Oracle® Fusion Middleware .NET API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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The SimpleQueryRecord..::..PartialResult..::..Step type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDuration
The amount of time (in ms) spent evaluating the filter or applying an index for this query plan step.
Public propertyEfficiency
The calculated cost of applying the filter as defined by IIndexAwareFilter.CalculateEffectiveness(IDictionary, ICollection).
Public propertyFilterDescription
A description of the filter that was associated with this step during its creation.
Public propertyIndexLookupRecords
The recorded information about the index lookups performed during filter evaluation as part of an IQueryRecord.
Public propertyPostFilterKeySetSize
The size of the key set remaining after evaluating the filter or applying an index. This value can be used together with PreFilterKeySetSize to calculate an actual effectiveness (reduction of the key set) for this filter step.
Public propertyPreFilterKeySetSize
The size of the key set prior to evaluating the filter or applying an index. This value can be used together with PostFilterKeySetSize to calculate an actual effectiveness (reduction of the key set) for this filter step.
Public propertySteps
The inner nested steps, may be null if not nested.

See Also