Namespace: TimeZoneUtils

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


  • 11.0.0
  • ojtimezoneutils



A utility class for retrieving available timezones. NOTE: This module automatically imports 'ojs/ojtimezonedata' which is a module with a large amount of data.


Typescript Import Format
//This namespace exports multiple static methods or members. To import 
import * as TimeZoneUtils from "ojs/ojtimezoneutils";

//Now you can access the methods as TimeZoneUtils.methodName and so on

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A utility class for retrieving available timezones. NOTE: This module automatically imports 'ojs/ojtimezonedata' which is a module with a large amount of data.


(static) getAvailableTimeZones(): Array<AvailableTimeZoneType>

Gets the timezones supported by the JET converters for the current Locale. The data comes from CLDR.

If you want to display a list of supported, translated timezone names, then you can use this api. NOTE: This module automatically imports 'ojs/ojtimezonedata' which is a module with a large amount of data. If you want to format a date in the user's local timezone, do not use this api. Instead you should use a iso string that is local to the user's system. For convenience, you can use IntlConverterUtils.dateToLocalIsoDateString or IntlConverterUtils.dateToLocalIso. IntlDateTimeConverter defaults to the user's local timezone, so there is no need to pass in a timezone if that is what you want to show.

The returned value is an array of AvailableTimeZoneType objects. Each object represents a timezone and contains 2 properties:

Property Description
id IANA timezone ID
displayName It is the concatenation of three strings:
  • UTC timezone offset
  • Localized city name. Some cities do not have translations, se we have to skip them.
  • Generic time zone name

If you do not use a timezone from this list as the timezone property in JET's datetime converter, the converter will throw an error.


supported timezones
