Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The NetworkUtils type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberClose
Closes the given TcpClient object.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllAddresses(String)
Returns all available IP addresses for the specified host name.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllAddresses(String, Int64)
Returns all available IP addresses for the specified host name.
Public methodStatic memberGetAllLocalAddresses
Returns the list of all local addresses ofor all network interfaces on the local computer.
Public methodStatic memberGetHostAddress(String)
Returns first available IP address for the specified host name.
Public methodStatic memberGetHostAddress(String, Int64)
Returns first available IP address for the specified host name.
Public methodStatic memberGetLocalHostAddress()()()()
Returns the local host IP address.
Public methodStatic memberGetLocalHostAddress(Int64)
Returns the local host IP address.
Public methodStatic memberIsAnyLocalAddress
Determines if IPAddress is "Any" address.
Public methodStatic memberIsLinkLocalAddress
Determines if IPAddress is link local address.
Public methodStatic memberIsLoopbackAddress
Determines if IPAddress is loopback address.
Public methodStatic memberIsSiteLocalAddress
Determines if IPAddress is site local address.
Public methodStatic memberSetKeepAlive
Configure the KeepAlive option of the given Socket object.
Public methodStatic memberSetLingerTime
Configure the linger time of the given Socket.
Public methodStatic memberSetReceiveBufferSize
Configure the ReceiveBuffer option of the given Socket object.
Public methodStatic memberSetReuseAddress
Configure the ReuseAddress option of the given Socket object.
Public methodStatic memberSetSendBufferSize
Configure the SendBuffer option of the given Socket object.
Public methodStatic memberSetTcpNoDelay
Configure the NoDelay option of the given Socket object.
Public methodStatic memberToString(IPEndPoint)
Utility method that prints out an IPEndPoint in a user- friendly manner.
Public methodStatic memberToString(IPEndPoint, Int32)
Utility method that prints out an IPEndPoint with optional subport in a user-friendly manner.
Public methodStatic memberWriteSubport
Write out the 8 byte multiplexed protocol header which consists of two 4-byte words: first is the protocol ID 0x05AC1E000, second is the subport number.


Public fieldStatic memberNO_TIMEOUT
-1 is infinite for timeout.


Public propertyStatic memberPreferredAddressFamily
Gets or sets the preferred AddressFamily.

See Also