Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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Contains miscellaneous utility classes and interfaces.


Public classAtomicCounter
Abstract base class for AtomicCounters.
Public classBinary
A thread-safe immutable binary object.
Public classBinaryMemoryStream
A MemoryStream implementation whose primary purpose is to be used to create Binary objects.
Public classCacheTriggerListener
CacheTriggerListener is a special purpose ICacheListener implementation that is used to register a ICacheTrigger on a corresponding IObservableCache.
Public classCollectionUtils
This class provides the functionality not found in the .NET Collections classes.
Public classCompositeKey
Key class that consists of a primary and secondary component. Two instances of CompositeKey are considered to be equal iff both the primary and secondary components of the two instances are considered equal. Additionally, the hash code of a CompositeKey takes into the consideration the hash codes of its two components. Finally, the CompositeKey class implements KeyAssociation by returning the primary component.
Public classConfigurationUtils
Helper class used for .NET configuration files access.
Public classConverterCollections
A collection of ICollection implementation classes that use the IConverter interface to convert the items stored in underlying collection objects.
Public classConverterCollections..::..AbstractConverterCacheEntry
An abstract ICacheEntry that lazily converts the key and value.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterCache
A Converter Cache views an underlying ICache through a set of key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterCacheEntries
A Converter Entry Collection views an underlying entry ICollection through a set of key and value IConverters.
Protected classConverterCollections..::..ConverterCacheEntries..::..ConverterEntry
A ICacheEntry that lazily converts the key and value.
Protected classConverterCollections..::..ConverterCacheEntries..::..ConverterEnumerator
An IEnumerator that converts the key and value types.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterCacheEntry
An ICacheEntry that lazily converts the key and value.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterCacheEnumerator
A Converter CacheEnumerator views an underlying ICacheEnumerator through key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterCacheEventArgs
A Converter CacheEventArgs views an underlying CacheEventArgs through a set of key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterCacheListener
A converter CacheListener that converts events of the underlying ICacheListener for the underlying cache.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterCollection
A Converter Collection views an underlying ICollection through an IConverter.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterConcurrentCache
A Converter ConcurrentCache views an underlying IConcurrentCache through a set of key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterDictionary
A Converter Dictionary views an underlying IDictionary through a set of key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterDictionaryEnumerator
A Converter DictionaryEnumerator views an underlying IDictionaryEnumerator through key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterInvocableCache
A Converter InvocableCache views an underlying IInvocableCache through a set of key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterNamedCache
A Converter NamedCache views an underlying INamedCache through a set of key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterObservableCache
A Converter ObservableCache views an underlying IObservableCache through a set of key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterCollections..::..ConverterQueryCache
A Converter QueryCache views an underlying IQueryCache through a set of key and value IConverters.
Public classConverterEnumerator
An implementation of IEnumerator which converts each of the items which it enumerates.
Public classDateTimeUtils
Miscellaneuos utility methods for DateTime manipulation.
Public classFilterEnumerator
Provide a generic implementation of an enumerator which can enumerate items based on an inclusion test.
Public classHashHelper
This static class contains helper functions for calculating hash code values for any group of c# intrinsics.
Public classImmutableArrayList
Implementation of the IList interface in a read-only fashion based on an array.
Public classImmutableMultiList
Implementation of the IList interface in a read-only fashion based on a collection of arrays.
Public classInterlockedCounter
Implementation of AtomicCounter based on .NET System.Threading.Interlocked class.
Public classLicenseException
Signals that an operation has failed due to a licensing error, such as a missing license or license limit being exceeded.
Public classListeners
Provide a simple, efficient, and thread-safe implementation of a list of event listeners.
Public classLiteDictionary
An implementation of IDictionary that is optimal (in terms of both size and speed) for very small sets of data but still works excellently with large sets of data.
Public classLongSortedList
A data structure resembling an array keyed by .NET long values.
Public classMacroParameterResolver
An XmlHelper.IParameterResolver that parses and evaluates configuration macros in the format of
{user-defined-name [default-value]}
Public classNetworkUtils
Miscellaneuos utility methods for network related objects.
Public classNullFilter
Filter which discards null references.
Public classNullImplementation
A collection of classes that do nothing.
Public classNullImplementation..::..NullCache
A ICache that contains nothing and does nothing.
Public classNullImplementation..::..NullCollection
An immutable collection which contains nothing.
Public classNullImplementation..::..NullConverter
An IConverter that does nothing.
Public classNullImplementation..::..NullDictionary
A dictionary that contains nothing and does nothing.
Public classNullImplementation..::..NullEnumerator
An empty enumerator.
Public classNullImplementation..::..NullObservableCache
An immutable IObservableCache which contains nothing.
Public classNullImplementation..::..NullPofContext
An implementation of IPofContext that does nothing.
Public classNullImplementation..::..NullValueExtractor
An IValueExtractor that always results in the passed-in value.
Public classNumberUtils
Miscellaneuos utility methods for numbers manipulation.
Public classObjectUtils
Miscellaneuos utility methods for object manipulation.
Public classOptional
.NET port of java.util.Optional, a container object which may or may not contain a non-null value. If a value is present, IsPresent() will return true and Get() will return the value.
Public classPagedEnumerator
PagedEnumerator is an IEnumerator implementation based on a concept of a page Advancer - a pluggable component that knows how to supply a next page of objects to iterate through.
Public classSafeClock
SafeClock maintains a "safe" time in milliseconds.
Public classSerializationHelper
Miscellaneous serialization utilities.
Protected classSerializationHelper..::..Stats
Serialization statistics for a given user type.
Public classServiceEventArgs
An event which indicates that a IService state has changed:
  • a service is starting
  • a service has started
  • a service is stopping
  • a service has stopped
Public classShieldedStream
Proxy stream that prevents the underlying stream from being closed.
Public classSimpleEnumerator
Provide a generic implementation of an array enumerator.
Public classSimpleQueryRecord
Simple QueryRecord implementation.
Public classSimpleQueryRecord..::..PartialResult
Simple IPartialResult implementation.
Public classSimpleQueryRecord..::..PartialResult..::..IndexLookupRecord
Simple IQueryRecord.IPartialResult.IIndexLookupRecord implementation.
Public classSimpleQueryRecord..::..PartialResult..::..Step
Simple IQueryRecord.IPartialResult.IStep implementation.
Public classSimpleQueryRecordReporter
Simple query record reporter used to obtain a string representation of IQueryRecord object.
Public classStringUtils
Miscellaneuos utility methods for string manipulation.
Public classThreadGate Obsolete.
Use this class in cases that large numbers of threads can operate concurrently with an additional requirement that all threads be blocked for certain operations.
Public classThreadGateSlim
ThreadGateSlim exposes a ReaderWriterLockSlim through the Gate interface.
Public classTypeResolver
Resolves a System.Type by name.
Public classUriUtils
Miscellaneuos utility methods for Uri manipulation.
Public classUUID
A UUID is a 256-bit identifier that, if it is generated, is statistically guaranteed to be unique.


Public structurePort32
Utility struct to compute baseport and subport from the 32 bit port number.


Public interfaceGate
Use a Gate in cases that large numbers of threads can operate concurrently with an additional requirement that all threads be blocked for certain operations.
Public interfaceIControllable
IControllable interface represents an object quite oftenly referred to as a service that usually operates on its own thread and has a controllable life cycle.
Public interfaceIConverter
Provide for "pluggable" object conversions.
Public interfaceIEventListener
Marker interface that all event listener interfaces should extend.
Public interfaceIFilter
Provide for "pluggable" conditional behavior.
Public interfaceIIndexLookupRecord
An IIndexLookupRecord holds the recorded information about an index lookup performed during filter evaluation as part of a query record. An IIndexLookupRecord is created each time that RecordExtractor(ValueExtractor) is called on a query record step.
Public interfaceILongArray
An interface, similar in its methods to IList, and similar in its purpose to an array, designed for sparse storage and indexed by long values.
Public interfaceILongArrayEnumerator
An IEnumerator for ILongArray.
Public interfaceIPartialResult
An IQueryRecord.PartialResult is a partial query record that contains recorded costs for a query operation. Partial results are collected in a query record by a QueryRecorder.
Public interfaceIQueryRecord
The IQueryRecord object carries a record of the estimated or actual execution cost for a query operation.
Public interfaceIService
A IService is a IControllable that emits service lifecycle events.
Public interfaceIStep
A IQueryRecord.Step carries the recorded cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation. This cost may be the estimated or actual execution cost depending on the RecordType of the recorder in use when the step was created.
Public interfaceISynchronousListener
A tag interface indicating that a listener implementation has to receive the event notifications synchronously on the corresponding service's thread.
Public interfaceIValueExtractor
IValueExtractor is used to both extract values (for example, for sorting or filtering) from an object, and to provide an identity for that extraction.
Public interfaceIValueManipulator
IValueManipulator represents a composition of IValueExtractor and IValueUpdater implementations.
Public interfaceIValueUpdater
IValueUpdater is used to update an object's state.
Public interfaceIVersionable
An interface for versionable data.
Public interfacePagedEnumerator..::..IAdvancer
Advancer is a pluggable component that knows how to load a new page (collection) of objects to be used by the enclosing PagedEnumerator.


Public delegateServiceEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle service event.


Protected enumerationLiteDictionary..::..LiteDictionaryType
LiteDictionary type enum values.
Public enumerationServiceEventType
Service event type enumeration.
Public enumerationThreadGateState
ThreadGate state enum.
Public enumerationWellKnownSubPorts
Well known subport.