Element: <oj-slider>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: SliderElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Slider Bar Tap Reposition the thumb.
Slider Thumb Swipe Reposition the thumb.

Keyboard Information

The JET slider supports keyboard actions for thumb movement:

Target Key Use
Slider Tab Places focus on the slider component. If hints, title or messages exist in a notewindow, pop up the notewindow.
Slider RightArrow Scrolls right on a horizontal slider, scrolls up on a vertical slider.
Slider LeftArrow Scrolls left on a horizontal slider, scrolls down on a vertical slider.
Slider UpArrow Scrolls right on a horizontal slider, scrolls up on a vertical slider.
Slider DownArrow Scrolls left on a horizontal slider, scrolls down on a vertical slider.
Slider PageUp Scrolls one page right on a horizontal slider, scrolls one page up on a vertical slider.
A page is defined as 20% of the range of the slider.
Slider PageDown Scrolls one page left on a horizontal slider, scrolls one page down on a vertical slider.
Slider End Scrolls to the right end on a horizontal slider, scrolls to the bottom on a vertical slider.
Slider Home Scrolls to the left end on a horizontal slider, scrolls to the top on a vertical slider.