Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The AbstractBundler..::..Statistics type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAverageBundleSize
An average bundle size for this Bundler.
Public propertyAverageBurstDuration
An average time for bundled request processing (burst).
Public propertyAverageThreadWaitDuration
An average thread waiting time caused by under-filled bundle. The wait time includes the time spend in the bundled request processing.
Public propertyAverageThroughput
An average bundled request throughput in size units per millisecond (total bundle size over total processing time)
Public propertyBundleCountSnapshot
Snapshot for a total number of processed bundled.
Public propertyBundleSizeSnapshot
Snapshot for a total size of processed bundled.
Public propertyBurstDurationSnapshot
Snapshot for a burst duration.
Public propertyThreadWaitSnapshot
Snapshot for a combined thread waiting time.

See Also