Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (

The DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory type exposes the following members.


Public methodConfigureBackingCache
Configures a backing cache according to the scheme.
Protected methodConfigureCache
Ensures a cache for given scheme.
Protected methodStatic memberConvertInt(IXmlValue)
Convert the value in the specified IXmlValue to an int. If the conversion fails, a warning will be logged.
Protected methodStatic memberConvertInt(IXmlValue, Int32)
Convert the value in the specified IXmlValue to an int. If the conversion fails, a warning will be logged.
Public methodDestroyCache
Release and destroy the specified cache.
Public methodEnsureCache(String)
Ensure a cache for the given name using the corresponding XML configuration.
Protected methodEnsureCache(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory..::..CacheInfo, IXmlElement)
Obtain the INamedCache reference for the cache service defined by the specified scheme.
Public methodEnsureService(String)
Ensure a service for the given name using the corresponding XML configuration.
Public methodEnsureService(IXmlElement)
Ensure the service for the specified scheme.
Protected methodEnsureService(String, ServiceType)
Ensure the service for the specified service name and type.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFindScheme(String)
In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a given cache name.
Protected methodStatic memberFindScheme(IXmlElement, String)
In the specified configuration XML, find a "scheme" element associated with the specified scheme name.
Public methodFindSchemeMapping
In the configuration XML find a "cache-mapping" element associated with a given cache name.
Protected methodFindServiceScheme
In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a given service name.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodinitializeBundler
Initialize the specified bundler using the "bundle-config" element.
Public methodInstantiateAny
Create an object using "class-scheme" element.
Public methodInstantiateBundlingNamedCache
Create a BundlingNamedCache using the "operation-bundling" element.
Protected methodInstantiateCache
Create a backing cache using the "class-scheme" element.
Protected methodInstantiateCacheListener
Create an ICacheListener using the "class-scheme" element.
Protected methodInstantiateCacheStore
Create an ICacheLoader or ICacheStore using the "class-scheme" element.
Protected methodInstantiateLocalNamedCache(Int32, Int32)
Construct a LocalNamedCache using the specified parameters.
Protected methodInstantiateLocalNamedCache(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory..::..CacheInfo, IXmlElement)
Create a backing cache using the "local-scheme" element.
Protected methodInstantiateNearCache
Construct an NearCache using the specified parameters.
Protected methodInstantiateSubtype
Construct an instance of the specified type using the specified parameters.
Protected methodStatic memberLoadDefaultCacheConfig
Load and return the default XML cache configuration.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodReleaseCache(INamedCache)
Release local resources associated with the specified cache instance.
Protected methodReleaseCache(INamedCache, Boolean)
Release a cache managed by this factory, optionally destroying it.
Protected methodStatic memberReportConversionError
Log a failed type conversion.
Public methodResolveScheme(DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory..::..CacheInfo)
In the configuration XML find a "scheme" element associated with a given cache and resolve it (recursively) using the "scheme-ref" elements.
Protected methodResolveScheme(IXmlElement, DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory..::..CacheInfo, Boolean, Boolean)
Resolve the specified "XYZ-scheme" by retrieving the base element refered to by the "scheme-ref" element, resolving it recursively, and combining it with the specified overrides and cache specific attributes.
Protected methodStatic memberResolveScheme(IXmlElement, IXmlElement, DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory..::..CacheInfo, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Resolve the specified "XYZ-scheme" by retrieving the base element refered to by the "scheme-ref" element, resolving it recursively, and combining it with the specified overrides and cache specific attributes.
Protected methodResolveSerializer
Resolve and inject service serializer elements based on defaults defined in the cache configuration.
Public methodShutdown
Release all resources allocated by this cache factory.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTranslateSchemeType
Translate the scheme name into the scheme type.
Protected methodValidateConfig
Check if configuration is valid:
  • service definition must not be duplicated
Protected methodVerifyCacheListener
Check whether or not an ICacheListener has to be instantiated and added to an ICache according to a scheme definition.

See Also