5 Configuring the Domain for Collocated/Java EE Agent on Oracle Cloud Marketplace

This chapter helps you to create and configure a Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) domain for the Collocated/Java EE agent on Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

Configuring Collocated/Java EE agent on Oracle Cloud Marketplace includes the following high level steps:

  • Navigate to the location (ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin) and execute the script config.sh to launch the WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard.
  • Select the ODI Collocated / JEE agent template and deploy.
  • After succesful deployment, start the Collocated / JEE Agent, Weblogic Server and Managed Server.



The following steps are applicable only for Oracle Cloud Marketplace instances using Autonomous Database (ADW or ATP) for the ODI Repository. Collocated/J2EE Agents are not supported using the Embedded MySQL Repository.

Ensure to configure the following prerequisites before configuring Collocated/Java EE agent on Oracle Cloud Marketplace:

  1. STB and other required schema as created by Repository Creation Utility (RCU).


    Repository Creation Utility (RCU) schemas are created by default in Oracle Cloud Marketplace and the default STB schema name is in the format <schema_prefix>_STB. Check with support team to know the exact schema name. You can also find the schema name (for example - ADW11_STB) in odi-setup.properties file along with the following properties:
    • sMasterDBDriver
    • sMasterDBUsername
    • odiSupervisorUser
    • sMasterDBUrl
  2. Physical agent in ODI studio with agent name as OracleDIAgent pointing to host name and port where you plan to configure OracleDIAgent.


    This is a Java EE Agent and when you create it in ODI studio it works only after completing all the configurations in the configuration wizard and starting admin and manager servers.

Configuring the Domain for Collocated/Java EE Agent

Following steps help you to configure the domain for the Collocated/Java EE agent on Oracle Cloud Marketplace:

  1. Navigate to /u01/oracle/mwh/oracle_common/common/bin and execute the file config.sh using the command /u01/oracle/mwh/oracle_common/common/bin>./config.sh.

    Oracle WebLogic Server Configuration wizard appears.

  2. From the Create Domain screen, select Create a new domain option and click Browse to select the desired domain location. The selected location appears in the Domain Location text box. Click Next.
  3. From the Templates screen, select Create Domain Using Product Templates option. Available Templates appear. Select Oracle Data Integrator - Console, Agent and J2EE Plugin. All the dependent templates are selected automatically. Click Next.
  4. From the Application Location screen, click Browse to select the desired location for the application. The selected location appears in Application Location text box. Click Next.
  5. From the Administrator Account screen, provide the admin server login credentials in the following fields:
    • Name
    • Password
    • Confirm Password and click Next.
  6. From the Domain Mode and JDK screen, for JDK, select Oracle HotSpot 1.8.0_191/u01/oracle/jdk1.8.0_191 option and click Next.
  7. From the Database Configuration Type screen, for Specify AutoConfiguration Options Using parameter, select RCU Data option and fill-in the required details for the following fields:
    • Connection URL
    • Schema Owner
    • Schema Password
    Click Connection Properties. The Connection Properties screen displays the following details:
    oracle.net.authentication_service TCPS
    oracle.net.ssl_server_dn_match false
    <Path to wallet location for ODI repository>)
    javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType SSO


    Make sure to provide the path for truststore and keystore parameters same as the path of your wallet file.
    Click Save & Close. Click RCU Configuration and Click Next.
  8. Provide the essential details in Component Datasources screen.


    Make sure to change the connection string, connection properties for each component schema, as they are not carried forward from the previous screens.

    Figure 5-1 Sample for Component Datasources

    Description of Figure 5-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-1 Sample for Component Datasources"

    This image is a sample with changes for component LocalSvcTblSchema and you have to make changes for the following:

    • WLS Schema
    • ODI Master Schema
    • ODI Work Schema
    • OPSS Audit Schema
    • OPSS Audit Viewer Schema
    • OPSS Schema

    Figure 5-2 Sample for OPSS Audit Schema

    Description of Figure 5-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-2 Sample for OPSS Audit Schema"
  9. After providing all the above details, JDBC Test screen appears. Review all the details and click Next.

    Figure 5-3 Sample JDB Test Configuration

    Description of Figure 5-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-3 Sample JDB Test Configuration"
  10. From the Credentials screen, enter the Supervisor password for your ODI instance and click Next.
  11. From the Advanced Configuration screen, select the check boxes for the following servers/services:
    • Administration Server
    • Node Manager
    • System Components
    • Topology
    • Deployments and Services and click Next.
  12. The Administration Server screen displays the port number in which the admin server listens. It is auto-populated by default. Click Next.
  13. From the Node Manager screen, provide the node manager login credentials in Username, Password and Confirm Password fields and click Next. Node manager login credentials can be same as Admin server login credentials, which means you can use the same username and password for logging into both Node manager and Admin server.
  14. From the Managed Servers screen, provide the server name and port details in Server Name and Listen Port columns respectively.
  15. From the Clusters screen, click Add, to create a new cluster. Click Next.
  16. The Server Templates screen displays all the available server templates. Click Add, to add new server templates, if required, else, click Next. Assign the required server template to the newly created Cluster.
  17. The Coherence Cluster screen displays the available cluster name and port number. Click Next.
  18. In the Machines screen, click Add, to add a machine and provide the name, port and address of the Node Manager. After adding a machine, add Admin server and ODI_server to the created machine. Click Next.
  19. The Virtual Targets screen displays the details of configured virtual targets, if any. It includes details such as name, target, host names, URI prefix, explicit port and port offset. Click Next.
  20. The Partitions screen displays the details of all the available partitions. Click Next.
  21. The Deployments screen displays a list of all the Deployments and Deployment Targets. Click Next.
  22. The Service Targets screen displays a list of all the Services and Deployment Targets. Click Next.
  23. The Configuration Summary screen displays a summary of all the performed configurations. Click Create. Configuration Process screen appears displaying the status of the process and configurations.
  24. Upon completion, End of Configuration screen appears, displaying the Configuration Succeeded message along with the configured Domain Location and Admin Server URL details. Click Finish.

Other Configurations

  1. Locate jps-config.xml file and configure the following properties in your jps-config.xml file. By default, you can find this file in the following location - ~/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig and this location is based on the created base domain.
    <property name="javax.net.ssl.trustStore" value="/u01/oracle/mwh/wallet_ADWSAT1/cwallet.sso"/>
                <property name="oracle.net.authentication_service" value="TCPS"/>
                <property name="oracle.net.ssl_server_dn_match" value="false"/>
                <property name="javax.net.ssl.keyStoreType" value="SSO"/>
                <property name="javax.net.ssl.trustStoreType" value="SSO"/>
                <property name="javax.net.ssl.keyStore" value="/u01/oracle/mwh/wallet_ADWSAT1/cwallet.sso"/>

    Figure 5-4 JPS Configuration File

    Description of Figure 5-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-4 JPS Configuration File"
  2. In the command prompt, navigate to Node manager properties file /u01/oracle/mwh/user_projects/domains/base_domain/nodemanager/nodemanger.properties and edit the property SecureListener= false and make sure the listener port is matching with the configured port. Save the file and navigate to the domain creation path and start the node manager using the following command :
  3. In the command prompt, navigate to the domain creation path (configured in the above steps) and perform the following:
    • Start the Admin server using the following command:
      /u01/oracle/mwh/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin> ./startWebLogic.sh
    • Start the Managed server using the following command:
      /u01/oracle/mwh/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin> ./startManagedWebLogic.sh ODI_server1 http://localhost:7001

      The command /startManagedWebLogic.sh helps you to start the managed server which is required to start the ODI Console and Oracle DIAgent.

Provide your login credentials and click Sign In, to access the newly configured domain for the Collocated/Java EE agent domain for the Collocated/Java EE agent on Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

After logging in, you can check the health of the servers. From the OCI Console you can start and stop the servers and agents. You can also check if, the console is working by logging into the console http://localhost:managedserverport/odiconsole.