Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The BinaryMemoryStream type exposes the following members.


Public propertyCanRead
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
(Inherited from MemoryStream.)
Public propertyCanSeek
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
(Inherited from MemoryStream.)
Public propertyCanTimeout
Gets a value that determines whether the current stream can time out.
(Inherited from Stream.)
Public propertyCanWrite
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
(Overrides MemoryStream..::..CanWrite.)
Public propertyCapacity
Gets or sets the number of bytes allocated for this stream.
(Inherited from MemoryStream.)
Public propertyLength
Gets the length of the stream in bytes.
(Inherited from MemoryStream.)
Public propertyPosition
Gets or sets the current position within the stream.
(Inherited from MemoryStream.)
Public propertyReadTimeout
Gets or sets a value, in miliseconds, that determines how long the stream will attempt to read before timing out.
(Inherited from Stream.)
Public propertyWriteTimeout
Gets or sets a value, in miliseconds, that determines how long the stream will attempt to write before timing out.
(Inherited from Stream.)

See Also