Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (

The ILongArray type exposes the following members.


Public methodAdd
Add the passed element value to the ILongArray and return the index at which the element value was stored.
Public methodClear
Remove all elements from the ILongArray.
Public methodContains
Determine if the ILongArray contains the specified element.
Public methodEquals
Test for ILongArray equality.
Public methodExists
Determine if the specified index is in use.
Public methodGetEnumerator()()()()
Obtain an IEnumerator of the contents of the ILongArray.
Public methodGetEnumerator(Int64)
Obtain an IEnumerator of the contents of the ILongArray, starting at a particular index such that the first call to MoveNext will set the location of the enumerator at the first existent index that is greater than or equal to the specified index, or will throw an IndexOutOfRangeException if there is no such existent index.
Public methodRemove
Remove the specified index from the ILongArray, returning its associated value.
Public methodToString
Provide a string representation of the ILongArray.

See Also