Styling: AppShellHybridMobilePlatformMarkup

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)



Hybrid mobile apps often need to adjust the style depending on the platform they run on. When running a hybrid app, we automatically apply a set of oj-platform-* classes to the element based on the device. This allows developers to set platform specific styles for their app.

A markup style class indicating that the hybrid app is being run on the Android platform.
<body class="oj-hybrid oj-platform-cordova oj-platform-android">
 <!-- page content -->
A markup style class indicating that the hybrid app is being run in the Cordova environment (on a mobile device or emulator).
<body class="oj-hybrid oj-platform-cordova oj-platform-ios">
 <!-- page content -->
A markup style class indicating that the hybrid app is being run on the ios platform.
<body class="oj-hybrid oj-platform-cordova oj-platform-ios">
 <!-- page content -->