Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (
Invoke the passed IEntryProcessor against the set of entries that are selected by the given IFilter, returning the result of the invocation for each.

Namespace: Tangosol.Net.Cache
Assembly: Coherence (in Coherence.dll) Version: (


IDictionary InvokeAll(
	IFilter filter,
	IEntryProcessor agent


Type: Tangosol.Util..::..IFilter
An IFilter that results in the collection of keys to be processed.
Type: Tangosol.Net.Cache..::..IEntryProcessor
The IEntryProcessor to use to process the specified keys.

Return Value

A dictionary containing the results of invoking the IEntryProcessor against the keys that are selected by the given IFilter.


Unless specified otherwise, IInvocableCache implementations will perform this operation in two steps: (1) use the filter to retrieve a matching entry collection; (2) apply the agent to every filtered entry. This algorithm assumes that the agent's processing does not affect the result of the specified filter evaluation, since the filtering and processing could be performed in parallel on different threads.

If this assumption does not hold, the processor logic has to be idempotent, or at least re-evaluate the filter. This could be easily accomplished by wrapping the processor with the ConditionalProcessor.

See Also