Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (

The LocalCache type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCacheHits
Gets the rough number of cache hits since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyCacheLoader
Gets or sets the loader used by this LocalCache.
Public propertyCacheMisses
Gets the rough number of cache misses since the cache statistics were last reset.
Public propertyCacheStatistics
Gets the ICacheStatistics for this cache.
Protected propertyCacheStore
Determine the store used by this LocalCache, if any.
Public propertyCalculatorType
Gets or sets the current unit calculator type for the cache.
Public propertyCount
Gets the number of elements contained in the ICache.
(Overrides SynchronizedDictionary..::..Count.)
Protected propertyCurrentKeyMask
Gets or sets the current key mask for the current thread.
Public propertyDelegate
Return the delegate IDictionary.
(Inherited from SynchronizedDictionary.)
Public propertyEntries
Get a collection of ICacheEntry instances within the cache.
Public propertyEvictionPolicy
Determine the current external eviction policy, if any.
Public propertyEvictionType
Gets or sets the current eviction type.
Public propertyExpiryDelay
Gets or sets the "time to live" for each individual cache entry.
Public propertyFlushDelay
Gets or sets the delay between cache flushes.
Public propertyFlushTime
Gets or sets the date/time offset in milliseconds at which the next cache flush is scheduled.
Public propertyHighUnits
Gets or sets the limit of the cache size in units.
Public propertyHitProbability
Gets the rough probability (0 <= p <= 1) that any particular "get" invocation will be satisfied by an existing entry in the cache, based on the statistics collected since the last reset of the cache statistics.
Protected propertyIndexMap
The index IDictionary used by this LocalCache.
Public propertyIsFixedSize
Get a value indicating whether this dictionary has a fixed size.
(Inherited from SynchronizedDictionary.)
Public propertyIsReadLockHeld
Determines whether or not the current thread holds a read lock.
(Inherited from SynchronizedDictionary.)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Get a value indicating whether this dictionary is read-only.
(Inherited from SynchronizedDictionary.)
Public propertyIsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to this dictionary is thread-safe.
(Inherited from SynchronizedDictionary.)
Public propertyIsWriteLockHeld
Determines whether or not the current thread holds the write lock.
(Inherited from SynchronizedDictionary.)
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets the element with the specified key.
(Overrides SynchronizedDictionary..::..Item[([( Object])]) .)
Public propertyKeys
Get the keys collection.
(Overrides SynchronizedDictionary..::..Keys.)
Public propertyLowUnits
Gets or sets the point to which the cache will shrink when it prunes.
Public propertyPruneLevel
The percentage of the total number of units that will remain after the cache manager prunes the cache.
Protected propertyStorage
Get underlying cache storage.
Public propertySyncRoot
Get an object that can be used to synchronize access to this dictionary.
(Inherited from SynchronizedDictionary.)
Public propertyUnitCalculator
Gets or sets the current external unit calculator, if any.
Public propertyUnits
Gets the number of units that the cache currently stores.
Public propertyValues
Get the values collection.
(Overrides SynchronizedDictionary..::..Values.)

See Also