Element: <oj-data-grid>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: DataGridElement

  • 16.0.0
  • 0.6.0

Category: depth

Used to style the default header widths and heights. By default the datagrid supports up to depth 7.
If you have headers width depth greater than 7 specify the defaults using the class name description or use apply custom style rules to the headers.

Class template:


Note: Square brackets signify required token substitutions whereas parentheses signify optional token substitutions.

Values for [1-7]

Value (required) Name Description
1 1 Datagrid Depth level 1
2 2 Datagrid Depth level 2
3 3 Datagrid Depth level 3
4 4 Datagrid Depth level 4
5 5 Datagrid Depth level 5
6 6 Datagrid Depth level 6
7 7 Datagrid Depth level 7

Category: padding

Used to style a datagrid cell so that it has no padding or default padding.



CSS Variables

See JET CSS Variables for additional details.
Name Type Description
--oj-data-grid-column-width <length> Data grid column width