Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (

The ConverterCollections..::..ConverterCacheEventArgs type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCache
Gets the IObservableCache object on which this event has actually occured.
(Inherited from CacheEventArgs.)
Public propertyCacheEvent
The underlying CacheEventArgs.
Public propertyConverterKeyUp
The IConverter used to view the underlying CacheEventArgs' key through.
Public propertyConverterValueUp
The IConverter used to view the underlying CacheEventArgs' value through.
Public propertyEventType
Gets this event's type.
(Inherited from CacheEventArgs.)
Public propertyIsExpired
Return true if this event is an expired event.
(Inherited from CacheEventArgs.)
Public propertyIsPriming
Return true if this event is a priming event.
(Inherited from CacheEventArgs.)
Public propertyIsSynthetic
Return true if this event is caused by the cache internal processing such as eviction or loading.
(Inherited from CacheEventArgs.)
Public propertyKey
Gets a key associated with this event.
(Overrides CacheEventArgs..::..Key.)
Public propertyNewValue
A new value associated with this event.
(Overrides CacheEventArgs..::..NewValue.)
Public propertyOldValue
An old value associated with this event.
(Overrides CacheEventArgs..::..OldValue.)
Public propertyTransformState
Return TransformationState for this event.
(Inherited from CacheEventArgs.)

See Also