16 Extending the Domain to Include Imaging

You need to perform certain tasks in order to extend the enterprise deployment domain with Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Imaging software.

Overview of Extending the Domain to Include Imaging

Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Imaging provides organizations with a single system to capture both paper and electronic documents.

Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging provides organizations with a scalable solution upon which to develop process-oriented imaging applications and image-enablement solutions for enterprise applications. It enables image capture through Oracle WebCenter Capture, annotation and markup of images, routing and approval automation, and support for high-volume applications for billions of items. With Imaging, organizations can quickly integrate their content and processes directly with Oracle enterprise applications, such as Oracle E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft Enterprise, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. Users bene fit by having a single source for all transaction-based content, eliminating the need for double entry.

Extending the Domain for Imaging

The instructions for extending the existing enterprise deployment domain with the Imaging software are detailed in this section.

Extending the domain involves the following tasks.

Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens to Extend the Domain

Follow the instructions in the following sections to create and configure the domain for the topology with static and dynamic clusters.

Extending the Domain with Static Clusters

Follow the instructions in this section to create and configure the domain for the topology with static clusters.


You can use the same procedure described in this section to extend an existing domain with static clusters. If your needs do not match the instructions given in the procedure, be sure to make your selections accordingly, or refer to the supporting documentation for additional details.

Domain creation and configuration includes the following tasks:

Task 1   Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

On the Configuration Type screen, select Update an existing domain.

In the Domain Location field, select the value of the ASERVER_HOME variable, which represents the complete path to the Administration Server domain home you created in Creating the Initial Infrastructure Domain for an Enterprise Deployment and while extending the domain with WebCenter Content, SOA, and Inbound Refinery.

For more information about the directory location variables, see File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.


For more information about the other options on this screen can be found in Configuration Type in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 2   Selecting the Configuration Template

On the Templates screen, make sure Update Domain Using Product Templates is selected, then select the following templates:

  • Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging - [wccontent]

  • In addition, the following additional templates should already be selected, because they were used to create the initial domain. These templates are not required to run Imaging. They are already selected as part of the enterprise deployment configuration.
    • Oracle Universal Content Management - Content Server - [wccontent]

    • Oracle SOA Suite - [soa]

    • Oracle Universal Content Management - Inbound Refinery - [wccontent]

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager - [em]

    • Oracle WSM Policy Manager - [oracle_common]

    • Oracle JRF - [oracle_common]

    • WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension - [wlserver]


For more information about the options on this screen can be found in Templates in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 3   Providing the GridLink DS Oracle RAC Database Connection Details

On the GridLink Oracle RAC Component Schema screen, perform the following tasks.

  1. Select the SCAN check box.

  2. In the Host Name field, enter the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Address for the Oracle RAC database.

  3. In the SCAN Port field, enter the SCAN listening port for the database (for example, 1521).

  4. In the ONS Host field, enter the SCAN address for the Oracle RAC database.

  5. In the ONS Port field, enter the ONS Remote port (for example, 6200).

  6. Click Next.

Task 4   Testing the JDBC DS Connections

Click Next to continue.

Task 5   Specifying the Database Configuration Type

On the Database Configuration Type screen, select RCU Data.

All fields are pre-populated, because you already configured the domain to reference the Fusion Middleware schemas that are required for the imaging domain.

Verify and ensure that credentials in all the fields are the same that you have provided while configuring Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Click Get RCU Configuration after you finish verifying the database connection information. The following output in the Connection Result Log indicates that the operating succeeded:

Connecting to the database server...OK
Retrieving schema data from database server...OK
Binding local schema components with retrieved data...OK

Successfully Done.


For more information about the RCU Data option, see Understanding the Service Table Schema in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

For more information about the other options on this screen, see Datasource Defaults in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 6   Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information

Click Convert to GridLink and click Next.

Task 7   Providing the GridLink Oracle RAC Database Connection Details

On the GridLink Oracle RAC Component Schema screen, perform the following tasks.

  1. Select the SCAN check box.

  2. In the Host Name field, enter the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Address for the Oracle RAC database.

  3. In the SCAN Port field, enter the SCAN listening port for the database (for example, 1521).

  4. In the ONS Host field, enter the SCAN address for the Oracle RAC database.

  5. In the ONS Port field, enter the ONS Remote port (for example, 6200).

  6. Click Next.

Task 8   Testing the JDBC Connections

Click Next to continue.

Task 9   Selecting Advanced Configuration

To complete domain configuration for the topology, select the following options on the Advanced Configuration screen:

  • Topology

  • File Store

Task 10   Configuring Managed Servers

On the Managed Servers screen, a new Managed Server appears in the list of servers.

Perform the following tasks to modify the default Managed Server and create a second Managed Server:

  1. Rename the default Managed Server to WLS_IPM1.

  2. Click Add to create a new Managed Server and name it WLS_IPM2.


    The server names recommended here will be used throughout this document. If you choose different names, be sure to replace them as needed.

  3. Use the information in the following table to fill in the rest of the columns for each Imaging Managed Server.


For more information about the options on the Managed Server screen can be found in Managed Servers in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Table 16-1 Values Required for Each Imaging Managed Server

Server Name Listen Address Listen Port Enable SSL SSL Listen Port Server Groups













Task 11   Configuring a Cluster

In this task, you create a cluster of Managed Servers to which you can target the Imaging software.

You will also set the Frontend Host property for the cluster, which ensures that, when necessary, WebLogic Server will redirect Web services callbacks and other redirects to wcc.example.com on the load balancer rather than the address in the HOST header of each request.

For more information about the wcc.example.com virtual server address, see Configuring Virtual Hosts on the Hardware Load Balancer.

Use the Clusters screen to create a new cluster:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Specify IPM_Cluster in the Cluster Name field.

  3. From the Dynamic Server Groups drop-down list, select Unspecified.


By default, server instances in a cluster communicate with one another using unicast. If you want to change your cluster communications to use multicast, refer to Considerations for Choosing Unicast or Multicast in Administering Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.


For more information about the options on this screen can be found in Clusters in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 12   Assigning Server Templates

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 13   Configuring Dynamic Servers
Verify that all dynamic server options are disabled for clusters that are to remain as static clusters.
  1. Confirm that the Dynamic Cluster, Calculated Listen Port, and Calculated Machine Names checkboxes on this screen are unchecked.

  2. Confirm the Server Template selection is Unspecified.

  3. Click Next.

Task 14   Assigning Managed Servers to the Cluster

Use the Assign Servers to Clusters screen to assign WLS_IPM1 and WLS_IPM2 to the new cluster, IPM_Cluster:

  1. In the Clusters pane, select the cluster to which you want to assign the servers; in this case, IPM_Cluster.

  2. In the Servers pane, assign WLS_IPM1 to IPM_Cluster by doing one of the following:

    • Click the WLS_IPM1 Managed Server once to select it, then click on the right arrow to move it beneath the selected cluster in the Clusters pane.

    • Double-click WLS_IPM1 to move it beneath the selected cluster in the clusters pane.

  3. Repeat to assign WLS_IPM2 to IPM_Cluster.


For more information about the options on this screen can be found in Assign Servers to Clusters in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 15   Configuring Coherence Clusters

Use the Coherence Clusters screen to configure the Coherence cluster that is automatically added to the domain. Leave the port number value at 0, as it was defined during the initial Infrastructure domain creation. Oracle Enterprise Imaging does not use Coherence Clusters. This step is a part of the domain extension process.


For Coherence licensing information, refer to Oracle Coherence in Oracle Fusion Middleware Licensing Information.

Task 16   Verifying the Existing Machines

Under the Unix Machine tab, verify the names of the machines you created when creating the initial Infrastructure domain.

Click Next to proceed.

Task 17   Assigning Servers to Machines

Use the Assign Servers to Machines screen to assign the Imaging Managed Servers you just created to the corresponding machines in the domain.

Assign WLS_IPM1 to WCCHOST1, and assign WLS_IPM2 to WCCHOST2.


For more information about the options on this screen can be found in Assign Servers to Machines in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 18   Virtual Targets

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 19   Partitions

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 20   Configuring the JMS File Store

In the JMS File Stores screen, assign the following directory for each of the WCC Persistence stores including UMS and BPM file stores:


In this example, replace ASERVER_HOME with the value of the variable for you environment. Replace IPM_Cluster with the name you assigned to the Imaging cluster.

Task 21   Reviewing Your Configuration Specifications and Configuring the Domain

The Configuration Summary screen contains the detailed configuration information for the domain you are about to create. Review the details of each item on the screen and verify that the information is correct.

You can go back to any previous screen if you need to make any changes, either by using the Back button or by selecting the screen in the navigation pane.

Domain creation will not begin until you click Update.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Configuration Summary in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 22   Writing Down Your Domain Home and Administration Server URL

The Configuration Success screen will show the following items about the domain you just configured:

  • Domain Location

  • Administration Server URL

You must make a note of both items as you will need them later; the domain location is needed to access the scripts used to start the Node Manager and Administration Server, and the URL is needed to access the Administration Server.

Click Finish to dismiss the Configuration Wizard.

Task 23   Start the Administration Server

Start the Administration Server to ensure the changes you have made to the domain have been applied.

After you have completed extending the domain with static clusters, go to Propagating the Domain Configuration to WLS_CPT1 and WLS_CPT2.

Extending the Domain with Dynamic Clusters

Follow the instructions in this section to create and configure the domain for the topology with dynamic clusters.


You can use the same procedure described in this section to extend an existing domain with Dynamic Clusters. If your needs do not match the instructions given in the procedure, be sure to make your selections accordingly, or refer to the supporting documentation for additional details.

Domain creation and configuration includes the following tasks:

Task 1   Selecting the Domain Type and Domain Home Location

On the Configuration Type screen, select Update an existing domain.

In the Domain Location field, select the value of the ASERVER_HOME variable, which represents the complete path to the Administration Server domain home you created in Creating the Initial Infrastructure Domain for an Enterprise Deployment and while extending the domain with WebCenter Content, SOA and Inbound Refinery.

For more information about the directory location variables, see File System and Directory Variables Used in This Guide.


For more information about the other options on this screen can be found in Configuration Type in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 2   Selecting the Configuration Template

On the Templates screen, make sure Update Domain Using Product Templates is selected, then select the following templates:

  • Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging - [wccontent]

  • In addition, the following additional templates should already be selected, because they were used to create the initial domain. These templates are not required to run Imaging. They are already selected as part of the enterprise deployment configuration.
    • Oracle Universal Content Management - Content Server - [wccontent]

    • Oracle SOA Suite - [soa]

    • Oracle Universal Content Management - Inbound Refinery - [wccontent]

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager - [em]

    • Oracle WSM Policy Manager - [oracle_common]

    • Oracle JRF - [oracle_common]

    • WebLogic Coherence Cluster Extension - [wlserver]


For more information about the options on this screen can be found in Templates in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 3   Providing the GridLink DS Oracle RAC Database Connection Details

On the GridLink Oracle RAC Component Schema screen, perform the following tasks.

  1. Select the SCAN check box.

  2. In the Host Name field, enter the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Address for the Oracle RAC database.

  3. In the SCAN Port field, enter the SCAN listening port for the database (for example, 1521).

  4. In the ONS Host field, enter the SCAN address for the Oracle RAC database.

  5. In the ONS Port field, enter the ONS Remote port (for example, 6200).

  6. Click Next.

Task 4   Testing the JDBC DS Connections

Click Next to continue.

Task 5   Specifying the Database Configuration Type

On the Database Configuration Type screen, select RCU Data.

All fields are pre-populated, because you already configured the domain to reference the Fusion Middleware schemas that are required for the imaging domain.

Verify and ensure that credentials in all the fields are the same that you have provided while configuring Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Click Get RCU Configuration after you finish verifying the database connection information. The following output in the Connection Result Log indicates that the operating succeeded:

Connecting to the database server...OK
Retrieving schema data from database server...OK
Binding local schema components with retrieved data...OK

Successfully Done.


For more information about the RCU Data option, see Understanding the Service Table Schema in Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility.

For more information about the other options on this screen, see Datasource Defaults in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 6   Specifying JDBC Component Schema Information

Click Convert to GridLink and click Next.

Task 7   Providing the GridLink Oracle RAC Database Connection Details

On the GridLink Oracle RAC Component Schema screen, perform the following tasks.

  1. Select the SCAN check box.

  2. In the Host Name field, enter the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Address for the Oracle RAC database.

  3. In the SCAN Port field, enter the SCAN listening port for the database (for example, 1521).

  4. In the ONS Host field, enter the SCAN address for the Oracle RAC database.

  5. In the ONS Port field, enter the ONS Remote port (for example, 6200).

  6. Click Next.

Task 8   Testing the JDBC Connections

Click Next to continue.

Task 9   Selecting Advanced Configuration

To complete domain configuration for the topology, select the following options on the Advanced Configuration screen:

  • Topology

  • File Store

Task 10   Configuring Managed Servers

On the Managed Servers screen, a new Managed Server appears in the list of servers.

Perform the following tasks to modify the default Managed Server and create a second Managed Server:

  1. Delete the default Managed Server.

  2. Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 11   Configuring a Cluster

In this task, you create a cluster of Managed Servers to which you can target the Imaging software.

You will also set the Frontend Host property for the cluster, which ensures that, when necessary, WebLogic Server will redirect Web services callbacks and other redirects to wcc.example.com on the load balancer rather than the address in the HOST header of each request.

For more information about the wcc.example.com virtual server address, see Configuring Virtual Hosts on the Hardware Load Balancer.

Use the Clusters screen to create a new cluster:

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. Specify IPM_Cluster in the Cluster Name field.

  3. From the Dynamic Server Groups drop-down list, select IPM-DYN-CLUSTER.


By default, server instances in a cluster communicate with one another using unicast. If you want to change your cluster communications to use multicast, refer to Considerations for Choosing Unicast or Multicast in Administering Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.


For more information about the options on this screen can be found in Clusters in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 12   Assigning Server Templates

Use the Server Templates screen to add a template:

  1. Specify IPM-server-template in the Name field.

  2. Specify 7100 in the Listen Port field.

  3. Leave the Enable SSL option unchecked.

  4. From the Cluster drop-down list, select IPM_Cluster.

  5. Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 13   Configuring Dynamic Servers

Use the Dynamic Clusters screen to configure the required clusters:

  1. Specify IPM_Cluster in the Cluster Name field.

  2. Specify WLS_IPM in the Server Name Prefix field.

  3. From the Server Template drop-down list, select IPM-server-template.

  4. Specify 2 in the Dynamic Cluster Size field.

  5. Specify WCCHOST* in the Machine Name Match Expression field.

  6. Select the Calculated Machine Names and Dynamic Cluster fields.

  7. Select the Calculated Listen Ports field.

  8. Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 14   Assigning Managed Servers to the Cluster

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 15   Configuring Coherence Clusters

Use the Coherence Clusters screen to configure the Coherence cluster that is automatically added to the domain. Leave the port number value at 0, as it was defined during the initial Infrastructure domain creation. Oracle Enterprise Imaging does not use Coherence Clusters. This step is a part of the domain extension process.


For Coherence licensing information, refer to Oracle Coherence in Oracle Fusion Middleware Licensing Information.

Task 16   Verifying the Existing Machines

Under the Unix Machine tab, verify the names of the machines you created when creating the initial Infrastructure domain.

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 17   Assigning Servers to Machines

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 18   Virtual Targets

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 19   Partitions

Click Next to proceed to the next screen.

Task 20   Configuring the File Stores

In the JMS File Stores screen, assign the following directory for each of the WCC Persistence stores including UMS and BPM file stores:


In this example, replace ASERVER_HOME with the value of the variable for you environment. Replace IPM_Cluster with the name you assigned to the Imaging cluster.

Task 21   Reviewing Your Configuration Specifications and Configuring the Domain

The Configuration Summary screen contains the detailed configuration information for the domain you are about to create. Review the details of each item on the screen and verify that the information is correct.

You can go back to any previous screen if you need to make any changes, either by using the Back button or by selecting the screen in the navigation pane.

Domain creation will not begin until you click Update.


More information about the options on this screen can be found in Configuration Summary in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard.

Task 22   Writing Down Your Domain Home and Administration Server URL

The Configuration Success screen will show the following items about the domain you just configured:

  • Domain Location

  • Administration Server URL

You must make a note of both items as you will need them later; the domain location is needed to access the scripts used to start the Node Manager and Administration Server, and the URL is needed to access the Administration Server.

Click Finish to dismiss the Configuration Wizard.

Task 23   Start the Administration Server

Start the Administration Server to ensure the changes you have made to the domain have been applied.

Propagating the Domain Configuration to WLS_IPM1 and WLS_IPM2

You need to perform the following steps in order to propagate the domain configuration to the Imaging Managed Servers.

To propagate the start scripts and classpath configuration from the Administration Server's domain directory to the Managed Server domain directory:
  1. Create a copy of the Managed Server domain directory and the Managed Server applications directory.
  2. Run the following pack command on WCCHOST1 to create a template pack:
    cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    ./pack.sh -managed=true -domain=ASERVER_HOME -template=edgdomaintemplateExtIPM.jar -template_name=edgdomain_templateIPM
  3. Run the following unpack command on WCCHOST1 to propagate the template created in the preceding step to the WLS_IPM1 domain directory:
    cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    ./unpack.sh -domain=MSERVER_HOME -template=edgdomaintemplateExtIPM.jar -app_dir=APPLICATION_HOME -overwrite_domain=true
  4. Run the following command on WCCHOST1 to copy the template pack created in step 1 to WCCHOST2:
    scp edgdomaintemplateIPM.jar oracle@WCCHOST2:ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
  5. Run the unpack command on WCCHOST2 to unpack the propagated template to the WLS_IPM2 domain directory.
    cd ORACLE_COMMON_HOME/common/bin
    ./unpack.sh -domain=MSERVER_HOME -template=edgdomaintemplateExtIPM.jar -app_dir=APPLICATION_HOME -overwrite_domain=true
  6. Restart the Administration Server to make these changes take effect, stopping it with the nmKill command, or with the Administration Console, and then starting it with the nmStart command. Before the restart, stop all Managed Servers in the domain through the Administration Console, and then start them after the restart. Log in to the Administration Console using the credentials for the weblogic user.

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for the Imaging Cluster

To enable Oracle HTTP Server to route to IPM_Cluster, which contains the WLS_IPM1 and WLS_IPM2 Managed Servers, you must set the WebLogicCluster parameter to the list of nodes in the cluster.

This section includes the following topics.

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for the WLS_IPM Managed Servers

To configure Oracle HTTP Server for the WLS_IPM Managed Servers:
  1. For each of the web servers on WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2, add the following lines to the ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OHS/ohs1/moduleconf/wcc_vh.conf and ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OHS/ohs2/moduleconf/wcc_vh.conf files:
    <Location /imaging>
       WebLogicCluster WCCHOST1:16000,WCCHOST2:16000
       WLSRequest ON
       WLCookieName JSESSIONID
       WLProxySSL ON
       WLProxySSLPassThrough ON


    If AXF webservices are used, then you have to add the following lines to the wcc_vh.conf file:
    #AXF Webservices
    <Location /axf-ws>
       WebLogicCluster WCCHOST1:16000,WCCHOST2:16000
       WLSRequest ON
       WLCookieName JSESSIONID
       WLProxySSL ON
       WLProxySSLPassThrough ON
  2. Restart Oracle HTTP Server on both WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2:
    ./stopComponent.sh ohsn 
    ./startComponent.sh ohsn

    For WEBHOST1, use ohs1 (where n=1) and for WEBHOST2, use ohs2 (where n=2).

Setting the Front-End HTTP Host and Port for the Imaging Cluster

To set the front-end HTTP host and port for the Imaging cluster:
  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console.
  2. Go to the Change Center section and click Lock & Edit.
  3. Expand the Environment node in the Domain Structure tree on the left.
  4. Click Clusters.
  5. On the Summary of Clusters page, select IPM_Cluster.
  6. Open the HTTP tab.
  7. Set the following values:
    • Frontend Host: wcc.example.com

    • Frontend HTTPS Port: 443

    • Frontend HTTP Port: 80

  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Activate Changes in the Change Center section of the Administration Console.
  10. Restart the servers to make the front-end host directive in the cluster take effect.

Validating Access Through the Load Balancer

Verify URLs to ensure that appropriate routing and failover is working from the HTTP Server to IPM_Cluster. To verify the URLs:
  1. While WLS_IPM2 is running, stop WLS_IPM1 from the WebLogic Server Administration Console.
  2. Access https://wcc.example.com/imaging to verify that it is functioning properly. (You will not be able to retrieve reports or data because the Imaging server is down.)
  3. Start WLS_IPM1 from the WebLogic Server Administration Console.
  4. Stop WLS_IPM2 from the WebLogic Server Administration Console.
  5. Access https://wcc.example.com/imaging to verify that it is functioning properly.
  6. Start WLS_IPM2 from the WebLogic Server Administration Console.