5 Understanding Catalog Migration

Understand the migration of the business catalog, the predefined catalog, and introspected components.

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Business Catalog Migration

The BPM migration utility migrates the components in the business catalog using mapping.

The BPM migration utility mapping is described in the following table:

Table 5-1 Business Catalog Mapping

10gr3 Artifact 12c Artifact



BPM object

Business object

For more information, see BPM Objects Migration.

Business exception

Business exception

For more information, see Business Exceptions Migration.

Introspected object

See Introspected Components Migration

Test object

Not migrated.



The migration of the following elements is limited:

  • Scripts that use the Plumtree component

  • Projects using enumerations introspected from JAR files

  • Project dependencies

For more information on these limitations, please see Limitations.

5.1.1 Business Exceptions Migration

The BPM migration utility migrates exceptions in the same way it migrates business objects. However, BPM 12c exceptions allow only one attribute named errorInfo, so the BPM migration utility creates an exception with the name from the BPM 10gR3 exception and with only one attribute. It also creates a business object that contains all the attributes from the BPM 10gR3 exception and names it by concatenating the name of the original exception and the suffix ExceptionPayload. The errorInfo attribute in the migrated BPM 12c exception uses this business object as its type.

5.2 BPM Objects Migration

Understand how BPM migration utility migrates BPM objects.

The BPM migration utility migrates BPM objects in the following way:

Table 5-2 BPM Object Migration

BPM Object Element 12c Migration




Partially migrated. For more information, see Table 5-3.


Migrated to BPM Scripting.

For more information, see Understanding Business Process Language Migration .


Not migrated


Partially migrated.

For more information, see BPM Object Presentations Migration.



Only the migration of inheritance between Business Objects is supported. For more information see Known Issues.

Comparable property

Not migrated

Abstract property

Not migrated

5.2.1 BPM Object Attributes Migration

The BPM migration utility migrates BPM object attributes in the following way:

Table 5-3 BPM Object Attributes Migration

10gr3 Attribute Element 12c Migration





Images, font type, font style (bold, italic, underline, etc) and font color are not migrated.


Migrated for most types. For a detailed description, see Table 5-4.

Overridden access

Not migrated.

Valid values

Not migrated.

Primary key

Not migrated.

Check expression

Not migrated.

Required expression

Not migrated.

The BPM migration utility migrates the BPM object attribute types in the following way:

Table 5-4 Attribute Type Migration

Type 12c Migration

Simple type

Migrated except for Any, which are migrated to an invalid type. In this case you must choose a valid type manually after you run the BPM migration utility.

BPM object type


Java/Predefined catalog type

Not migrated


Not migrated. Attributes are created with the type invalid type. You must complete the migration manually.


Simple and BPM object type arrays are migrated.

Business catalog predefined type arrays are migrated as arrays of type Any.


Not migrated. Attributes are created with the type invalid type. You must complete the migration manually.


Not migrated. Attributes are created with the type invalid type. You must complete the migration manually.


Not migrated. Attributes are created as regular attributes.

5.2.2 BPM Object Presentations Migration

Each BPM 10gR3 Object Presentation is migrated to a BPM 12c Human Task.

The payload of the Human Task contains the attributes that appear in the BPM 10gR3 BPM Object Presentation. Attribute types that are not supported for migration, such as BPM Groups, are not included in the Human Task payload.

The BPM migration utility generates a Task Form Wizard context file for each Human Task. This file includes layout and reference information. Use the Task Form Wizard to create a form so that you can use the layout and reference information used to design the BPM Object Presentation.

The BPM migration utility also migrates the 10gR3 calls to BPM Object Presentations to uses of the migrated Human Tasks.

The result of migrating a BPM Object Presentation is:

  • a Human Task

    The Human Task is named by concatenating the following: BusinessObjectFullName + "_" + PresentationName + ".xml"

  • a FormWizardInfo file

    This file contains the information about the attributes used in the form, and the layout of the form.

    It is stored in the HumanTask directory using a name that results of concatenating the following: "TaskFormUiCtx_" + BusinessObjectName + "_" + PresentationName + ".xml"

  • a payload file

    The name and location of this file is defined by the Human Task API.

To use the Task Form Wizard with the FormWizardInfo files, open the Human Task editor and select the Auto-Generate Task Form option. This option is available if a FormWizardInfo file that matches the name of the Human Task exists.

5.3 Predefined Catalog Migration

BPM 12c does not support a predefined catalog. When possible, the migration utility migrates the usages of methods from predefined components to their equivalent in BPM 12c.

Table 5-5 lists all the component groups (Fuego blocks) in the predefined catalog and, where possible, describes how to obtain a similar behavior in BPM 12c.

Table 5-5 Predefined Catalog Migration

Component 12c Migration Details


Not available

Not Available


Available from BPM scripting

Usages in script tasks and business methods are migrated to similar Java method invocations that are available to use from Groovy. Only methods that receive and return simple types or business objects are migrated.

Migration is not available for methods that return Java types.

There is no migration for the component java.net.InetAddress. If the methods you are migrating contain calls to methods from this component, the migration fails with a compilation error. The suggested workaround is to comment the lines of code in the 10gR3 project that use this component and after you complete the migration, uncomment the code and manually migrate them.

Fuego – XML – XMLObject


XML definitions are migrated to XSD files.

Native usages (declaration, variables assignment, and so on) are migrated to BPM Scripts.

You can extend the scripting mapping framework and script custom libraries to add custom components that replace this functionality. Then you can migrate the usages of the fuego block components to the custom components you created.

Fuego – XML – DynamicXML

Not available

Use native XPATH support for transformations and conditions.

Fuego – Rules

Not available

For complex business rules, use Oracle Business Rules.

For simple business rules, you can extend the scripting mapping framework and script custom libraries to add custom components that replace this functionality. Then you can migrate the usages of the fuego block components to the custom components you created.

Fuego – Social

Not available

Use UMS adapter.

You can extend the scripting mapping framework and script custom libraries to add custom components that replace this functionality. Then you can migrate the usages of the fuego block components to the custom components you created.

Fuego – Test

Not available

Use the debugger in Oracle BPM Studio. For more information, see Debugging a BPM Project in Developing Business Processes with Oracle Business Process Management Studio.

Fuego – RQL

Not available

You can extend the scripting mapping framework and script custom libraries to add custom components that replace this functionality. Then you can migrate the usages of the fuego block components to the custom components you created.

Fuego – JMX

Not available

You can extend the scripting mapping framework and script custom libraries to add custom components that replace this functionality. Then you can migrate the usages of the fuego block components to the custom components you created.

Fuego – UI

Not available


Fuego – Web Services


Web services definition are migrated to WSDL files. Oracle BPM Suite and Oracle SOA Suite provide native support for the invocation of web services.

Fuego – PAPI

Manual migration


Fuego – FDI

Not available

Not available

Fuego – Util

Not available

You can extend the scripting mapping framework and script custom libraries to add custom components that replace this functionality. Then you can migrate the usages of the fuego block components to the custom components you created.

Fuego – Lib

Not available

Part of this information is supported through predefined variables in the BPM 12c. Also consider using BPM scripting and migration mapper framework to create custom extensions.

Fuego – Lang

Not available


Fuego – Net

Not available


Fuego – NetX

Not available


Fuego – Msg

Not available


Fuego – Auth

Not available


Fuego – Bis

Not available


Fuego – Chart

Not available

For charting and reporting functionality, use Oracle BAM.

Fuego – Corba

Not available

You can extend the scripting mapping framework and script custom libraries to add custom components that replace this functionality. Then you can migrate the usages of the fuego block components to the custom components you created.

Fuego – EJB

Not available


Fuego – IO

Not available


Fuego – SQL

Not available

Use database adapters. .

Fuego – COM

Not available

For reporting, use Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to generate Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word reports.

Fuego – Dynamic

Not available


5.4 Introspected Components Migration

BPM 12c does not support component introspection, but it does support integration with external components using either Oracle BPM Suite or Oracle SOA Suite features.

Table 5-6 shows how introspected components from BPM 10gR3 are migrated to BPM 12c.

Table 5-6 Introspected Components Migration

Technology 12c Migration

Business Object

Automatic migration.


Not available.


Not available.


Not available.

You can use the stack level database adapter in the BPM 12c.

SQL Query

Not available.


Not available in BPM 12c. You can add EJBs using Oracle SOA Suite.


Automatic migration.

XML Schema

The migration utility uses introspected schema metadata to create XSD files in the migrated project.

For more details, see Introspected XML Schemas Migration.


Not available.


Not available.


Not available.

You can use web services integration to reproduce this functionality.


You must migrate libraries manually. Invoke the methods and classes they contain from BPM scripts. For more information, see "Writing BPM Scripts" in Developing Business Processes with Oracle Business Process Management Studio.

Oracle Service Bus

The migration utility creates the WSDL definition files.


Not available.


Not available.

Web Services

WSDLs are migrated with the same limitations described for XML schemas, see Introspected XML Schemas Migration.

The ability to invoke web services from BPM scripts is not available in BPM 12c, so there is no migration for the Business Process Language code that invokes the web services. You can manually integrate web services using services tasks.

5.4.1 Introspected XML Schemas Migration

The BPM migration utility migrates XML schemas in the following way:

  • XML Schemas are copied to the SOA/Schemas directory in the BPM Project.

  • WSDL Definitions are copied to the SOA/WSDLs directory in the BPM Project.

Import Tags

Instrospected XML schemas or a WSDL definitions might contain import tags, resulting in additional files that correspond to the imported schemas.

The introspected metadata does not store the original file names. The BPM migration utility names these files using the name of the container module of the introspected component in 10gR3, followed by correlative numbers in case there is more than one file.

If this happens, the migration utility adds a message to the log, warning you to rename the files. When you rename the files, ensure you also rename the references to those files.

Namespace Support

The BPM 10gR3 supports schemas without a namespace definition, but the BPM 12c does not. If you must migrate schemas that do not contain a namespace definition do one of the following:

  • Add a namespace to the original schemas and re-introspect them before running the migration process.

  • Copy the files manually to the migrated project. Ensure that the import tags point to the right locations.

Also, modify any embedded schemas contained in the WSDL definitions.

Protected Namespaces

The following namespace is used internally in the 12c version, if your 10gr3 project uses this namespace make sure you change it before running the migration: http://xmlns.oracle.com/bpel/workflow/

File Name Validation

BPM 12c requires valid XML schemas and WSDLs definitions. If the BPM migration utility finds invalid names during migration, it logs a warning message and continues with the migration. The invalid names might come from invalid constructs that were ignored during 10gR3 introspection.

You must rename these files in BPM 12c to avoid compilation issues.

5.5 Project Dependency Migration

The BPM migration utility does not migrate the project dependency property.

If a project has a dependency with another project, the BPM migration utility migrates the business catalog components from the source project to the business catalog of the migrated 12c BPM project.

The migrated catalog contains the components from both the base project and the dependant project from the original BPM 10gR3 project.