2 Migrating 12c ( Oracle Fusion Middleware On-Premises Database to an Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated Database

Migrate an on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database for the Oracle Fusion Middleware products, Oracle WebCenter Content, Oracle WebCenter Portal, Oracle WebCenter Sites, Oracle SOA Suite, including the components, Oracle Enterprise Scheduler Services and Oracle Managed File Transfer, Oracle Forms, and Oracle Reports only.

The topics covered in this section describe the preparation steps, the migration tasks, and the postmigration tasks.

Prepare to Migrate

Before you begin with the migration of an on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database, you must meet the prerequisites and perform the premigration tasks that are described in this section.

Prerequisites to Migrate an On-Premises Database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) Database

Perform the following prerequisites before you migrate an on-premises database to Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database.


The prerequisites for Oracle Reports is covered in Prerequisites to Migrate an On-Premises Database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) Database for Oracle Reports.

  1. Install and configure Oracle Fusion Middleware version domain on an on-premises database. If the Oracle Fusion Middleware version is 11g (, perform an end-to-end upgrade to 12c ( release version.


    In case of Oracle Forms, perform an end-to-end upgrade to 12c ( release version, if the Oracle Fusion Middleware version is or
  2. Install the Oracle Instant Client with SQL*Plus and impdp tools on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) machine.

    See Oracle Instant Client Downloads.
Prerequisites to Migrate an On-Premises Database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) Database for Oracle Reports

Perform the following prerequisites before you migrate an on-premises database to Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database.


The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) VM should be in the same tenancy as your dedicated autonomous database.

  1. Configure the OCI VM with at least 15 GB of memory (RAM) and 60 GB of disk space (total storage).

  2. Install the environment group "Server with GUI" in the OCI VM to enable GUI after reboot:

    sudo su - root
    yum groupinstall "Server with GUI"
    ln -sf '/lib/systemd/system/runlevel5.target' '/etc/systemd/system/default.target'
  3. Install Tiger VNC using the following commands:

    sudo su - root
    yum install tigervnc-server

    You must manually start the VNC server after the machine reboots.

  4. Resize the system disk partition to allocate more disk space to your volume as follows:

    1. Determine the volume files system that should be increased:

    2. Extend the root partition, and reboot the machine:

      sudo growpart /dev/sda 3
      sudo reboot
  5. Start the VNC server manually as current user with a screen resolution as follows:

    vncserver -geometry 1280x1024


    If you are starting the VNC server for the first time, you must create a password. The resolution should not be larger than the monitor size.

  6. Check the currently installed Oracle Fusion Middleware OS packages and kernel are up to date:

    sudo yum -y update
  7. Determine if the Oracle Fusion Middleware OS packages are installed.

    You can manually check the packages using information in Operating System Requirements in System Requirements and Specifications.

    If any of the packages are not installed, for Oracle Linux 7, run the following command:

    sudo yum install <PACKAGE_NAME_WITHOUT_VERSION>*.x86_64

Premigration Tasks

Perform the following premigration tasks before you migrate an on-premises database to Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database:

Creating Credentials

Create a database credential to authenticate between the Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database and the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) object storage.

To create credentials for OCI authentication:
  1. Generate an authentication for your user account. For information on how to generate a token, see Generate an Authentication token.
  2. Set the following environment variables on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) host:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/18.5/client64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/18.5/client64/bin:$PATH
    export TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files>
    export ORACLE_SID=<Database name> (Optional)

    where, TNS_ADMIN is the location where you downloaded the database wallet on your OCI host and ORACLE_SID is the database name.

  3. Go to the directory where Oracle Instant Client is installed:
    cd /usr/lib/oracle/18.5/client64/bin
  4. Connect to sqlplus:
    connect admin/<admin_password>@<database_service_name_found_in_tnsnames.ora>

    For example:

    connect ADMIN/<admin_password>@fmwatpdedic2_tp
  5. Run the following procedure. In this example, replace username and password with your own cloud credentials:
      credential_name => '<userXX_cred>',
      username =>  '<OCI_Username>',
      password =>  '<Your_Auth_Token_Here>');  
Installing 12c ( Product Binaries in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VM

Ensure that the 12c ( product binaries are installed in the new ORACLE_HOME.

Copy the 12c ( Oracle Fusion Middleware installers from the on-premises VM to the OCI VM. To copy the installer files from on-premises to the OCI host, you can also upload the file to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage and download this file to the OCI VM. See Uploading Files to Object Storage in Using Oracle Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure.

After copying the installer files, install the products. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware library page.

Creating a Backup of the Schema Version Registry

Use the Upgrade Assistant on the on-premises host to create a backup of the existing schema version registry on the on-premises database.

To create a backup of the schema version registry :

  1. On the on-premises host, navigate to the ORACLE_COMMON/upgrade/bin directory and run the following command on your on-premises database:
    ./ua -backupRegistry 
    Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant
    Enter the Database Connect String(host:port/service or host:port:SID or TNS connect string):
    Enter the DBA User Name: sys as sysdba
    Enter the DBA Password: <DBA Password>

    The schema version registry is saved to ./registry.xml.

  2. Upload the registry file to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage. See Uploading Files to Object Storage in Using Oracle Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure.

    This registry file can now be downloaded from cloud object storage to the ATP-D Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) VM.

Migration Tasks

Complete the steps in the following sections to migrate an on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database:

Exporting an On-Premises Database and Creating a Domain Template steps are performed on an on-premises host and the remaining steps are performed on the OCI host.

Exporting an On-Premises Database to a Data Dump File

Use Oracle Data Pump to export data from an on-premises database to your Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database.

To export data from an on-premises database to a data dump file:

  1. Set the environment variables on the on-premises database host:
    setenv ORACLE_HOME <DB_$OH>
    setenv ORACLE_SID <SID>
    setenv PATH $ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH

    where DB_$OH is the Oracle_Home of the database and SID is the service ID of the database.

  2. Start SQL*Plus:
  3. Connect to the database as SYS user with the SYSDBA privilege:
  4. Check the schema users for your product:
    Select username,default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace from dba_users where username like '<Schema_Prefix>%';


    You must select the users only that are applicable to your product. Ensure that the user names have the schema prefixes that you specified when creating the schemas.
  5. Unlock the schemas for the schema users and commit the changes:
    ALTER USER <Schema_Prefix_User> IDENTIFIED BY <Schema_Password> account unlock;

    You can use the results from step 4 to determine the schemas to be unlocked.

    An example command to unlock the schemas:

    ALTER USER upg_stb identified by <Schema_Password> account unlock;
  6. Create a new directory on the database server:

    For example, create a directory /scratch/DP/soa:

    CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY test_dir AS ‘/scratch/DP/soa’;


    Ensure that this folder structure exists on the on-premises database host.
  7. Grant access to all users you identified in step 4 to the database directory:
    GRANT read, write ON DIRECTORY test_dir TO <Schema_Prefix_User>;

    For example, to grant user access to the directory for SOAINFRA, ORASDPM, IAU, MDS, OPSS, STB, and WLS schemas:

    GRANT read, write ON DIRECTORY test_dir to upg_soainfra, upg_orasdpm, upg_iau, upg_mds, upg_opss, upg_stb,
  8. Exit SQL using the exit command.
  9. Export all schemas at once using the expdp command.

    For example:

    expdp \"sys@<DB_SID> as sysdba\" dumpfile=soa_infra.dmp logfile=product.log directory=test_dir
    schemas = upg_orasdpm,upg_iau,upg_mds,upg_opss,upg_stb,upg_wls

    where DB_SID is the service ID of the on-premises database.


    If the schema size is large, you can run the expdp command to export each schema individually.

    For Oracle Enterprise Scheduler (ESS), to export schemas and PROCOBJ data, you must also run this expdp command:

    expdp \"sys/<DB_SID> as sysdba\" dumpfile=<dumpfilename>.dmp logfile=product.log full=y INCLUDE=PROCOBJ\:\"LIKE \'<Schema_Prefix>\%\'\" INCLUDE=GRANT INCLUDE=ROLE_GRANT directory=test_dir
If the users of Oracle Forms products have created their own user defined schemas, for example "abc" user, run the commands on the on-premises database as in the following example:
#Set the environment variables and connect to the database as SYS user using sqlplus,
and then select the users that are applicable to Oracle Forms product. Refer steps 1 to 4.

ALTER USER abc identified by <Schema_Password> account unlock;
GRANT read,write on DIRECTORY test_dir to abc;
# Export the schemas using expdp
expdp system/<SYS_PWD>@<DB_SID> schemas=abc directory=test_dir dumpfile=abc_meta.dmp logfile=abc1.log

Creating a Domain Template for an On-Premises Domain

Use the Domain Template Builder to create a custom domain template.

To create a domain template for an on-premises domain using the Domain Template Builder:

  1. Start the Domain Template Builder on the on-premises domain host:


  2. On the Create Domain Template screen:
    1. Select Create Domain Template, and then select Use Domain as a Source.
    2. In the Source Location field, specify the location of the source domain directory, or browse to select the location of an existing domain directory, from which you want to create a domain template.
    3. In the Template Location field, specify the JAR file name and the location, or browse to select an existing domain directory in which the template is located, to create the new template.
    4. Click Next.
  3. On the Template Information screen, review the information, and click Next.
  4. On the Template Summary screen, review the information, and click Next.
  5. The Configuration Progress screen displays the progress of template creation. After the configuration process is complete, click Next, and then click Finish to end the configuration.
  6. Copy this domain template you created to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) domain host.

Uploading the Data Dump File and Template to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage

Use this task to create a new storage bucket and upload the export files to it.

To upload the data dump file and template to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage:

  1. Open a supported browser, and sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
  2. Click the navigation menu Navigation Menu Icon, then under Object Storage, click Object Storage.
  3. In the Compartment drop-down list, under the root tenancy, select the compartment in which to upload the dump file and template.
  4. Click Create Bucket and enter the bucket name.

    For example, in this case, enter wcc_ins_db_migration.

  5. Keep the default encryption options and click Create.
  6. Click the bucket name that you created, in this case, wcc_ins_db_migration.
  7. Click Upload, and choose the dump file, <dumpfilename>.dmp, downloaded in the test_dir folder in your on-premises machine, and upload the file.
  8. In the list of objects, locate the uploaded dump file, click Ellipsis Icon for Objects, and then click View Object Details to copy the URL Path.
  9. Repeat step 8 and step 9 to upload the domain template you created for an on-premises domain to the bucket, wcc_ins_db_migration, where you uploaded the dump file. See Creating a Domain Template for an On-Premises Domain.

Creating Users and Tablespaces

To create users and tablespaces using Oracle Instant Client:

  1. Set the following environment variables in the OCI VM:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/18.5/client64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/18.5/client64/bin:$PATH
    export TNS_ADMIN=/home/opc/idm
    export ORACLE_SID=FMWATPDedic2 (Optional)

    where, TNS_ADMIN is the location where you downloaded the database wallet on your OCI host and and ORACLE_SID is the Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database name.

  2. Go to the directory where Oracle Instant Client is installed:
    cd /usr/lib/oracle/18.5/client64/bin
  3. Connect to sqlplus:
    connect admin/<admin_password>@<database_service_name_found_in_tnsnames.ora>

    For example:

    connect ADMIN/<admin_password>@fmwatpdedic2_tp
  4. Create the tablespaces on your Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database

    You can use the results from step 4 in Exporting an On-Premises Database to a Data Dump File to determine the tablespaces to be created.

    An example command to create tablespaces:

  5. Create the users on your Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database:


    The users should be created based on the product.

    You can use the results from step 4 in Exporting an On-Premises Database to a Data Dump File to determine the users to be created.

    An example command to create users:

  6. Grant unlimited amount of disk space in the tablespaces to all users:

    You can use the results from step 4 to determine the users to grant unlimited disk space in the tablesapces.

    For example, to grant unlimited tablespace to MIG2_WEBCENTER user:

  7. Grant privileges that allows all users to create objects in the schema:
    GRANT CONNECT, create view, create table, create procedure, create trigger, create synonym, create sequence, create type to <user_name>;

    For example, to grant privileges to WCS_WLS_RUNTIME user:

    GRANT CONNECT, create view, create table, create procedure, create trigger, create synonym, create sequence, create type to WCS_WLS_RUNTIME;

    For Oracle Enterprise Scheduler (ESS) users, you must also grant the following privileges:

    grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on UTL_FILE to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on UTL_RAW to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on DBMS_LOB to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on DBMS_SCHEDULER to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on DBMS_XMLDOM to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on DBMS_UTILITY to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on DBMS_SESSION to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on DBMS_OUTPUT to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant execute on SYS.DBMS_ASSERT to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant select on sys.v_$instance to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant select on sys.gv_$instance to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant select on sys.v_$session to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant select on sys.gv_$session to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant select on sys.v_$parameter to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant create any job to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant create job to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant manage scheduler to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant select on dba_scheduler_jobs to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant select on dba_scheduler_job_run_details to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant select on dba_scheduler_running_jobs to <Schema_Prefix_User>;
    grant select on dba_scheduler_job_classes to <Schema_Prefix_User>;


    Ensure that you create the same ESS user that was created in the on-premises database and execute all the required grants to the user, postmigration to the ATP-D database.

Importing the Data Dump File to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated Database

Use this task to import the data for the schemas.

To import the data dump file to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database database using data dump:

  1. Set the following environment variables on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) host:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/18.5/client64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/18.5/client64/bin:$PATH
    export TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files>
    export ORACLE_SID=<Database_name> (Optional)

    where, TNS_ADMIN is the location where you downloaded the database wallet on your OCI host and ORACLE_SID is the database name.

  2. Go to the directory where Oracle Instant Client is installed:
    cd /usr/lib/oracle/18.5/client64/bin
  3. (Optional) Connect to sqlplus:


    If TNS_ADMIN is already setup and you are able to connect to the database, it is not mandatory to run this command.
    connect admin/<admin_password>@<database_service_name_found_in_tnsnames.ora>

    For example:

    connect ADMIN/<admin_password>@fmwatpdedic2_tp
  4. (Optional) Exit SQL using the exit command.


    If TNS_ADMIN is already setup and you are able to connect to the database, it is not mandatory to run this command.
  5. Run the following command to import the data dump file to an ATP-D database for your schemas:
    impdp admin/<password_of_admin_user_for_ATP-D_host>@<database_service_name_found_in_tnsnames.ora> credential=<credential_name> dumpfile=<schema_export_dump_file_cloud_object_storage_location exclude=user TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE


    impdp admin/<password_of_admin_user_for_ATP-D_host>@fmwatpdedic2_tp credential=def_cred_name dumpfile=https://objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/n/atpdpreview2/b/wcc_install_mig1/o/ocs.dmp exclude=user TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE

    For Oracle Enterprise Scheduler (ESS), when you import the data dump file to an ATP-D database, you must also run this impdp command:

    impdp admin/<password_of_admin_user_for_ATP-D_host>@<database_service_name_found_in_tnsnames.ora> credential=<credential_name> dumpfile=<PROCOBJ_schema_export_dump_file_cloud_object_storage_location> TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE
  6. Run the following procedure to move the .log and .sql files to the Object Storage:
      credential_name => '<userXX_cred>',
      object_uri =>  '<the_storage_bucket_URL>/import.log',
      directory_name =>  '<data_dump_dir>',
      file_name =>  'import.log');
  7. Verify if there are any errors in the import.log file.
For user defined schemas, if you exported the "abc" user from an on-premises database, run the commands as in the following example:
#Set the environment variables and navigate to the directory where Oracle Instant Client is installed, and then log into the database as an admin user using sqlplus. Refer steps 1
to 3.

Create user abc identified by <Schema_Password> DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP;
GRANT CONNECT, create view, create table, create procedure, create trigger, create synonym, create sequence, create type to abc;
#connect as abc user
connect abc/<password>@fmwatpdedic2_tp;
# Drop the current table in the database and recreate the new table as in the dump file using impdp
impdp admin/<admin_password>@fmwatpdedic2_tp credential=DEF_CRED_NAME /
dumpfile=https://objectstorage.us-ashburn-1.oraclecloud.com/n/atpdpreview2/b/FormsInstallDBMigration/o/abc_meta.dmp /

Restoring the Schema Version Registry

To migrate schema version registry from an on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database, you must restore the schema version registry on your dedicated autonomous database.

Before you restore the schema version registry:

  • You must download or copy the registry from an on-premises host to the OCI host.

  • You must have applied OPatch for ua restoreRegistry. See 32089134 to apply the OPatch.


    If you do not apply OPatch, you might run into issues while creating the domain.

You can restore the schema version registry only for the schemas that are imported to the ATP-D database.

To restore the schema version registry to your dedicated autonomous database (ATP-D):

  1. Install the 12c ( Oracle Fusion Middleware product distribution on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) VM.
  2. Copy the registry.xml you created in Creating a Backup of the Schema Version Registry to oracle_common/upgrade/bin directory.
  3. Navigate to the oracle_common/upgrade/bin directory.
  4. Run the following command:
    ./ua -restoreRegistry
    Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Assistant
    Enter location of Schema Version Registry backup file:
    Restoring from /home/opc/wcc/12215/oracle_common/upgrade/bin/registry.xml
    Enter prefix or * for list:
    Enter the Database Connect String:
    (host:port/service or host:port:SID or TNS connect string)
    jdbc::oracle:thin:@<TNS_alias>?TNS_ADMIN=<path of the wallet files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>
    # Example of Database Connect String: jdbc:oracle:thin:@fmwatpdedic2_tp?TNS_ADMIN=/home/opc
    Enter the DBA User Name: 
    Enter the DBA Password:
    Schema Version Registry restored from /home/opc/wcc/12215/oracle_common/upgrade/bin/registry.xml
    Rows removed: 0. Rows inserted: 12


    You must enter the complete location of the registry.xml file and pass the complete database connect string.

Creating a New Domain Using the Configuration Wizard

Use the Configuration Wizard to create a new domain in your Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) VM with the Domain Template you created for an on-premises domain.


During migration, the source and target process group name of the domain must be the same, else, you cannot view the imported source details for the OCI VM, if you need to look for this information from the OCI VM.

To create a domain template, see Creating a Domain Template for an On-Premises Domain.

You must download or copy the domain template file from an on-premises host to the OCI host before you create a domain.

To create a domain using the Configuration Wizard:

  1. Start the Configuration Wizard on the OCI domain host:
  2. On the Create Domain screen, select Create a new domain, and in the Domain Location field, specify the location of the domain, or browse to select an existing directory in which your domain is located, and then click Next.
  3. On the Templates screen, select Create Domains Using Custom Templates, and in the Template Location field, browse to select the directory in which you copied or downloaded the domain template, and then click Next.
  4. On the High Availability screen, click Next.
  5. On the Application Location screen, in the Application Location field, specify the location of the directory or browse to select an existing directory, in which you want to store the applications that are associated with the domain, and then click Next.
  6. On the Administrator Account page, specify the Name and Password, reconfirm the password, and then click Next.
  7. On the Domain Mode and JDK screen, select a Domain Mode and select the JDK for the domain, and then click Next.
  8. On the JDBC Data Sources screen, select the MDS schema, specify Name and Password, and the connect string using the Connection URL String option, and then click Next.

    Use the following format for the connect string:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>

    In the connect string, you must pass TNS_alias as the database name found in tnsnames.ora, and TNS_ADMIN property to the location of the wallet files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora.


    This step is applicable only for Oracle WebCenter Content.
  9. On the JDBC Data Sources Test screen, select the data source, mds-WCCUIMDSREPO and click Test Selected Connections. Ensure that the test is successful, and then click Next.


    This step is applicable only for Oracle WebCenter Content.
  10. On the Database Configuration Type screen, specify Schema Owner, Schema Password and the connect string using the Connection URL String option.

    Use the following format for the connect string:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>

    In the connect string, you must pass TNS_alias as the database name found in tnsnames.ora, and TNS_ADMIN property to the location of the wallet files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora.

  11. On the JDBC Component Schema screen, specify Schema Owner, Schema Password and the connect string for each of the data sources, and click Next.

    Use the following format for the connect string:

    jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>

    In the connect string, you must pass TNS_alias as the database name found in tnsnames.ora, and TNS_ADMIN property to the location of the wallet files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora.

  12. On the JDBC Component Schema Test screen, select all the JDBC component schemas, click Test Selected Connections. Ensure that the test is successful, and then click Next.
  13. On the Advanced Configuration screen, select Administration ServerNode ManagerTopology, and then click Next.
  14. On the Administration Server screen,  select a value for the Listen Address, and click Next.
  15. On the Node Manager screen, review the information, and click Next.
  16. On the Managed Servers screen, select a value for the Listen Address for each managed server and click Next.
  17. Continue to click Next until you reach the Machines screen.
  18. On the Machines screen, select a value for the Node Manager Listen Address and click Next.
  19. Continue to click Next until you reach the Configuration Summary screen.

    In case of Oracle Forms, the Oracle Forms application should be deployed on Forms Managed Servers only.

  20. On the Configuration Summary page, click Create.
  21. The Configuration Progress screen displays the progress of domain creation. After the configuration process is complete, click Next, and then click Finish to end the configuration.

Updating the Configuration Files in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Domain Host

Follow the steps in this section to update the config.xml configuration file, and the Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) configuration files, jps-config.xml and jps-config-jse.xml files in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) domain host.

  1. To update the config.xml file:
    1. Navigate to the directory, DOMAINHOME/config on the OCI domain host.
    2. If the RDBMS security store is enabled in the on-premises domain, update the config.xml file in one of the following ways:
      • In the WebLogic Server Administration Console, go to Security Realms, select the RealmName, click RDBMS Security Store, and update the RDBMS connection configuration.
      • Use the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).


        For sec:connection-url, update jdbc:oracle:thin:@@//dbserver:listener_port/DB_ServiceName with the new database location, jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>.

        Example command to update the config.xml file:

        store = realm.getRDBMSSecurityStore()
        store.setConnectionURL('jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>')

        Example of config.xml after update:

            <sec:connection-url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>
  2. To update the jps-config.xml and jps-config-jse.xml files:
    1. Navigate to the directory, DOMAINHOME/config/fmwconfig on the OCI domain host.
    2. In the jps-config.xml file, for the jdbc.url property, update the connect string with the new database location, jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>.

      For example, update:

      <property name="jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//dbserver:listener_port/DB_ServiceName"/>


      <property name="jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>"/>
    3. In the jps-config-jse.xml, for the jdbc.url and the audit.loader.jdbc.string property, update the connect string with the new database location, jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>.

      For example, update:

      <property name="jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//dbserver:listener_port/DB_ServiceName"/>
      <property name="audit.loader.jdbc.string" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@//dbserver:listener_port/DB_ServiceName"/>


      <property name="jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>"/>
      <property name="audit.loader.jdbc.string" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path_of_the_wallet_files, ojdbc.properties, and tnsnames.ora>"/>


    During migration, if you have changed the OPSS password in your dedicated autonomous database (ATP-D), execute the following WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands in offline mode:
    cd <Domain_Home>/oracle_common/common/bin
    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...Jython scans all the jar files it can find at first startup.
    Depending on the system, this process may take a few minutes to complete, and WLST may not return a prompt right away.
    Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell Type help() for help on available commands
    username="<Prefix>_OPSS", password="<New_Password>")

Postmigration Tasks

After migrating an on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database, perform the tasks described in this section. Some of these tasks apply to specific schemas.

If you run into any issues during post-migration, see Errors Postmigration to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) Database.

Postmigration Tasks for Oracle WebCenter Sites

Perform the following steps after migrating an on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database for Oracle WebCenter Sites:

  1. Copy the contents of {DOMAIN_HOME}/wcsites directory from on-premises to the same location in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) VM.
  2. Locate the following files to be updated in the wcsites folder. Open these files in a text editor, and update the on-premises hostname and the domain home entries with the OCI VM name and the domain home in the ATP-D VM respectively:


    You can use the command, grep -rnw . -e 'mystring' to search files containing the string: mystring.
  3. Set the number of open files limit using the following commands:
    1. Open the file /etc/security/limits.conf in vi editor.

    2. Add the following lines at the end of the file:

      *        hard     nofile     500000
      *        soft     nofile     500000
      root     hard     nofile     500000
      root     soft     nofile     500000
  4. In the wcs_properties.json file, set the value for the properties cc.security and cs.session to true.
  5. Update all files with on-premises datasource connection strings to ATP-D connection string. See Connection Credentials for ATP-D Database.
  6. Run the following SQL command to change the current schema of the session:
  7. Run the following SQL commands to update the tables:
    UPDATE SYSTEMSATELLITE SET HOST=REPLACE(host,'<on-premises_hostname>','<oci_hostname>');
    UPDATE WEBROOT SET ROOTURL=REPLACE(rooturl,'<on-premises_hostname>','<oci_hostname>');
    UPDATE FW_VIEW SET SRCURL=REPLACE(srcurl,'<on-premises_hostname>','<oci_hostname>');
    UPDATE FW_APPLICATION SET ICONURL=REPLACE(iconurl,'<on-premises_hostname>','<oci_hostname>');
    UPDATE FW_APPLICATION SET LAYOUTURL=REPLACE(layouturl,'<on-premises_hostname>','<oci_hostname>');
    UPDATE FW_APPLICATION SET ICONURLCLICK=REPLACE(iconurlclick,'<on-premises_hostname>','<oci_hostname>');
    UPDATE FW_APPLICATION SET ICONURLHOVER=REPLACE(iconurlhover,'<on-premises_hostname>','<oci_hostname>');
    UPDATE FW_APPLICATION SET ICONURLACTIVE=REPLACE(iconurlactive,'<on-premises_hostname>','<oci_hostname>');
  8. In SearchEngineMetaDataConfig table, update the WORKINGFOLDER column.

    For example:

    UPDATE <Schema_Prefix>_WCSITES.SearchEngineMetaDataConfig set workingfolder='<location_of_lucene_in_oci>';
  9. In SystemInfo table, update the location of shared folder.

    For example:

    UPDATE <Schema_Prefix>_WCSITES.SystemInfo set defdir = replace(defdir, '<location_of_shared_directory_in_on-premises>', '<location_of_shared_directory_in_oci>');
  10. In SystemInfo table, update the domain location.

    For example:

    UPDATE <Schema_Prefix>_WCSITES.SystemInfo set defdir = replace(defdir, '<location_of_domain_in_on-premises>', '<location_of_domain_in_oci>');

Postmigration Tasks for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite

Perform the following steps after migrating on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite (ECM):


These steps are applicable only to Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM), Oracle Inbound Refinery (IBR), Oracle Universal Records Management (URM), and Oracle Imaging and Process Management (IPM).

  1. Follow steps in Migrate Non-Clustered WebCenter Content 12c to a Dissimilar Infrastructure from, Copy WebCenter Content Directory to the New Host to Verify that Everything Works in Migrating Oracle WebCenter Content.
  2. If the IPM server does not start after you log in to the OCI VM, run the following command to create an Imaging connection:
    UPDATE <Schema_Prefix>_IPM.connection_details set detailvalue='<oci_vmhost>:4444' where detailkey='repository.secondaries';
  3. Import users from the WebLogic console to the Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database OCI VM. See Importing Users Using the WebLogic Console.

Postmigration Tasks for Oracle WebCenter Content

After migrating an on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database for Oracle WebCenter Content, perform the steps described in Migrating Oracle WebCenter Content.

For more information, see Migrate Non-Clustered WebCenter Content 12c to a Dissimilar Infrastructure in Migrating Oracle WebCenter Content.

To configure full-text search, you must rebuild indexes using the Repository Manager. For more information, see Enable Full-Text Search in Administering Oracle WebCenter Content.

Postmigration Tasks for Oracle WebCenter Portal

Perform the following steps after migrating an on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database for Oracle WebCenter Portal:

  1. Run the following WLST command to update the host and port for the WebCenter Content Server connection:
    setContentServerConnection (appName='webcenter', name=‘<existing_connection_name>',
    serverHost=‘<new_host_name>', serverPort=‘<new_port_number>', isPrimary='true’)
  2. Run the following WLST command to update the host name for the discussion server connection.
    setDiscussionForumConnection(appName='webcenter', name='<existing_connection_name>',
    url=‘<new_host_url>’, default=1)
  3. Restart the managed servers, WC_Spaces and WC_Collaboration.

Postmigration Tasks for Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports

Perform the following steps after migrating on-premises database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database for Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports.

  • For Oracle Forms, take a backup of your Domain_Home, and create a configuration file for postmigration of Oracle Forms.


    Ensure that you have execute permissions for the Postmigrationformsconfig.sh file.
  • For Oracle Reports, update the tnsnames.ora file located in DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig with the ATP-D database details.

    For example:

    -connectString description=(CONNECT_TIMEOUT=120)(RETRY_COUNT=20)(RETRY_DELAY=3) \

Importing Users Using the WebLogic Console

Migrate the WebLogic users manually from an on-premises VM to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) VM.

To import users from an on-premises to ATP-D VM using the WebLogic Console:

  1. Open the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console in your on-premises environment, and login with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Security Realms > myrealm
  3. On the Migration tab, select Export.
  4. Enter the export directory location in which to export the users.

    The directory must exist on the server in your on-premises environment. For example, let's enter the directory location as /scratch/users_in_wls.

  5. Create a tar file of /scratch/users_in_wls in your on-premises environment, and upload the file to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage.

    See Uploading Files to Object Storage in Using Oracle Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure.

  6. Copy the tar file you created in 5 to a directory in ATP-D VM.

    For example, lets copy the tar file to the home/opc/users directory.

  7. Open the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console in your ATP-D VM.
  8. Navigate to Security Realms > myrealm
  9. On the Migration tab, select Import.
  10. Enter the import directory location in which to import the users.

    For example, let's enter the directory location as home/opc/users.

  11. Save the changes.

Starting the Servers

After the migration of your on-premises to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database, restart all processes and servers, including the Administration Server and any Managed Servers.

See Starting and Stopping Administration and Managed Servers and Node Manager in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Performing Sanity Check

After the migration of your on-premises to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database, verify the application URLs, and ensure that data is accessible from the application.