3 Using BPM Migration Utilities to Migrate Projects

Get a high level overview of how to use the output from the BPM migration utility and the OU migration script to migrate Oracle BPM 10gR3 project to Oracle BPM 12c.

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Introduction to BPM Project Migration

The BPM migration utility helps you migrate an Oracle BPM 10gR3 project to an Oracle BPM 12c project.

The BPM migration utility creates an exported BPM project file and a migration report as well as mapper and project statistics .csv files. The migration report contains the details of the migration for each of the elements of the BPM project. If a problem occurs during migration, the BPM migration utility logs the details of the problem to the migration report.

Much of the migration is automatic, but some project elements require that you make modifications in the BPM 12c project created using the BPM migration utility in order to complete the migration. This guide contains detailed information explaining which project elements require manual migration work.

3.2 Running the Migration Utilities

BPM 12c includes two command line utilities - the BPM migration utility (to migrate projects) and the OU migration script (to migrate organizational unit information).

The BPM migration utility creates a BPM12c project export file that you can import into BPM 12c, and a migration report that you can use to troubleshoot problems and identify areas where additional manual steps are required to complete the migration.


When you migrate projects, all your existing 11g projects are placed in the target location that you define in the BPM migration utility command line. Your existing 11g projects get a new permission BPMPAMDEFAULTGROUP/None. As the permission is None, the projects continue to remain private.

However, when you create a new project in the target location, the project is shared with the migration group BPMPAMDEFAULTGROUP with Editorpermission. Change the project permission from BPMPAMDEFAULTGROUP/Editor to BPMPAMDEFAULTGROUP/None to keep your new projects private in the target location.

The OU migration script migrates Organizational Units, Calendar and Holiday Rules, Roles, and Business Parameters.

These utilities also create reports which show you elements that could not be migrated and the reason for the failure. Manual intervention is required to fix the problem or re-create elements manually in the target system.

See About the BPM Migration Utilities for complete details on what the utilities do, what the prerequisites are for the utilities, and how to run them.

3.3 Understanding the BPM Migration Utility Migration Report

The BPM migration utility creates a migration report in the target directory.

The migration report has the same name as the migrated project, with an .exp extension. It contains the following information:

  • Date

    The first line contains timestamp that indicates when the BPM migration utility was run.

  • Business Catalog Migration Messages

    The initial messages describe the migration of each of the artifacts in the business catalog.

  • Process Design Migration Messages

    Process design migration messages describe the migration of each of the artifacts in the process designs contained in the source BPM 10gR3 project.

Messages are tagged with the following categories:

  • INFO

    Describes that an artifact was successfully migrated.


    Describes a limitation found when migrating an artifact.


    Describes specific features from an artifact that were not migrated.


    Describes problems that prevented the migration of an artifact. It can also mean that the migration process was not completed.

See BPM Migration Utility Options for more details.

3.4 Understanding Migration Statistics

The BPM migration utility generates the report by default, without requiring any command line switches or parameters.

The BPM migration utility generates a report that includes information about the migration status of BPM artifacts. This report provides information about all the types included in the original 10gR3 business catalog so that you are aware of types with more usages. Use this information to plan your migration, taking into account the BPM migration utility limitations.

The report contains the following information about BPM processes and the business catalog:

  • Artifact Type

  • Artifact Type Name

  • Number of Occurrences in the 10gr3 Project

The migration utility saves this information in a .csv file. The file name is composed of the project name concatenated with the suffix _projectStats, and has the .csv extension.

The report contains the following columns:

  • Group

    Indicates the group of components. For example: CATALOG

  • Element:

    Indicates the specific component within a group. For example: SQL (part of the CATALOG group)

  • Quantity

    Indicates the usages in the project.

When viewing the report, consider the following:

  • Web service usage is counted by WSDL, not by port type

  • Enumerations are divided between XML, and NO-XML.

    XML: imported from an XML schema

    NO-XML: created manually

  • Presentations are counted individually

  • XML types are counted individually

    In the example below, an unknown number of schemas define a total of 4 types.

Example Report

Group Element Quantity

Catalog Components

Business Object Exception


Catalog Components

Web Service


Catalog Components

XML Enumeration


Catalog Components

CUnit Suite


Catalog Components

Business Object Presentation


Catalog Components

BPM Object


Catalog Components

PUnit Suite


Catalog Components



Catalog Components

XML Type


Catalog Components



Process Modeling

The following elements are included in the Process Modeling group:

  • All types of processes

    Includes: screenflows, processes, procedures, lanes

  • Activities

    Includes: both interactive and automatic activities implemented with methods, components and procedures

  • Transitions

    Includes: unconditional, due, due schedule, compensate, message based, dependency, any, business rule, exception and conditional transitions

  • Other

    Includes web resources, views, custom JSPs and presentations