
The Results window shows the staged data and staged results views of all jobs run from Server Console UI, and also the results of jobs run from the Command Line with a run label.

The window is divided into the Job History and Results Browser areas.

Job History

This area lists the jobs run in chronological order. It shows the Project, job, Run Label and end time for each one.

Results Browser

This area shows the details of the job selected in the Job History area above.

The Results Browser has various straight-forward options available as buttons at the top - hover over the button to see what it does.

However, there are a few additional features of the Results Browser that are less immediately obvious:

Open in a New Window

It is often useful to open a new window with the results from a given job. To do this, right-click on a job in the Job History area and select Open in a new window.

Show Characters

On occasion, you might see unusual characters in the Results Browser, or you might encounter very long fields that are difficult to see in their entirety.

For example, if you are processing data from a Unicode-enabled data store, it may be that the EDQ client does not have all the fonts installed to view the data correctly on-screen (though note that the data will still be processed correctly by the EDQ server).

In this case, it is useful to inspect the characters by right-clicking on a character or a string containing an unusual character, and selecting the Show Characters option. For example, the Character Profiler processor may work on some Unicode data, with a multi-byte character selected where the client does not have the required font installed to display the character correctly. The character therefore appears as two control characters.

If you right-click on the character and use the Show Characters option, EDQ can tell you the character range of the character in the Unicode specification.

The Show Characters option is also useful when working with very long fields (such as descriptions) that may be difficult to view fully in the Results Browser.

The Full column widths button Full column widths button will widen the columns to show the full data, but in this case there is too much data to show on the width of a screen. To see the FullDescription field as wrapped text, it is possible to right-click on the rows you want to view and use the Show Characters option. You can then click on the arrow at the top-right of the screen to show each value in a text area, and use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to scroll between records.

Selecting Column Headers

Clicking on the column header in the Results Browser will sort the data by that column. However, if you control-click on the column header (hold down the Ctrl key and click on the header), you can select all the visible (loaded) data in that column in the Results Browser. This is useful for example to copy all loaded rows, or to use them to create or add to reference data using the right-click option. Note that the Results Browser only loads 100 records by default, so you may want to use the Load All Data button before selecting the column header.

Multiple column headers can be selected in the same way.

Purging Results

To purge results in Server Console, right click on a Record in the Job History area.

Results can be purged by project, run label or job.