Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The ConfigurablePofContext..::..PofConfig type exposes the following members.


Public fieldm_isInterfaceAllowed
true iff an interface name is acceptable in the configuration as the class of a user type.
Public fieldm_isReferenceEnabled
true iff POF Identity/Reference type support is enabled.
Public fieldm_isSubclassAllowed
true iff serialization of sub-classes is explicitly enabled.
Public fieldm_mapTypeIdByType
Once initialized, this references a non thread-safe map that contains mappings from .NET types to POF type identifiers.
Public fieldm_mapTypeIdByTypeName
Once initialized, this references a non thread-safe map that contains mappings from .NET type names to POF type identifiers.
Public fieldm_serByTypeId
An array of IPofSerializer objects, indexed by type identifier.
Public fieldm_typeByTypeId
An array of user Types, indexed by type identifier.
Public fieldm_xml
The XML configuration, if supplied by constructor.

See Also