25 Centralized Monitoring Using Grafana and Prometheus

When using Prometheus and Grafana, you can configure non-Kubernetes products to send their data to the console. This data is in addition to data from the Kubernetes components.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Oracle HTTP Server

If you are using a centralized Prometheus and Grafana to monitor your infrastructure, you can send Oracle HTTP Server data to this application.

To send the Oracle HTTP Server data, perform the following steps:

Enabling Oracle HTTP Server Status Monitoring

To enable Oracle HTTP Server status metrics:
  1. Edit the httpd.conf file located in WEB_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/OHS/<component>/.
  2. Uncomment out the section which looks as follows:
    <Location /server-status>
        SetHandler server-status
        Require host webhost1.example.com
        #  Require ip 127

    Require host and Require IP are optional. If you do not set one or more of these values, the statistics will be available from wherever requested. If you set Require host to be the name of the host running the OHS server, ensure that status information can be collected only when the request is sent from that host.

    In addition, you can set the directive ExtendedStatus to On. However, this setting may have a performance impact on your system.

  3. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server using the following commands:
    cd WEB_DOMAIN_HOME/bin
    ./stopComponent.sh ohs1
    ./startComponent.sh ohs1
  4. Validate that you can obtain the server statistics using the following command:
    wget http://webhost1.example.com:7777/server-status

    Also validate the command from one of the Kubernetes worker nodes.

Enabling Iptables/Firewalls

If the validation command does not work and you have a firewall enabled or Iptables running, you need to ensure that traffic can reach the web server from the Kubernetes worker hosts.

If you are using Iptables, run the following command:

sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 9117 -j ACCEPT

Running the Apache Exporter

The earlier commands (see Enabling Oracle HTTP Server Status Monitoring and Enabling Iptables/Firewalls) enable you to expose the server information from the Oracle HTTP Server. After you expose the information, run the Apache Exporter for Prometheus. This step creates an agent on the webhost, which can be interrogated by Prometheus.

To create an agent, perform the following step:

Downloading and Installing the Apache Exporter
To install Apache Exporter:
  1. Download the exporter to your webhost using the following command:
    https://api.github.com/repos/Lusitaniae/apache_exporter/releases/latest|grep browser_download_url|grep linux-amd64|cut -d '"' -f 4|wget -qi –
  2. Extract the exporter and move it to a system directory such as /usr/local/bin. For example:
    tar xvf apache_exporter-*.linux-amd64.tar.gz
    sudo cp apache_exporter-*.linux-amd64/apache_exporter /usr/local/bin
    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/apache_exporter
  3. Run the Apache Exporter by using the following command:
    ./apache_exporter --insecure \
                      --scrape_uri=http://webhost1.example.com:7777/server-status?auto \
                      --telemetry.address= \

    Where, scrape_uri is the URL you use to access the Oracle HTTP Server server-status page. The telemetry address includes the port which Prometheus will use to obtain the Oracle HTTP Server metrics


    This command runs the exporter in the foreground of the current shell. This is sufficient for testing purposes. For production use, this should be converted to a service and run through init.d so that it starts whenever the host starts.

Adding External Hosts to the Prometheus Operator

After data is generated and made available to Prometheus, you have to configure Prometheus to periodically load the data. To load the data:
  1. Edit the helm override file you used to deploy Prometheus and add the following lines in the Prometheus section:
        nodePort: 30901
        type: NodePort
          - job_name: "External servers"
              - targets: ["webhost1.example.com:9100","webhost2.example.com:9100"]
  2. Upgrade the installation by using the following command:
    helm upgrade -n monitoring kube-prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -f <WORKDIR>/override_prom.yaml
    You will see External Servers in the Prometheus Service Monitors page located at http://k8worker1.example.com:30901/service-discovery.

Oracle Database

You can send monitoring information from the Oracle Database to Prometheus. To send data, you should create a Database Exporter inside the Kubernetes cluster and connect it to your database.


If you are using a container database, you must connect to the service associated with the container database; not to individual PDBs.

Creating an Oracle Database Exporter

To create an Oracle Database exporter inside Kubernetes:
  1. Create a file called dbexporter.yaml with the following contents:
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: oracledb-exporter
      namespace: <PROMNS>
          app: oracledb-exporter
        type: Recreate
      replicas: 1
            app: oracledb-exporter
            prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
            prometheus.io/port: "9161"
            prometheus.io/path: "/metrics"
          - name: oracledb-exporter
            - containerPort: 9161
              name: scrape
              protocol: TCP
            image: iamseth/oracledb_exporter:alpine
            - name: DATA_SOURCE_NAME
              value: system/<SYSPWD>@//<DB_SCAN_ADDRESS>:1521/<DB_SERVICE_NAME>
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
        app: oracledb-exporter
      name: oracledb-exporter
      namespace: <PROMNS>
      type: ClusterIP
        app: oracledb-exporter
      - name: scrape
        port: 9161
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 9161
    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: ServiceMonitor
        release: kube-prometheus
      name: oracledb-exporter
      namespace: <PROMNS>
      - honorLabels: true
        interval: 15s
        path: /metrics
        port: scrape
          - action: labelmap
            regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
        scheme: http
        interval: 15s
        scrapeTimeout: 10s
      jobLabel: oracledb-exporter
        - <PROMNS>
          app: oracledb-exporter
  2. Create the deployment using the following command:
    kubectl create -f ./dbexporter.yaml
  3. Monitor the creation using the following command:
    kubectl get all -n <PROMNS>