Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The AbstractBundler..::..Bundle type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBundler
The bundler the operations are performed on.
Public propertyBundleSize
Bundle size. The return value should be expressed in the same units as the value returned by the SizeThreshold property.
Public propertyIsMaster
A flag that differentiates the "master" bundle which is responsible for all auto-adjustments. It's set to "true" for one and only one Bundle object.
Protected propertyLock
An object that serves as a mutex for thread synchronization.
Public propertySyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize calls to a method.
Public propertyTotalBundles
Statistics: the total number of times this Bundle has been used for bundled request processing.
Public propertyTotalBurstDuration
Statistics: a total time duration this Bundle has spent in bundled request processing (burst).
Public propertyTotalSize
Statistics: the total size of individual requests processed by this Bundle expressed in the same units as values returned by the BundleSize method.
Public propertyTotalWaitDuration
Statistics: a total time duration this Bundle has spent waiting for bundle to be ready for processing.

See Also