Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
12c (
This method is called before the result of a mutating operation represented by the specified entry object is committed into the underlying cache.

Namespace: Tangosol.Util.Filter
Assembly: Coherence (in Coherence.dll) Version: (


public virtual void Process(
	ICacheTriggerEntry entry


Type: Tangosol.Net.Cache..::..ICacheTriggerEntry
An ICacheTriggerEntry object that represents the pending change to be committed to the cache, as well as the original state of the entry.




An implementation of this method can evaluate the change by analyzing the original and the new value, and can perform any of the following:
  • override the requested change by setting Value to a different value;
  • undo the pending change by resetting the entry value to the original value obtained from OriginalValue
  • remove the entry from the underlying cache by calling Remove(Boolean)
  • reject the pending change by throwing an Exception, which will prevent any changes from being committed, and will result in the exception being thrown from the operation that attempted to modify the cache; or
  • do nothing, thus allowing the pending change to be committed to the underlying cache.

See Also