Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The PofStreamWriter type exposes the following members.


Protected methodStatic memberAssertEqual
Assert that a class is equal to another class.
Protected methodBeginProperty
Report that a POF property is about to be written to the POF stream.
Public methodCreateNestedPofWriter(Int32)
Obtain a PofWriter that can be used to write a set of properties into a single property of the current user type. The returned PofWriter is only valid from the time that it is returned until the next call is made to this PofWriter.
Public methodCreateNestedPofWriter(Int32, Int32)
Obtain a PofWriter that can be used to write a set of properties into a single property of the current user type. The returned PofWriter is only valid from the time that it is returned until the next call is made to this PofWriter.
Public methodEnableReference
Ensure that reference support (necessary for cyclic dependencies) is enabled.
Protected methodEndProperty
Signifies the termination of the current POF property.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsReferenceEnabled
Determine if reference support is enabled.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnException
Called when an unexpected exception is caught while writing to the POF stream.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWriteArray(Int32, Array)
Write an Object[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteArray(Int32, Array, Type)
Write an uniform Object[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteBinary
Write a Binary property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteBoolean
Write a Boolean property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteBooleanArray
Write a Boolean[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteByte
Write a Byte property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteByteArray
Write a Byte[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteChar
Write a Char property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteCharArray
Write a Char[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteCollection(Int32, ICollection)
Write an ICollection property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteCollection(Int32, ICollection, Type)
Write a uniform ICollection property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteCollection<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Int32, ICollection<(Of <<'(T>)>>))
Write a generic ICollection<T> property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteDate
Write a DateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
Public methodWriteDateTime
Write a DateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
Public methodWriteDayTimeInterval
Write a TimeSpan property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteDecimal
Write a Decimal property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteDictionary(Int32, IDictionary)
Write an IDictionary property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteDictionary(Int32, IDictionary, Type)
Write a uniform IDictionary property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteDictionary(Int32, IDictionary, Type, Type)
Write a uniform IDictionary property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteDictionary<(Of <<'(TKey, TValue>)>>)(Int32, IDictionary<(Of <<'(TKey, TValue>)>>))
Write a generic IDictionary<TKey, TValue> property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteDouble
Write a Double property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteDoubleArray
Write a Double[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteInt16
Write an Int16 property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteInt16Array
Write an Int16[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteInt32
Write an Int32 property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteInt32Array
Write an Int32[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteInt64
Write an Int64 property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteInt64Array
Write an Int64[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteLocalDateTime
Write a DateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
Public methodWriteLocalTime
Write a DateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
Public methodWriteLongArray(Int32, ILongArray)
Write an ILongArray property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteLongArray(Int32, ILongArray, Type)
Write a uniform ILongArray property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteObject
Write an Object property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteRawDateTime
Write a RawDateTime property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteRawInt128
Write an RawInt128 property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteRawTime
Write a RawTime property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteRawYearMonthInterval
Write a RawYearMonthInterval property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteRemainder
Write the remaining properties to the POF stream, terminating the writing of the currrent user type.
Public methodWriteSingle
Write a Single property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteSingleArray
Write a Single[] property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteString
Write a String property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteTime
Write a DateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
Public methodWriteTimeInterval
Write a TimeSpan property to the POF stream.
Public methodWriteUniversalDateTime
Write a DateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
Public methodWriteUniversalTime
Write a DateTime property to the POF stream in ISO8601 format.
Protected methodWriteUserType
Write an instance of a user type to the POF stream at the specified index.

See Also