Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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Contains classes and interfaces used to establish a connection to a remote Coherence cluster and to access clustered services, such as caches and invocation services.


Public classAbstractInvocable
An abstract base for IInvocable and IPriorityTask implementations.
Public classAbstractPriorityTask
An abstract base for IPriorityTask implementations.
Public classCacheFactory
Factory for the Oracle Coherence™ for .NET product.
Public classCompressionFilter Obsolete.
Provides a compression wrapper for an Stream.
Public classCompressionFilter..::..GZipInputStream
Provides a wrapper around GZipStream that supports getting a current position within the stream.
Public classCompressionFilter..::..GZipOutputStream
Provides a wrapper around GZipStream.
Public classConfigurableAddressProvider
ConfigurableAddressProvider is an implementation of the IAddressProvider interface based on a static list of addresses configured in an XML element that contains one or more items in the following format:
Protected classConfigurableAddressProvider..::..AddressHolder
A stateful holder for obtaining an IPEndPoint object.
Public classConfigurableAddressProviderFactory
A IAddressProviderFactory implementation that creates instances of a AddressProvider class configured using an XmlElement of the following structure:
Public classDefaultConfigurableCacheFactory
The DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory provides a facility to access caches declared in a "cache-config.xsd" compliant configuration file.
Public classDefaultConfigurableCacheFactory..::..CacheInfo
A CacheInfo is a placeholder for cache attributes retrieved during parsing the corresponding cache mapping element.
Protected classDefaultConfigurableCacheFactory..::..ClassSchemeParameterResolver
An XmlHelper..::..IParameterResolver implementation used by DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory when resolving class scheme configuration.
Public classDefaultOperationalContext
The DefaultOperationalContext provides an IOperationalContext with information optained from XML in coherence.xsd format and default values.
Public classLocalMember
Simple IMember implementation used as "local" member for RemoteService instances started by IConfigurableCacheFactory.
Public classMemberEventArgs
An event which indicates that membership has changed.
Public classRequestIncompleteException
Signals that a request execution in a distributed environment failed to complete successfully.
Public classRequestTimeoutException
Signals that a request execution in a clustered environment did not complete in a pre-determined amount of time.
Public classSingleAddressProvider
SingleAddressProvider is is an implementation of the IAddressProvider interface that wraps a single address dynamically added to this provider.
Public classSslStreamProvider
Provide a secured network stream (SslStream) for a given connected TcpClient.
Public classStreamProviderFactory
Provides a mechanism for creating StreamProviders.
Public classSystemStreamProvider
Will retrun the default (unsecure) network stream.
Public classViewBuilder
The ViewBuilder provides a means to #build() a view (ContinuousQueryCache) using a fluent pattern / style.


Public interfaceIAddressProvider
The IAddressProvider is an interface that serves as a means to provide addresses to a consumer.
Public interfaceIAddressProviderFactory
A factory for IAddressProvider objects.
Public interfaceICacheService
An ICacheService is a service providing a collection of named caches that hold resources.
Public interfaceIConfigurableCacheFactory
An interface for XML-driven cache factory.
Public interfaceIInvocable
An IInvocable object is a portable object that can be invoked on the remote cluster member to which the client is connected and can optionally register a return value for the invocation.
Public interfaceIInvocationService
The IInvocationService is an IService for delivering executable objects to a remote cluster member for invocation.
Public interfaceIMember
The IMember interface represents a process connected to or running within a cluster.
Public interfaceINamedCache
An INamedCache is an ICache that adds lifecycle management, event support, concurrency control, the ability to query cache content, and entry-targeted processing and aggregating operations.
Public interfaceINameService
This INameService interface represents a service that accepts connections from external clients(e.g. Coherence*Extend) and provides a name lookup service.
Public interfaceIOperationalContext
IOperationalConetxt is an interface for providing Oracle Coherence operational configuration.
Public interfaceIPriorityTask
The IPriorityTask interface allows to control the ordering in which a service schedules tasks for execution using a thread pool and limit their execution times to a specified duration.
Public interfaceIService
This IService interface represents a controllable service that operates in a clustered network environment.
Public interfaceIServiceInfo
The IServiceInfo represents information about an IService.
Public interfaceIStreamProvider
IStreamProvider provides an abstraction for configuring an getting NetworkStreams for the TcpInitiator.
INetworkStreamFactories are provided by the StreamProviderFactory.


Public delegateMemberEventHandler
Represents the method that will handle member event.


Public enumerationCacheFactory..::..LogLevel
The logging level a message must meet or exceed in order to be logged.
Public enumerationDefaultConfigurableCacheFactory..::..SchemeType
Scheme type enumeration.
Public enumerationMemberEventType
Member event type enumeration.
Public enumerationPriorityTaskScheduling
IPriorityTask scheduling priority constants.
Public enumerationPriorityTaskTimeout
IPriorityTask timeout constants.
Public enumerationServiceType
Service type constants.