Enabling the internal realm

To manage users internally, the internal realm needs to be enabled. Follow the procedure below to enable the internal realm for users:

  1. Create a subdirectory called security in the local configuration directory (oedq_local_home/security).

  2. Copy the login.properties file from the security directory of the base configuration directory (oedq_home/security) to oedq_local_home/security.

  3. Add 'internal' to the comma-separated list of realms.

    Note that 'opss' enables the realm of WebLogic users. To only manage users internally, you can remove opss from the list of realms.

  4. Restart the server.

This enables the internal realm of users, and allow internal user accounts to be managed in the Administration pages on the Launchpad. A single default Administrator user 'dnadmin' will exist, with an initial password of 'dnadmin' that will need to be changed on first login.

If more than one realm is defined, users will need to select which realm they want to use when they log in.