Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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Contains classes and interface that provide various caching functionality.


Public classAbstractBundler
An abstract base for processors that implement bundling strategy.
Protected classAbstractBundler..::..Bundle
Bundle represents a unit of optimized execution.
Public classAbstractBundler..::..Statistics
Statistics class contains the latest bundler statistics.
Public classAbstractCacheLoader
An abstract base class for ICacheLoader.
Public classAbstractCacheStore
An abstract base class for the ICacheStore.
Public classAbstractEntryBundler
An abstract entry-based bundler serves as a base for NamedCache.Insert() operation bundling.
Protected classAbstractEntryBundler..::..Bundle
Bundle represents a unit of optimized execution.
Public classAbstractEvictionPolicy
An abstract base class for custom cache eviction policies.
Public classAbstractKeyBundler
An abstract key-based bundler serves as a base for NamedCache get() and remove() operation bundling.
Protected classAbstractKeyBundler..::..Bundle
Bundle represents a unit of optimized execution.
Public classCacheEventArgs
An event which indicates that the content of a cache has changed.
Public classCacheExpiration
Cache expiration constants.
Public classCompositeCache
ICache implementation that wraps two caches - a front cache (assumed to be "inexpensive" and probably "incomplete") and a back cache (assumed to be "complete" and "correct", but more "expensive") - using a read-through/write-through approach.
Protected classCompositeCache..::..DeactivationListener
DeactivationListener for the back NamedCache.
Protected classCompositeCache..::..FrontCacheListener
ICacheListener for front cache responsible for deregistering back cache listeners upon front cache eviction.
Protected classCompositeCache..::..PrimingListener
ICacheListener for back cache responsible for keeping the front cache coherent with the back cache.
Protected classCompositeCache..::..SimpleListener
ICacheListener for back cache responsible for keeping the front cache coherent with the back cache.
Public classConditionalIndex
ConditionalIndex is an ICacheIndex implementation that uses an associated filter to evaluate whether or not an entry should be indexed. An entry's extracted value is only added to the index if the filter evaluates to true.
Public classContinuousQueryCache
Create a materialized view of an INamedCache using the Coherence Continuous Query capability.
Protected classContinuousQueryCache..::..DeactivationListener
DeactivationListener for the underlying NamedCache.
Public classContinuousQueryCache..::..EventDispatcher
Daemon used to dispatch asynchronous CacheEventArgss.
Protected classContinuousQueryCache..::..EventRouter
An EventRouter routes events from the internal cache of the ContinuousQueryCache to the client listeners, and it can do so asynchronously when appropriate.
Public classFilterEventArgs
An extension of the CacheEventArgs which may carry no values (old or new), but instead holds on an array of IFilter objects being the "cause" of the event.
Public classInvocableCacheEx
Contains extension methods for IInvocableCache for the new Java 8 InvocableMap methods.
Public classLocalCache
A local in-memory cache implementation.
Protected classLocalCache..::..CacheLock
A lock object.
Protected classLocalCache..::..DefaultKeyMask
KeyMask implementation that ignores nothing.
Public classLocalCache..::..Entry
A holder for a cached value.
Protected classLocalCache..::..InternalListener
An internal ICacheListener that listens to this cache and reports changes to the ICacheStore.
Protected classLocalCache..::..KeyMask
A class that masks certain changes so that they are not reported back to the ICacheStore.
Protected classLocalCache..::..LoadAllKeyMask
KeyMask implementation used in LoadAll().
Protected classLocalCache..::..LoadKeyMask
KeyMask implementation used in Load().
Public classLockScope
Constants that define the scope of a cache lock.
Public classNearCache
A "near cache" is a CompositeCache whose front cache is a size-limited and/or auto-expiring local cache, and whose back cache is a distributed cache.
Public classSimpleCacheIndex
SimpleCacheIndex is an ICacheIndex implementation used to correlate property values extracted from resource cache entries with corresponding keys using what is commonly known as an Inverted Index algorithm..
Public classSimpleCacheStatistics
Implementation of the ICacheStatistics interface intended for use by a cache to maintain its statistics.
Public classWrapperNamedCache
Wrapper for a given NamedCache.


Public structureCacheEntry
Basic ICacheEntry implementation.


Public interfaceICache
An ICache is a dictionary that supports caching.
Public interfaceICacheEntry
A cache entry (key-value pair).
Public interfaceICacheEnumerator
Enumerates cache elements.
Public interfaceICacheEventTransformer
ICacheEventTransformer interface is used to allow an event consumer to change the content of a CacheEventArgs destined for the corresponding ICacheListener.
Public interfaceICacheIndex
ICacheIndex is used to correlate values stored in an indexed ICache (or attributes of those values) to the corresponding keys in the indexed ICache.
Public interfaceICacheListener
The listener interface for receiving CacheEventArgs.
Public interfaceICacheLoader
A cache loader.
Public interfaceICacheStatistics
An interface for exposing ICache statistics.
Public interfaceICacheStore
A cache store.
Public interfaceICacheTrigger
ICacheTrigger represents a functional agent that allows to validate, reject or modify mutating operations against an underlying cache.
Public interfaceICacheTriggerEntry
A ICacheTrigger entry represents a pending change to an entry that is about to committed to the underlying cache.
Public interfaceIConcurrentCache
ICache with additional concurrency features.
Public interfaceIConfigurableCache
An extension to the ICache interface that supports runtime configuration and monitoring of various caching properties.
Public interfaceIConfigurableCacheEntry
A cache Entry carries information additional to the base Map Entry in order to support eviction and expiry.
Public interfaceIEntryAggregator
An IEntryAggregator represents processing that can be directed to occur against some subset of the entries in an IInvocableCache, resulting in a aggregated result.
Public interfaceIEntryProcessor
An invocable agent that operates against the entry objects within a cache.
Public interfaceIEvictionPolicy
An eviction policy is an object that the cache provides with access information, and when requested, the eviction policy selects and evicts entries from the cache.
Public interfaceIInvocableCache
An IInvocableCache is an ICache against which both entry-targeted processing and aggregating operations can be invoked.
Public interfaceIInvocableCacheEntry
An IInvocableCacheEntry contains additional information and exposes additional operations that the basic ICacheEntry does not.
Public interfaceIIterableCacheLoader
An ICacheLoader extension that exposes an IEnumerator for the collection of keys in the underlying ICache.
Public interfaceIKeyAssociation
A KeyAssociation represents a key object that has a natural association with another key object.
Public interfaceIObservableCache
The IObservableCache interface represents an object with a model being an ICache that allows for pluggable notifications for occuring changes.
Public interfaceIParallelAwareAggregator
An IParallelAwareAggregator is an advanced extension to IEntryAggregator that is explicitly capable of being run in parallel, for example in a distributed environment.
Public interfaceIPartialResultAggregator
PartialResultAggregator allows for the intermediate {@link #AggregatePartialResults aggregation} of the partial results of a {@link ParallelAwareAggregator parallel aggregation}.
Public interfaceIQueryCache
ICache with additional query features.
Public interfaceIQueryCacheEntry
An IQueryCacheEntry exposes additional index-related functionality that the basic ICacheEntry does not.
Public interfaceIUnitCalculator
A unit calculator is an object that can calculate the cost of caching an object.


Public enumerationCacheEventArgs..::..TransformationState
TransformationState describes how a CacheEvent has been or should be transformed.
Public enumerationCacheEventType
Cache event type enumeration.
Public enumerationCompositeCacheStrategyType
Type of CompositeCache invalidation strategy.
Public enumerationContinuousQueryCache..::..CacheState
The ContinuousQueryCache state values.
Protected enumerationLocalCache..::..EnumeratorMode
Enumerator mode.
Public enumerationLocalCache..::..EvictionPolicyType
The type of eviction policy employed by the cache.
Public enumerationLocalCache..::..UnitCalculatorType
The type of unit calculator used by the cache.