Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (
Filter remaining keys using an IDictionary of available indexes.

Namespace: Tangosol.Util.Filter
Assembly: Coherence (in Coherence.dll) Version: (


IFilter ApplyIndex(
	IDictionary indexes,
	ICollection keys


Type: System.Collections..::..IDictionary
The available ICacheIndex objects keyed by the related IValueExtractor; read-only.
Type: System.Collections..::..ICollection
The mutable set of keys that remain to be filtered.

Return Value

An IFilter object that can be used to process the remaining keys, or null if no additional filter processing is necessary.


The filter is responsible for removing all keys from the passed set of keys that the applicable indexes can prove should be filtered. If the filter does not fully evaluate the remaining keys using just the index information, it must return a filter (which may be an IEntryFilter) that can complete the task using an iterating implementation. If, on the other hand, the filter does fully evaluate the remaining keys using just the index information, then it should return null to indicate that no further filtering is necessary.

See Also