Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The AbstractKeyBundler..::..Bundle type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBundler
The bundler the operations are performed on.
(Inherited from AbstractBundler..::..Bundle.)
Public propertyBundleSize
Bundle size. The return value should be expressed in the same units as the value returned by the SizeThreshold property.
(Inherited from AbstractBundler..::..Bundle.)
Public propertyIsMaster
A flag that differentiates the "master" bundle which is responsible for all auto-adjustments. It's set to "true" for one and only one Bundle object.
(Inherited from AbstractBundler..::..Bundle.)
Protected propertyLock
An object that serves as a mutex for thread synchronization.
(Inherited from AbstractBundler..::..Bundle.)
Public propertySyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize calls to a method.
(Inherited from AbstractBundler..::..Bundle.)
Public propertyTotalBundles
Statistics: the total number of times this Bundle has been used for bundled request processing.
(Inherited from AbstractBundler..::..Bundle.)
Public propertyTotalBurstDuration
Statistics: a total time duration this Bundle has spent in bundled request processing (burst).
(Inherited from AbstractBundler..::..Bundle.)
Public propertyTotalSize
Statistics: the total size of individual requests processed by this Bundle expressed in the same units as values returned by the BundleSize method.
(Inherited from AbstractBundler..::..Bundle.)
Public propertyTotalWaitDuration
Statistics: a total time duration this Bundle has spent waiting for bundle to be ready for processing.
(Inherited from AbstractBundler..::..Bundle.)

See Also