5 Upgrading to OHS/OTD 12c WebGate

After upgrading from OHS 11g WebGate to OHS 12c WebGate or OTD 11g WebGate to OTD 12c WebGate, you must perform either of the following steps:


OHS WebGate is included as part of the Oracle HTTP Server 12c installation and is upgraded as part of the Oracle HTTP Server upgrade process through Upgrade Assistant. For more information, see Upgrading Oracle HTTP Server from 11g to 12c and Upgrading Oracle HTTP Server from a Previous 12c Release.

OTD WebGate is included as part of Oracle Traffic Director 12c installation and is upgraded as part of the Oracle Traffic Director upgrade process through Upgrade Assistant. For more information, see Upgrading Oracle Traffic Director from 11g Release and Upgrading Oracle Traffic Director from an Earlier or a Previous 12c Release.

This section contains following topic: