23 Common Configuration and Management Tasks for an Enterprise Deployment

The configuration tasks include a few that are common to all enterprise deployments, such as verifying sizing information, performing backups and recoveries, and so on. Patching an enterprise deployment and cross wiring components are the other common tasks.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Configuration and Management Tasks for All Enterprise Deployments

Complete these common configuration tasks that apply to any Oracle Fusion Middleware enterprise deployment. These tasks include checking the sizing requirements for the deployment, using the JDBC persistence store for web services, and taking backups of the deployment.

Core DNS Allocation


This step is applicable to any Kubernetes system using coredns.
Place at least two coredns pods on the control plane (if possible) and another two on the worker nodes. The coredns footprint is low.

146268  41684  29088 S   0.3  0.1  25:44.04 coredns
According to the CoreDNS documentation, you can estimate the amount of memory required for a CoreDNS instance (using default settings) with the following formula:
MB required (default settings) = (Pods + Services) / 1000 + 54
Hence, first, label the nodes in both control and worker plane.
$ kubectl label nodes K8ControlPlane1 area=dnsarea
$ kubectl label nodes K8ControlPlane2 area=dnsarea
$ kubectl label nodes K8ControlPlane3 area=dnsarea
$ kubectl label nodes k8worker1 area=dnsarea
$ kubectl label nodes k8worker2 area=dnsarea
$ kubectl label nodes k8worker3 area=dnsarea
And then, update the coredns deployment to use topology spread constraints.


Topology spread constraints is beta starting in Kubernetes v1.18.

First, enable the feature gate in kube-api server and in kube-scheduler. Then, modify the coredns deployment for an appropriate spread of pods across the worker and the control plane nodes.

The coredns topology spread configuration details are:

The following is a sample of the coredns deployment yaml file:

Coredns deployment YAML
  $ kubectl get deployment coredns -n kube-system -o yaml
  apiVersion: apps/v1
  kind: Deployment
      deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "7"
    creationTimestamp: "2021-01-15T13:15:05Z"
    generation: 8
      area: dnsarea
      k8s-app: kube-dns
    - apiVersion: apps/v1
      fieldsType: FieldsV1
            .: {}
            f:k8s-app: {}
          f:progressDeadlineSeconds: {}
          f:revisionHistoryLimit: {}
              .: {}
              f:k8s-app: {}
              .: {}
              f:maxSurge: {}
              f:maxUnavailable: {}
            f:type: {}
                .: {}
                f:k8s-app: {}
                  .: {}
                  f:args: {}
                  f:image: {}
                  f:imagePullPolicy: {}
                    .: {}
                    f:failureThreshold: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:path: {}
                      f:port: {}
                      f:scheme: {}
                    f:initialDelaySeconds: {}
                    f:periodSeconds: {}
                    f:successThreshold: {}
                    f:timeoutSeconds: {}
                  f:name: {}
                    .: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:containerPort: {}
                      f:name: {}
                      f:protocol: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:containerPort: {}
                      f:name: {}
                      f:protocol: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:containerPort: {}
                      f:name: {}
                      f:protocol: {}
                    .: {}
                    f:failureThreshold: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:path: {}
                      f:port: {}
                      f:scheme: {}
                    f:periodSeconds: {}
                    f:successThreshold: {}
                    f:timeoutSeconds: {}
                    .: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:memory: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:cpu: {}
                      f:memory: {}
                    .: {}
                    f:allowPrivilegeEscalation: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:add: {}
                      f:drop: {}
                    f:readOnlyRootFilesystem: {}
                  f:terminationMessagePath: {}
                  f:terminationMessagePolicy: {}
                    .: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:mountPath: {}
                      f:name: {}
                      f:readOnly: {}
              f:dnsPolicy: {}
                .: {}
                f:kubernetes.io/os: {}
              f:priorityClassName: {}
              f:restartPolicy: {}
              f:schedulerName: {}
              f:securityContext: {}
              f:serviceAccount: {}
              f:serviceAccountName: {}
              f:terminationGracePeriodSeconds: {}
              f:tolerations: {}
                .: {}
                  .: {}
                    .: {}
                    f:defaultMode: {}
                    f:items: {}
                    f:name: {}
                  f:name: {}
      manager: kubeadm
      operation: Update
      time: "2021-01-15T13:15:05Z"
    - apiVersion: apps/v1
      fieldsType: FieldsV1
            f:area: {}
          f:replicas: {}
                .: {}
                f:kubectl.kubernetes.io/restartedAt: {}
                f:foo: {}
                .: {}
                  .: {}
                    .: {}
                      .: {}
                      f:foo: {}
                  f:maxSkew: {}
                  f:topologyKey: {}
                  f:whenUnsatisfiable: {}
      manager: kubectl
      operation: Update
      time: "2021-01-28T16:00:21Z"
    - apiVersion: apps/v1
      fieldsType: FieldsV1
            .: {}
            f:deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: {}
          f:availableReplicas: {}
            .: {}
              .: {}
              f:lastTransitionTime: {}
              f:lastUpdateTime: {}
              f:message: {}
              f:reason: {}
              f:status: {}
              f:type: {}
              .: {}
              f:lastTransitionTime: {}
              f:lastUpdateTime: {}
              f:message: {}
              f:reason: {}
              f:status: {}
              f:type: {}
          f:observedGeneration: {}
          f:readyReplicas: {}
          f:replicas: {}
          f:updatedReplicas: {}
      manager: kube-controller-manager
      operation: Update
      time: "2021-01-28T16:00:39Z"
    name: coredns
    namespace: kube-system
    resourceVersion: "2520507"
    selfLink: /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/kube-system/deployments/coredns
    uid: 79d24e61-98f4-434f-b682-132625b04c49
    progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
    replicas: 4
    revisionHistoryLimit: 10
        k8s-app: kube-dns
        maxSurge: 25%
        maxUnavailable: 1
      type: RollingUpdate
          kubectl.kubernetes.io/restartedAt: "2021-01-28T15:29:48Z"
        creationTimestamp: null
          foo: bar
          k8s-app: kube-dns
        - args:
          - -conf
          - /etc/coredns/Corefile
          image: k8s.gcr.io/coredns:1.6.7
          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            failureThreshold: 5
              path: /health
              port: 8080
              scheme: HTTP
            initialDelaySeconds: 60
            periodSeconds: 10
            successThreshold: 1
            timeoutSeconds: 5
          name: coredns
          - containerPort: 53
            name: dns
            protocol: UDP
          - containerPort: 53
            name: dns-tcp
            protocol: TCP
          - containerPort: 9153
            name: metrics
            protocol: TCP
            failureThreshold: 3
              path: /ready
              port: 8181
              scheme: HTTP
            periodSeconds: 10
            successThreshold: 1
            timeoutSeconds: 1
              memory: 170Mi
              cpu: 100m
              memory: 70Mi
            allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
              - NET_BIND_SERVICE
              - all
            readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
          terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
          terminationMessagePolicy: File
          - mountPath: /etc/coredns
            name: config-volume
            readOnly: true
        dnsPolicy: Default
          kubernetes.io/os: linux
        priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
        restartPolicy: Always
        schedulerName: default-scheduler
        securityContext: {}
        serviceAccount: coredns
        serviceAccountName: coredns
        terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
        - key: CriticalAddonsOnly
          operator: Exists
        - effect: NoSchedule
          key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
        - labelSelector:
              foo: bar
          maxSkew: 1
          topologyKey: area
          whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
        - configMap:
            defaultMode: 420
            - key: Corefile
              path: Corefile
            name: coredns
          name: config-volume
    availableReplicas: 4
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-01-21T19:08:12Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2021-01-21T19:08:12Z"
      message: Deployment has minimum availability.
      reason: MinimumReplicasAvailable
      status: "True"
      type: Available
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-01-28T15:29:48Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2021-01-28T16:00:39Z"
      message: ReplicaSet "coredns-84b49c57fd" has successfully progressed.
      reason: NewReplicaSetAvailable
      status: "True"
      type: Progressing
    observedGeneration: 8
    readyReplicas: 4
    replicas: 4
    updatedReplicas: 4
The labels and spread topology changes are:
        foo: bar
        k8s-app: kube-dns
  - labelSelector:
        foo: bar
    maxSkew: 1
    topologyKey: area
    whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule

This guarantees an even distribution across the master and worker nodes. Therefore, if the control plane is restored, the worker pods will continue without issues and the other way around.

Sample of the resulting coredns distribution:
kubectl get pods -A -o wide | grep coredns
kube-system   coredns-84b49c57fd-4fz4g                         1/1     Running     0          166m   K8ControlPlane2   <none>           <none>
kube-system   coredns-84b49c57fd-5mrkw                         1/1     Running     0          165m   K8Worker2         <none>           <none>
kube-system   coredns-84b49c57fd-5zm88                         1/1     Running     0          165m   K8ControlPlane3   <none>           <none>
kube-system   coredns-84b49c57fd-nqlwb                         1/1     Running     0          166m   K8Worker2         <none>           <none>

Verifying Appropriate Sizing and Configuration for the WLSSchemaDataSource

WLSSchemaDataSource is the common data source that is reserved for use by the FMW components for JMS JDBC Stores, JTA JDBC stores, and Leasing services. WLSSchemaDataSource is used to avoid contention in critical WLS infrastructure services and to guard against dead-locks.

To reduce the WLSSchemaDataSource connection usage, you can change the JMS JDBC and TLOG JDBC stores connection caching policy from Default to Minimal by using the respective connection caching policy settings. When there is a need to reduce connections in the back-end database system, Oracle recommends that you set the caching policy to Minimal . Avoid using the caching policy None because it causes a potential degradation in performance. For a detailed tuning advice about connections that are used by JDBC stores, see Configuring a JDBC Store Connection Caching Policy in Administering the WebLogic Persistent Store.

The default WLSSchemaDataSource connection pool size is 75 (size is double in the case of a GridLink Data Source). You can tune this size to a higher value depending on the size of the different FMW clusters and the candidates that are configured for migration. For example, consider a typical SOA EDG deployment with the default number of worker threads per store. If more than 25 JDBC Stores or TLOG-in-DB instances or both can fail over to the same Weblogic server, and the Connection Caching Policy is not changed from Default to Minimal, possible connection contention issues could arise. In these cases, increasing the default WLSSchemaDataSource pool size (maximum capacity) becomes necessary (each JMS store uses a minimum of two connections, and leasing and JTA are also added to compete for the pool).

About JDBC Persistent Stores for Web Services

By default, web services use the WebLogic Server default persistent store for persistence. This store provides high-performance storage solution for web services.

The default web service persistence store is used by the following advanced features:
  • Reliable Messaging

  • Make Connection

  • SecureConversation

  • Message buffering

You also have the option to use a JDBC persistence store in your WebLogic Server web service, instead of the default store. For information about web service persistence, see Managing Web Service Persistence.

Enabling Autoscaling

Kubernetes allows pods to be auto-scaled. If there are two pods running and your resource exceeds a threshold, such as memory, a new pod is automatically started.

For example, when you achieve 75% of available memory, a new pod is started on a different worker node.

For acheiving autoscaling, you should first define the resource requirements for each pod type you want to autoscale. See the relevant product's Installing and Configuring chapter for details.

Deploying the Kubernetes Metric Server
Before deploying autoscaling, you need to deploy the Kubernetes metric server.
  1. To deploy this server, run the following command:
    kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server/releases/latest/download/components.yaml
  2. Confirm that the metric server is running by using the following command:
    kubectl get pods -n kube-system
Deploying the Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler Resource

The following example shows how to automatically scale a WebLogic cluster based on memory and CPU utilization.

Assuming that you have an OAM cluster running in the oamns namespace, use the following command to create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) resource targeted at the cluster resource (accessdomain-oam-cluster) that will autoscale Oracle WebLogic Server instances from a minimum of two cluster member to a five cluster member. The scale up or down will occur when the average CPU utilization is consistently over 70%.

  1. Create a file called oam_scaler.yaml with the following contents:
    apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
    kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
      name: accessdomain-oam-cluster-hpa
      namespace: oamns
        apiVersion: weblogic.oracle/v1
        kind: Cluster
        name: accessdomain-oam-cluster
          stabilizationWindowSeconds: 60
          stabilizationWindowSeconds: 60
      minReplicas: 2
      maxReplicas: 5
      - type: Resource
          name: cpu
            type: Utilization
            averageUtilization: 70

    If you want to do the same, but use memory consumption as the trigger, then the above file would have the following metrics:

    - type: Resource
        name: memory
          type: Utilization
          averageUtilization: 70


    maxReplicas should not exceed the configuredManagedServerCount value provided during domain.
  2. Update scaleTargetRef for the following products:
    For example, for Oracle Unified Directory (OUD):
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: StatefulSet
      name: <DEPLOYMENT>

    The following table provides the value of the name variable for other products:

    Product Deployment
    Oracle Identity Role Intelligence (OIRI) oiri
    OIRI DING spark-history-server
    Oracle Advanced Authentication (OAA)
    OAADEPLOYMENT_NAME: It can be one of the following values:
    • edg-email
    • edg-fido
    • edg-oaa
    • edg-oaa-admin-ui
    • edg-oaa-kba
    • edg-oaa-policy
    • edg-push
    • edg-risk
    • edg-risk-cc
    • edg-sms
    • edg-spui
    • edg-totp
    • edg-yotp
  3. Execute the file using the following command:
    kubectl apply -f oam_scaler.yaml
  4. Verify the status of the autoscaler and its behavior by inspecting the HPA resource.
    $ kubectl get hpa -n oamns

Performing Backups and Recoveries for an Enterprise Deployment

Oracle recommends you to follow the below mentioned guidelines to ensure that you back up the necessary directories and configuration data for an Oracle Identity and Access Management enterprise deployment.


Some of the static and runtime artifacts listed in this section are hosted from Network Attached Storage (NAS). If possible, backup and recover these volumes from the NAS filer directly rather than from the application servers.

For general information about backing up and recovering Oracle Fusion Middleware products, see the following sections in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware:

Table 23-1 lists the static artifacts to back up in a typical Oracle Identity and Access Management enterprise deployment.

Table 23-1 Static Artifacts to Back Up in the Oracle Identity and Access Management Enterprise Deployment

Type Host Tier

Database Oracle home


Data Tier

Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle home


Web Tier

Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle home

OIMHOST1 and OIMHOST2 (or NAS Filer)

Application Tier

Installation-related files

WEBHOST1, WEHOST2, and shared storage


Table 23-2 lists the runtime artifacts to back up in a typical Oracle Identity and Access Management enterprise deployment.

Table 23-2 Run-Time Artifacts to Back Up in the Oracle Identity and Access Management Enterprise Deployment

Type Host Tier

Administration Server domain home (ASERVER_HOME)

OIMHOST1 (or NAS Filer)

Application Tier

Application home (APPLICATION_HOME)

OIMHOST1 (or NAS Filer)

Application Tier

Oracle RAC databases


Data Tier

Scripts and Customizations

Per host

Application Tier

Deployment Plan home (DEPLOY_PLAN_HOME)

OIMHOST1 (or NAS Filer)

Application Tier

OHS Configuration directory


Web Tier

Starting and Stopping Components

You can start and stop the various components (such as WebLogic components, an entire domain, a WebLogic Cluster, and so on) after you have deployed them.

Use the following procedures to start and stop different components:

Starting and Stopping the Oracle Unified Directory

Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) is stopped and started using the helm command.

To stop OUD, run the following command:
helm upgrade -n <OUDNS> --set replicaCount=0 <OUD_PREFIX> /home/opc/workdir/OUD/samples/kubernetes/helm/oud-ds-rs --reuse-values
For example:
helm upgrade -n oudns --set replicaCount=0 edg /workdir/OUD/samples/kubernetes/helm/oud-ds-rs --reuse-values
To start OUD, run the following command:
helm upgrade -n <OUDNS> --set replicaCount=<NO_SERVERS> <OUD_PREFIX> /home/opc/workdir/OUD/samples/kubernetes/helm/oud-ds-rs --reuse-values
For example:
helm upgrade -n oudns --set replicaCount=2 edg /workdir/OUD/samples/kubernetes/helm/oud-ds-rs --reuse-values

Starting and Stopping OAM and OIG

You cannot start and stop the WebLogic components by using the WebLogic cluster. You must use the following procedures:


There are shell scripts that come with sample scripts that start and stop operations. These scripts are located in the downloads directory.
Starting and Stopping an Entire Domain
Use the following commands to start and stop a domain:
startDomain.sh -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE>
stopDomain.sh -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE> 
Starting and Stopping a WebLogic Cluster
Use the following commands to start and stop a WebLogic cluster:
startCluster.sh -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE> -c <CLUSTER_NAME>
stopCluster.sh -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE> -c <CLUSTER_NAME>
You can also perform a rolling restart of a cluster by using the following command:
./rollCluster.sh -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE> -c <CLUSTER_NAME>
Starting and Stopping the Managed Server and Administration Server
Use the following commands to start and stop the Administration and Managed Servers:
startServer.sh -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE> -s <SERVER_NAME> -k <REPLICAS>
stopServer.sh -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE> -s <SERVER_NAME> -k <REPLICAS>
You can also restart a server by using the following command:
restartServer.sh d <DOMAIN_NAME> -n <NAMESPACE> -s <SERVER_NAME>

Patching an Enterprise Deployment

You should update the Oracle Identity Governance Kubernetes cluster with bundle patches whenever the patches are released.

Applying Bundle Patches to Helm Based Deployments

If your deployment is based on helm, for example, Oracle Unified Directory or Oracle Unified Directory Services Manager, then you can patch the deployment using the following command:
helm upgrade --reuse-values --set image.tag=<NEW_IMAGE> --namespace <NAMESPACE> --wait <DEPLOYMENT> <CHART>

For example:

To upgrade the WebLogic Operator:
helm upgrade \
  --reuse-values \
  --set image.tag=3.3.0 \
  --namespace opns \
  --wait \
  weblogic-operator \
To upgrade Oracle Unified Directory:
helm upgrade --reuse-values --set image.tag= --namespace oudns edg ../workdir/OUD/samples/kubernetes/helm/oud-ds-rs

This command updates the tag rather than the full image name.


These commands do not automatically restart the pods. You can restart the pods on a rolling basis by using the following command:
kubectl get pod <podname> -n <namespace> -o yaml | kubectl replace --force -f -

Ensure that you restart each pod before moving on to the next.

To check what image a pod is using, run the following command:
kubectl describe pod <podname> -n <namespace>

Applying Bundle Patches to a WebLogic Domain

Each time a bundle patch is released, a new container image is released. To upgrade a WebLogic Domain container image, first you have to stage the image on each Kubernetes Worker node if you are staging images locally, or use a container registry. After the image is available to each node, perform the following steps to patch the domain:
  • Run the kubectl edit domain command.
  • Run the kubectl patch domain command
Restarting the Helper Pod

If you have a running helper pod, delete the pod and restart it using the image to which you are patching.

Using the kubectl edit domain Command
To run the kubectl edit domain command:
  1. Run the following command:
    $ kubectl edit domain <domainname> -n <namespace>

    For example:

    $ kubectl edit domain governancedomain -n oigns
  2. Update the image tag to point at the new image.
    For example:
    domainHomeInImage: false
    image: oracle/oig:
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  3. Save the file and exit (:wq!).
Using the kubectl patch domain Command
To update the domain with the kubectl patch domain command, run the following:
$ kubectl patch domain <domain> -n <namespace> --type merge  -p '{"spec":{"image":"newimage:tag"}}'
For example:
$ kubectl patch domain governancedomain -n oigns --type merge -p '{"spec":{"image":"oracle/oig:"}}'
The output appears as follows:
domain.weblogic.oracle/oimcluster patched

Patching Oracle Identity Governance

The OIG domain patching script automatically performs the update of the OIG Kubernetes cluster with a new OIG container image. This script performs the following steps sequentially:
  • Checks if helper pod exists in the given namespace. If yes, it deletes the helper pod.
  • Brings up a new helper pod with new image.
  • Stops the Administration Server and the SOA and OIM servers using serverStartPolicy set as NEVER in the domain definition yaml file.
  • Waits for all servers to be stopped (default timeout 2000s).
  • Introspects the DB properties including the credentials from the job configmap.
  • Performs DB schema changes from helper pod.
  • Starts the Administration Server and the SOA and OIM server by setting serverStartPolicy to IF_NEEDED and the image to the new image tag.
  • Waits for all servers to be ready (default timeout 2000s).

The script exits nonzero if a configurable timeout is reached before the target pod count is reached, depending upon the domain configuration. It also exits nonzero if there is any failure while patching the DB schema and domain.


The script execution causes a downtime while patching the OIG deployment and database schemas.
Prerequisites Before Patching
Before you begin the patching process, ensure that you complete the following prerequisites:
  • Review the Manage Domains documentation.
  • Have a running OIG deployment in your cluster.
  • Have a database that is up and running.
Running the Patch Domain Script

To run the patch domain script, specify your inputs needed by the script.

$ cd $WORKDIR/samples/domain-lifecycle
$ ./patch_oig_domain.sh -h
$ ./patch_oig_domain.sh -i <target_image_tag> -n <OIGNS>
For example:
$ cd /workdir/OIG/samples/domain-lifecycle
$ ./patch_oig_domain.sh -h
$ ./patch_oig_domain.sh -i -n oigns
The output appears as follows:
[INFO] Found domain name: governancedomain
[INFO] Image Registry: container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/oig_cpu
[INFO] Domain governancedomain is currently running with image: container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/oig_cpu:
current no of pods under governancedomain are 3
[INFO] The pod helper already exists in namespace oigns.
[INFO] Deleting pod helper
pod "helper" deleted
[INFO] Fetched Image Pull Secret: orclcred
[INFO] Creating new helper pod with image: container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/oig_cpu:
pod/helper created
Checking helper  Running
[INFO] Stopping Admin, SOA and OIM servers in domain governancedomain. This may take some time, monitor log /scratch/oig_post_patch/log/oim_patch_log-2022-09-06_09-43-15/stop_servers.log for details
[INFO] All servers are now stopped successfully. Proceeding with DB Schema changes
[INFO] Patching OIM schemas...
[INFO] DB schema update successful. Check log /scratch/oig_post_patch/log/oim_patch_log-2022-09-06_09-43-15/patch_oim_wls.log for details
[INFO] Starting Admin, SOA and OIM servers with new image container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/oig_cpu:
[INFO] Waiting for weblogic pods to be ready..This may take several minutes, do not close the window. Check log /scratch/oig_post_patch/log/oim_patch_log-2022-09-06_09-43-15/monitor_weblogic_pods.log for progress
[SUCCESS] All servers under governancedomain are now in ready state with new image: container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/oig_cpu:

Logs are available at $WORKDIR/samples/domain-lifecycle by default. You can also provide a custom log location to the script.

If the patch domain script creation fails, see Domain Patching Failure.

Patching Oracle Identity Role Intelligence

To patch Oracle Identity Role Intelligence:
  • Restart the Oracle Identity Role Intelligence (OIRI) CLI with the new image.
  • Restart the Data Ingester CLI with the new image.
  • Use the new CLI to upgrade the OIRI deployment to the new image.

    Before you start the steps below, ensure that you have the latest container image in your container registry or available locally on each worker node.

Restart the OIRI CLI with the new image by using the file you used to start the administration CLI. See Starting the Administration CLI.
  1. Delete the CLI by using the following command:
    kubectl delete -f oiri-cli.yaml
  2. Edit the oiri-cli.yaml file and change the image: value to have the new image tag.
    kubectl delete -f oiri-cli.yaml
  3. Recreate the CLI by using the following command:
    kubectl create -f oiri-cli.yaml
    You should see the CLI created by using the following command:
    kubectl get pods -n <OIRINS>
Restart the DING CLI with the new image by using the file you used to start the DING CLI. See Starting the DING CLI.
  1. Delete the DING CLI by using the following command:
    kubectl delete -f ding-cli.yaml
  2. Edit the dingi-cli.yaml and change the image: value to have the new image tag.
  3. Recreate the DING CLI by using the following command:
    kubectl create -f ding-cli.yaml
    You should see the CLI created by using the following command:
    kubectl get pods -n <DINGNS>
Patch the Oracle Identity Role Intelligence application by executing the following commands from the OIRI-CLI:
kubectl exec -n <OIRINS> -ti oiri-cli
/updateValuesYaml.sh \
  --oiriapiimage oiri:<NEW_IMAGE_VER> \
  --oiriuiimage oiri-ui:<NEW_IMAGE_VER> \
  --dingimage oiri-ding:<NEW_IMAGE_VER>
./updateConfig.sh \
  --dingimage oiri-ding:<NEW_IMAGE_VER>
helm upgrade oiri /helm/oiri -f /app/k8s/values.yaml -n <OIRINS>

Applying One-Off/Interim Patches

If you need to apply one-off patches, you have to create your own image with those patches applied. This section provides instructions to building an OIG image with the WebLogic Image Tool.

Prerequisites for Buiding an OIG Image

The following prerequisites are necessary before building OIG images with the WebLogic Image Tool:

  • A working installation of Docker 18.03.1 or later.
  • Bash version 4.0 or later, to enable the command complete feature.
  • The JAVA_HOME environment variable set to the location of your JDK. For example: /u01/oracle/products/jdk.
Downloading and Setting Up the WebLogic Image Tool

Download the latest version of the WebLogic Image Tool from the release page and complete the following steps:

  1. Unzip the release ZIP file to a desired <work directory>. For example: /scratch.
    $ unzip imagetool.zip -d <work directory>
    Archive:  imagetool.zip
       creating: imagetool/
       creating: imagetool/bin/
      inflating: imagetool/bin/setup.sh
      inflating: imagetool/bin/logging.properties
      inflating: imagetool/bin/imagetool.cmd
      inflating: imagetool/bin/imagetool.sh
       creating: imagetool/lib/
      inflating: imagetool/lib/imagetool_completion.sh
      inflating: imagetool/lib/imagetool.jar
      inflating: imagetool/lib/fluent-hc-4.5.6.jar
      inflating: imagetool/lib/httpclient-4.5.6.jar
      inflating: imagetool/lib/httpcore-4.4.10.jar
      inflating: imagetool/lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar
      inflating: imagetool/lib/commons-codec-1.10.jar
      inflating: imagetool/lib/httpmime-4.5.6.jar
      inflating: imagetool/lib/picocli-4.1.4.jar
      inflating: imagetool/lib/json-20180813.jar
      inflating: imagetool/lib/compiler-0.9.6.jar
  2. Run the following commands to set up the image tool:
    $ cd <work directory>/imagetool/bin
    $ source setup.sh
  3. Execute the following command to validate the WebLogic Image Tool:
    $ ./imagetool.sh --version

    On pressing tab after typing imagetool on the command line, the subcommands available in the imagetool are displayed:

    $ ./imagetool.sh <TAB>
    cache   create  help    rebase  update
  4. The image tool creates a temporary Docker context directory, prefixed by wlsimgbuilder_temp, every time the tool runs. Under normal circumstances, this context directory will be deleted. However, if the process is aborted or the tool is unable to remove the directory, you can delete it manually. By default, the image iool creates the Docker context directory under the user's home directory. If you prefer to use a different directory for the temporary context, set the environment variable WLSIMG_BLDDIR.
    $ export WLSIMG_BLDDIR="/path/to/dir"
  5. The image tool maintains a local file cache store. This store is used to look up where the Java, WebLogic Server installers, and WebLogic Server patches reside in the local file system. By default, the cache store is located in the user's $HOME/cache directory. Under this directory, the lookup information is stored in the .metadata file. All automatically downloaded patches also reside in this directory. You can change the default cache store location by setting the environment variable WLSIMG_CACHEDIR.
    $ export WLSIMG_CACHEDIR="/path/to/cachedir"
Downloading the Packages/Installers and Patches

Download the required installers from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud and save them in a directory of your choice. For example: <work directory>/stage:

  • Oracle Identity and Access Management
  • Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c Infrastructure
  • Oracle SOA Suite
  • Oracle Service Bus
  • Oracle JDK


If the image is required to have patches included, download patches from My Oracle Support and copy to <work directory>/stage.
Downloading the Required Build Files

The OIG image requires additional files for creating the OIG domain and starting the WebLogic Servers.

  1. Download the required files from the FMW repository.
    For example:
    $ cd <work directory>
    $ git clone https://github.com/oracle/docker-images

    This will create the required directories and files under <work directory>/docker-images.

  2. Edit the <work directory>/docker-images/OracleIdentityGovernance/imagetool/ file and change %DOCKER_REPO%, %JDK_VERSION%, and %BUILDTAG% appropriately.
    For example:
    --type oig
    --installerResponseFile /scratch/docker-images/OracleFMWInfrastructure/dockerfiles/,/scratch/docker-images/OracleSOASuite/dockerfiles/,/scratch/docker-images/OracleSOASuite/dockerfiles/,/scratch/docker-images/OracleIdentityGovernance/dockerfiles/
    --additionalBuildCommands /scratch/docker-images/OracleIdentityGovernance/imagetool/
    --additionalBuildFiles /scratch/docker-images/OracleIdentityGovernance/dockerfiles/
Creating the Image

Navigate to the imagetool/bin directory and run the following commands. In the examples below, substitute <work directory>/stage for the directory where the appropriate files reside.

  1. Add the JDK package to the Imagetool cache.
    $ imagetool cache add Installer --type JD --version 8u241 --path <work directory>/stage/jdk-8u241-linux-x64.tar.gz
  2. Add installers to the Imagetool cache.

    If you want to include patches in the image, add the downloaded patches to the Imagetool cache.

    $ imagetool cache add Installer --type few --version --path <work directory>/stage/fmw_12.
    $ imagetool cache add Installer --type spa --version --path <work directory>/stage/fmw_12.
    $ imagetool cache add Installer --type sob --version --path <work directory>/stage/fmw_12.
    $ imagetool cache add Installer --type dim --version --path <work directory>/stage/fmw_12.
  3. Add patches to the Imagetool cache.
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 28186730_13. --path <work directory>/stage/p28186730_139422_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 31537019_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p31537019_122140_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 31544353_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p31544353_122140_Linux-x86-64.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 31470730_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p31470730_122140_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 31488215_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p31488215_122140_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 31403376_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p31403376_122140_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 31396632_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p31396632_122140_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 31287540_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p31287540_122140_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 30779352_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p30779352_122140_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 30680769_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p30680769_122140_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 31537918_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p31537918_122140_Generic.zip
    $ imagetool cache add Entry --key 31497461_12. --path <work directory>/stage/p31497461_12214200624_Generic.zip
  4. Add patches to the buildings file.

    Edit the buildings file and add the patches:

    --patches 31537019_12.,31544353_12.,31470730_12.,31488215_12.,31403376_12.,31396632_12.,31287540_12.,30779352_12.,30680769_12.,31537918_12.,31497461_12.

    A sample buildings file is now looks as follows:

    --type pig
    --irresponsibility /scratch/docker-images/Infrastructure/docker files/,/scratch/docker-images/Ecclesiastes/docker files/,/scratch/docker-images/Ecclesiastes/docker files/,/scratch/docker-images/Intergovernmental/docker files/
    --discombobulation /scratch/docker-images/Intergovernmental/imagetool/
    --traditionalists /scratch/docker-images/Intergovernmental/docker files/
    --patches 31537019_12.,31544353_12.,31470730_12.,31488215_12.,31403376_12.,31396632_12.,31287540_12.,30779352_12.,30680769_12.,31537918_12.,31497461_12.
  5. Create the OIG image.

    For example:

    $ CD <work directory>/imagetool/bin
    $ ./imagetool.sh @<work directory>/docker-images/Intergovernmental/imagetool/
  6. View the image.

    Run the docker images command to ensure that the new OIG image is loaded into the repository:

    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY                                TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    pig-with-patch                            d4cccfcd67c4        3 minutes ago      5.01GB
    coralline                               7-slim              153f8d73287e        2 weeks ago         131MB
Generating the Sample Dockerfile

If you want to review a sample dockerfile created with the imagetool, use the imagetool command with the --dryRun option:

./imagetool.sh @<work directory/build/buildArgs --dryRun

Performing Backup and Restore Operations

Ensure that you keep backups outside of the Kubernetes cluster so that they are available even if the cluster has issues.

A Kubernetes deployment consists of four parts:

Kubernetes Objects

The simplest way to backup and restore the Kubernetes objects is by using the Kubernetes Snapshot tool. This tool unloads all the Kubernetes objects into a namespace as a series of files, which can then be loaded onto another cluster if needed.

For instructions to use the Kubernetes Snapshot tool, see Backing Up and Restoring the Kubernetes Objects.

Container Images

If the container images are stored in a container registry, any cluster you use can easily access and use the required images. However, if you want to restore the images to a new Kubernetes worker node, ensure that the necessary Kubernetes images are available on that worker node.

Persistent Volumes

Persistent volumes are essentially directories on a disk, and they are typically stored on NFS storage. To take a backup of a persistent volume, first, mount the directory on a host that has access to the storage, and then use your preferred backup tool to back it up. There are several ways to back up data, such as using hardware snapshots, tar, and rsync. See the relevant documentation on the usage of the backup tool that you choose to use.


The Oracle database can either be data guarded (see Creating a Backup/Restore Job) or a database backup performed either to disk, tape, or a backup appliance. Oracle recommends the use of RMAN for database backups. For information about the RMAN command, see the Backup and Recovery Reference documentation for the Oracle Database release 21c.

Performing Maintenance on a Kubernetes Worker Node

If you have to shut down a Kubernetes worker node for maintenance/patching or just to refresh it, you should first gracefully move any running Kubernetes services on that worker node.

To move the running services, use the following command and ensure that it completes before shutting down the worker node:
kubectl drain <node name>
When you are ready for the node to start running the pods again, after having finished the maintenance, use the command:
kubectl uncordon <node name>

For more information about draining, see Safely Drain a Node.

Adjusting the Server Pods Liveness Probe

By default, the liveness probe is configured to check liveness every 45 seconds. This configuration may cause requests to be routed to the back-end pods that are no longer available during the outage scenarios. Oracle recommends you to adjust the liveness probe values so that on hard node failures, the pods are marked as 'down' quicker.

To configure a more aggressive probe, edit the domain and change the serverPods.livenessProbe values to the following:

   failureThreshold: 1
   initialDelaySeconds: 30
   periodSeconds: 5
   successThreshold: 1
   timeoutSeconds: 3
For example, to set the liveness probe for the OAM servers, the domain.yaml file has an entry similar to the following:
  - clusterName: oam_cluster
        failureThreshold: 1
        initialDelaySeconds: 30
        periodSeconds: 5
        successThreshold: 1
        timeoutSeconds: 3

Considerations for Cross-Component Wiring

Cross-Component Wiring (CCW) enables the FMW components to publish and bind to some of the services available in a WLS domain, by using specific APIs.

CCW performs a bind of the wiring information only during the Configuration Wizard session or when manually forced by the WLS domain Administrator. When you add a Weblogic Server to a cluster (in a scale out and scale up operation in a static or dynamic cluster), although the new server publishes its services, all the clients that use the service are not automatically updated and bound to the new service provider. The update does not happen because the existing servers that are already bound to a CCW table, do not automatically know about the new member that joins the cluster. It is the same case with ESS and WSMPM when they provide their services to SOA: both publish their service to the service table dynamically, but SOA servers do not know about these updates unless a bind is forced again.


There is an additional cross-component wiring information similar to the one used by the OHS configuration, which is not affected by this wiring because of the proxy plug-in behavior. For more information, see the following sections:

Cross-Component Wiring for WSMPM and ESS

The cross-component wiring t3 information is used by WSMPM and ESS to obtain the list of severs to be used in a JNDI invocation URL.

The CCW t3 information limits the impact of the lack of dynamic updates. When the invocation is done, the JNDI URL is used to obtain the RMI stubs with the list of members in the cluster. The JNDI URL does not need to contain the entire list of servers. The RMI stubs contain the list of all the servers in the cluster at any given time, and are used to load balance requests across all of them. Therefore, without a bind, the servers that are added to the cluster are used even if not present in the bind URL. The only drawback is that at least one of the original servers provided in the first CCW bind must be up to keep the system working when the cluster expands or shrinks. To avoid this issue, you can use the cluster name syntax in the service table instead of using the static list of members.

The cluster name syntax is as follows:

When you use cluster:t3://cluster_name, the CCW invocation fetches the complete list of members in the cluster at any given time, thus avoiding any dependencies on the initial servers and accounting for every member that is alive in the cluster then.

Using the cluster_name Syntax with WSMPM

This procedure makes WSMPM use a t3 syntax that accounts for servers being added or removed from the WSMPM cluster without having to reupdate the CCW information.

The CCW t3 information is configured to use the cluster syntax by default. You only need to verify that the cluster syntax is used and edit, if required.

  1. Sign-in to the Fusion Middleware Control by using the administrator's account. For example: weblogic_iam.
  2. From the WebLogic Domain drop-down menu, select Cross component Wiring- Service Tables.
  3. Select the OWSM Policy Manager urn:oracle:fmw.owsm-pm:t3 row.
  4. Verify that the cluster syntax is used. If not, click Edit and update the t3 and t3s values with the cluster name syntax.
  5. Click OK.
  6. From the WebLogic Domain drop-down menu, select Cross component Wiring - Components.
  7. Select OWSM Agent.
  8. In the Client Configuration section, select the owsm-pm-connection-t3 row and click Bind.
  9. Click OK.


The wiring table is updated with each cluster scale out or scale up, but it does not replace the cluster syntax until a manual rebind is used. Hence, it withstands all updates (additions and removals) in the lifecycle of the cluster.