Regenerating, Copying, and Configuring the WebGate Artifacts

This section provides information about regenerating, copying, and configuring the WebGate artifacts:

Regenerating the WebGate Artifacts

You can regenerate the WebGate artifacts by making the minor change to the WebGate that you want to regenerate.

Following are the steps to regenerate the WebGate artifacts:

  1. Log in to the OAM Console.

  2. Click Agents.

  3. Search for the Agent you are interested in, and then click on it to bring up the configuration page. For example: Webgate_IDM_11g.

  4. Change one of the existing values and click Apply (you can always change it back and apply again). This will regenerate the Agent forcefully.

  5. Click Download. The Agent Config will be downloaded to your machine.

Copying Artifacts to the WEBHOSTs

Copy the file that was downloaded on your host for each of the WebGate machines.

Configuring the WebGate

Log in to each of your WEBHOSTs and use the uploaded file to configure the WebGates.

Following are the steps to configure the WebGates:
  1. Change Directory to the WebGate configuration directory.

    For example:

    cd /u02/private/oracle/config/domains/ohsDomain/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/ohs1/webgate

  2. Unzip the file you uploaded. You should place the files in the correct location inside the config.


    If you need to redeploy the ObAccessClient.xml to WEBHOST1 and WEBHOST2, delete the cached copy of ObAccessClient.xml and its lock file, and ObAccessClient.xml.lck from the servers.

    The cache location on WEBHOST1 is: WEB_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/ohs1/cache/.

  3. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server.