describes the differences that result from use of the --webpack argument.

Option Description


The types directory contains a /types/components/index.d.ts file with a stub to add custom element tag names to the list of known JSX intrinsic elements. This is important if you plan to use custom elements within JSX that do not have preact.JSX.IntrinsicElements type definitions. Note that /types should only include type definitions which do not emit a JavaScript file after compilation. If you wish to rename the folder, make sure to also update the reference to it in the tsconfig.json file under the typeRoots option.


This file manages Oracle JET's default webpack configuration. For more detail about this file and how to configure it, see Configure Oracle JET's Default Webpack Configuration.


In constrast to the tsconfig.json generated for apps without Webpack, the esModuleInterop and resolveJsonModule flags are set to true. The esModuleInterop flag allows apps to standardize on default imports for all module types. Calls such as import * as <importName> from "path/to/import" should be written as import <importName> from "path/to/import". The resolveJsonModule flag allows apps to directly import JSON files. Paired with Webpack's automatic support for resolving JSON file imports, you do not have to use the RequireJs text! plugin followed by JSON.parse to consume JSON files in the Oracle JET app.

As mentioned at the start of this topic, it is not possible to use Webpack in Oracle JET projects that build, package or publish web components, or projects that need use JET theming. In other words, this means that you cannot use the following commands from the Oracle JET CLI:

  • ojet build (component|pack)
  • ojet package (component|pack)
  • ojet publish (component|pack)

One other thing to note is that when you serve your Oracle JET app in development mode (the default), the Oracle JET app loads styles from memory and styles appear in the <styles> tag in the HTML of your browser. In contrast, when you serve an Oracle JET app that you have built in release mode (ojet build --release), styles come from the CSS file link that is included in the HTML file. In the following image, with an Oracle JET app instance that runs in development mode and release mode instance, you can see the different entries using the browser’s developer tools.

CSS references in development and release mode

Configure Oracle JET's Default Webpack Configuration

You can configure the default Webpack configuration generated by the Oracle JET CLI through the webpack function in the ojet.config.js file.

The webpack function receives an object with the Oracle JET build context (context) and Webpack configuration (config). Note the buildType property which indicates whether Webpack executes in development or release mode. As for config, the default Webpack configuration generated by Oracle JET, you can customize it to fit your needs.

To view the default options in the ojet.config.js file, add a console log statement to the ojet.config.js file, as demonstrated by the following examples:

. . .
webpack: ({ context, config }) => {
  if (context.buildType === "release") {
    // update config with release / production options
  } else {
    // Print out the default webpack configuration options 
    // as a JSON string
    // Or let your terminal console determine how to 
    // present the configuration
. . .

Then build your Oracle JET project using the following command to render the default configuration in the terminal console:

ojet build


Create a JSON-formatted file in Visual Studio Code to view the default configuration in a more readable form to that returned by the terminal.

The default Webpack configuration for an Oracle JET app built in development mode includes the following top-level nodes:

  "entry": { },
  "output": { },
  "module": {},
  "resolve": {},
  "resolveLoader": {    },
  "plugins": [],
  "mode": "development",
  "devServer": { }

Once you have identified the configuration setting in Oracle JET's default Webpack configuration that you want to change, you add the alternative value in the ojet.config.js file. The following example illustrates how to change the port number when you serve your Oracle JET app in development mode using Webpack.

module.exports = {

  webpack: ({ context, config }) => {
    if (context.buildType === 'release') {
      // update config with release / production options
    } else {

      // update config with development options. In the following example, we specify
      // a different server port number to the default of 8000
      config.devServer.port = 3000;
     // Print out the default webpack configuration options as a JSON string
     // Or let your terminal console determine how to present the configuration
    return config;