Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (

The PofStreamWriter..::..UserTypeWriter type exposes the following members.


Protected fieldm_complex
The Complex value that corresponds to the user type that is being written.
Protected fieldm_ctx
The IPofContext used by this PofStreamWriter to serialize user types.
(Inherited from PofStreamWriter.)
Protected fieldm_evolvable
A flag to indicate if the object to be written is either evolvable or part of an evolvable object.
(Inherited from PofStreamWriter.)
Protected fieldm_handler
The WritingPofHandler used to write a POF stream.
(Inherited from PofStreamWriter.)
Protected fieldm_id
The identity of the object to encode, or -1 if the identity shouldn't be encoded in the POF stream
Protected fieldm_isUserTypeBegin
true if the type and version identifier of the user type was written to the POF stream.
Protected fieldm_isUserTypeEnd
true if the user type was written to the POF stream.
Protected fieldm_prevProp
The index of the last property written to the POF stream or -1 if the first property has yet to be written.
Protected fieldm_prop
The index of the user type being written.
Protected fieldm_refs
If references are used, then this is the ReferenceLibrary
(Inherited from PofStreamWriter.)
Protected fieldm_typeId
The type identifier of the user type that is being written.
Protected fieldm_versionId
The version identifier of the user type that is being written.
Protected fieldm_writer
The Stream object that the PofStreamWriter writes to.
(Inherited from PofStreamWriter.)
Protected fieldm_writerNested
The currently open nested writer, if any.

See Also