Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (
The maximum amount of time a calling thread is willing to wait for a result of the request execution.

Namespace: Tangosol.Net
Assembly: Coherence (in Coherence.dll) Version: (


public long RequestTimeoutMillis { get; }

Field Value

The request timeout value in milliseconds or one of the special PriorityTaskTimeout values.




The request time is measured on the client side as the time elapsed from the moment a request is sent for execution to the corresponding server node(s) and includes:
  • the time it takes to deliver the request to the executing node(s);
  • the interval between the time the task is received and placed into a service queue until the execution starts;
  • the task execution time;
  • the time it takes to deliver a result back to the client.

The value of Default indicates a default timeout value configured for the corresponding service; the value of None indicates that the client thread is willing to wait indefinitely until the task execution completes or is canceled by the service due to a task execution timeout specified by the ExecutionTimeoutMillis value.

If the specified amount of time elapsed and the client has not received any response from the server, a RequestTimeoutException will be thrown to the caller.

This implementation returns Default

See Also